
創造論ネタ>Appearance of Age

宇宙は古く見えるように創造されていると言うSouthern Baptist Theological Seminary理事長

ケンタッキー州Louisvilleにあるキリスト教学校Southern Baptist Theological Seminaryの理事長R. Albert Mohler, Jr. (1959〜)が、Ligonier Ministries 2010 National Conferenceで、宇宙も地球も6000歳なのに、それよりずっと古く見える理由を次のように語った。
I want to suggest to you that the most natural understanding from the scripture of how to answer that question comes to this: The universe looks old because the creator made it whole. When he made Adam, Adam was not a fetus; Adam was a man; he had the appearance of a man. By our understanding that would’ve required time for Adam to get old but not by the sovereign creative power of God. He put Adam in the garden. The garden was not merely seeds; it was a fertile, fecund, mature garden. The Genesis account clearly claims that God creates and makes things whole.

Secondly―and very quickly―if I’m asked why does the universe look so old, I have to say it looks old because it bears testimony to the affects of sin. And testimony of the judgment of God. It bears the effects of the catastrophe of the flood and catastrophes innumerable thereafter. I would suggest to you that the world looks old because as Paul says in Romans chapter 8 it is groaning. And in its groaning it does look old. It gives us empirical evidence of the reality of sin.



[ Albert Mohler: Why Does the Universe Look So Old? (A Transcript from the Ligonier Ministries 2010 National Conference Live Webcast via Panda's Thumb ]
ひとつめの回答は、創造科学の父たるDr. Henry M. Morrisなどの"若い地球の創造論者"が採用していた立場。これは、「神による宇宙の偽造」であるが故に、あまり好まれることはなく、現在の"若い地球の創造論者"たちは、「創造の一週間は宇宙と地球での時間の流れが違った」とか、R. Albert Mohler, Jrの言う二つめの回答を採用する。R. Albert Mohler, Jrは「神による宇宙の偽造」を嫌わない人らしい。

I would suggest to you that in our effort to be most faithful to the scriptures and most accountable to the grand narrative of the gospel an understanding of creation in terms of 24-hour calendar days and a young earth entails far fewer complications, far fewer theological problems and actually is the most straightforward and uncomplicated reading of the text as we come to understand God telling us how the universe came to be and what it means and why it matters.


[ Albert Mohler: Why Does the Universe Look So Old? (A Transcript from the Ligonier Ministries 2010 National Conference Live Webcast via Panda's Thumb ]






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