
Argument from ignorance (無知からの論)

The argument from ignorance (or argumentum ad ignorantiam and negative proof) is a logical fallacy that claims the truth of a premise is based on the fact that it has not (yet) been proven false or that a premise is false because it has not (yet) been proven true. This is often phrased as "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

This can be seen as somewhat related to cherry-picking: Someone will point out something in particular about anything topical which is not easy to immediately explain. A viewer with no experience nor expertise on the subject matter might be unable to come up with an explanation or to identify the artifact/phenomenon. The individual then abuses this to claim that the unexplained artifact or phenomenon is evidence of a particular theory. The lack of a counterargument for the theory does not mean the theory is necessarily correct — that is the fallacy the individual is guilty of.

If the only evidence for something's existence is a lack of evidence for it not existing, then the default position is one of mild skepticism and not credulity. The reason for this is that one is making an extraordinary claim by asserting its existence, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This type of negative proof is common because it is used as an attempt to shift the burden of proof onto the skeptic rather than the proponent of the idea. The burden of proof is on the individual proposing existence, not the one questioning existence.

無知からの論 (argument from ignorance, argumentum ad ignorantiam, negative proof)とは、「前提の真実性が、それが (まだ) 偽であることが証明されていないという事実に基づいている」、あるいは「前提が (まだ) 真であることが証明されていないために偽であると主張する」論理詭弁である。これは、「証拠がないことは、不在の証拠ではない」という形で表現される。



[ rationalwiki: "Argument from ignorance" ]
なので、「"absence of evidence fallacy" (証拠がないことによる証明詭弁)」と呼ばれる。カール・セーガンによれば...
Some claims are hard to test—for example, if an expedition fails to find the ghost or the brontosaurus, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. of evidence is not evidence of absence. Others are easier—for example, flatworm cannibalistic learning or the announcement that colonies of bacteria subjected to an antibiotic on an agar dish thrive when their prosperity is prayed for (compared to control bacteria unredeemed by prayer). A few—for example, perpetual motion ma-chines—can be excluded on grounds of fundamental physics. Except for them, it's not that we know before examining the evidence that the notions are false; stranger things are routinely incorporated into the corpus of science.

The question, as always, is how good is the evidence? The burden of proof surely rests on the shoulders of those who advance such claims. Revealingly, some proponents hold that skepticism is a liability, that true science is inquiry without skepticism. They are perhaps halfway there. But halfway doesn't do it.



[ Sagan, Carl. "Chapter 12: The Fine Art of Baloney Detection". The Demon-Haunted World, 1996, p.231 ]






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