

机上の将軍・机上の戦士・机上の専門家 (armchair general/warrior/expert)

armchair general (机上の将軍) 名詞, 軽蔑的

軍事経験がなく、自分を熟練した軍事戦略家とみなす人。(また) 戦争に積極的に関与していない、または快適または安全な立場から軍隊を指揮する軍司令官。

由来: 20世紀初頭。最も古い使用例は Railway News にあった。

[ "armchair general" on Oxford Dictionary ]
armchair warrior (机上の戦士)とは、居間でくつろぎながら口論することを暗示する軽蔑的な言葉である。軍事経験がほとんどないか全くない人が、戦争、戦闘、闘争を支持する発言をするなどの活動を指す。

[ wikipedia:"armchair warrior" ]
armchair admiral (机上の提督)とは、海上での戦闘(または平時の救助)などの作戦には、船乗りに詳しくない人が十分に考慮していないいくつかの制約や複雑さ(溺れる危険など)が伴うという含意が加わる。

[ wikipedia:"armchair admiral" ]

これらは広くは、机上の空論家 (armchair theorists)に含まれる。ただ、これは意味が広いので、軍事関連以外では、机上の専門家 (armchair experts)が使われるようになっている。
Armchair experts are just behaving normally (机上の専門家は普通に振る舞っている)

Let’s return to those high-profile broadcasters, social media celebrities and armchair experts who have been wilfully spreading an avalanche of misinformation. They are really no different from everyone else.

If it is natural to believe things based on little evidence, and to believe things because they fit with our social group and partisan preferences, it should not surprise us that some hold beliefs quite at variance with ours. Or that they apparently do so despite, as it appears to us, overwhelming contradictory evidence – from their perspective we are doing the same thing. We should not be surprised if a TV reporter or Twitter celebrity is just as likely as anyone else to believe things based on flimsy evidence.

As individuals, we may have fallen on the side of accepted scientific wisdom (where the bulk of the evidence and experts sit) during the pandemic, but there will probably be other situations where we too have beliefs that are based on our own misjudgements, ideologies or personal gain.

The American writer and political activist Upton Sinclair famously wrote: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”.

Even a scientist, when hired directly by a pharmaceutical company to evaluate the efficacy of a new blockbuster drug, might be disposed to find evidence of the drug’s effectiveness. Conversely, there are probably reasons why a small – but prominent – number of scientists have taken a distinctly outlier stance regarding the pandemic, or other issues, such as climate change.

We need go no further than this to understand why there will be armchair experts proposing all possible positions, and when they gain attention and celebrity for doing so, they will stick with those positions. To give up their position will be to lose all the attention, all the celebrity, and all their credibility. Imagine what would happen to Donald Trump if he were to come down on the side of poor refugees. Imagine what would happen to the radio hosts who have built up a larger following based on their unwavering libertarian views if they suddenly declared they had changed their minds about masks.

Once committed to a set of beliefs, the armchair expert is in it for the long run.






armchair experts(机上の専門家たち)があらゆる可能な立場を提案し、そうすることで注目と名声を得た後も、その立場に固執する理由を理解するには、これ以上のことはない。彼らの立場を放棄することは、すべての注目、すべての名声、そしてすべての信頼性を失うことになるからだ。ドナルド・トランプが貧しい難民の側に立ったらどうなるか想像してみよう。揺るぎない自由主義的見解に基づいて多くの支持者を獲得してきたラジオ司会者が、突然マスクについて考えが変わったと宣言したらどうなるか想像してみよう。


[ Jo Adetunji: "A pandemic of armchair experts: how we decide who and what to believe" (2021/11/19) on The Conversation ]






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