
関連ネタ>福音主義キリスト教, 部族忠誠


Lapshynov (2023)によれば:
  • 現在の共和党の「アメリカ性」は、宗教的および人種的に排他的である。
  • 候補者の中には、南アジア出身のヒンドゥー教徒やシク教徒もいるが、その多様性は表面的なものである。
  • キリスト教ポピュリスト政治家は、キリスト教をアイデンティティとして利用し、民族・文化・国家の「価値」をプロモートする。

Unsurprisingly, this weaponisation of Christian culture is the trademark of the Christian populist politician. The Christian populist politician considers Christianity as an identity, not a faith, and uses its imagery to promote ethno–cultural–national ‘values’. He strips Christianity of its personal, spiritual content and articulates it in territorial and political terms. And he behaves in a way that is contrary to Christian teaching, because demonstrating any of the virtues historically associated with good Christian leadership would in fact be inimical to the populist project.


All this however is not to say that populism appeals only to evangelical Christians. Other Christians, such as conservative Catholics, are also joining this group. And so are non–churchgoers – i.e., mostly non–practicing or nominal Christians – whose numbers are growing in the GOP.


Polls suggest that there is a difference between the attitudes of Christian churchgoing and non–churchgoing Republican voters. The latter in particular seem to have played a leading role in pulling the party towards Donald Trump over the past six years, appear more interested in anti–system positions, care less about ideology, resist libertarian economic ideas, and are more eager to participate in the culture wars.


And while they seem to be attracted to the instrumentalised Christian symbolism proposed by the GOP, non–churchgoers care less about the ‘God talk’ itself. In a sense, their role in the unmooring of the Republican Party and its further drift towards populist extremes may be enabled by the very absence of substantial lived faith among the major candidates.


[ George Lapshynov: "Unmasking Christian Populism: How GOP candidates are in a desperate race to win over Christian Evangelicals" (2023/08/23) on THEOS ]

このような「キリスト教の手段化」に対して、すぐに対処していけるわけではないが、Spencer (2021)は、そのような「悪しき宗教」への対応は、内容(神学)のあるキリスト教という「善き宗教」だという。
Democracies are made up of people, and people are naturally ‘theological’ – they are, in Christian Smith’s memorable formulation, ‘moral, believing animals’. They ask profound questions about their identity, their purpose, their destiny. They are ethically conscious; they want to live good lives. They belong, they are communal, group–based, tribal.

These are the raw ingredients for some serious theological reflection, which can be done well or badly. When populist politics hijacks Christianity, ejecting theology and replacing content in the process, Christians cannot remain silent. Secularists may seize on this trend and use it to further their cause of removing religion from the public square.

But that would, in reality, be simply to exacerbate the problem. A different approach is needed. It is sometimes said that the best antidote to this bad religion is not no religion, but good religion. So it is with populism: the best defence against superficial, content–lite, Christian identity politics, is theologically informed, content–heavy, Christian belief politics.




[ Nick Spencer: "The rise of Christian populism" (2021/01/07) on THEOS ]

そして、ポピュリズムにとって、宗教は手段として、有効だと、Ihsan Yilmaz and Nicholas Morieson (2021)は指摘している:
  • 宗教を手段化するポピュリズム
    • 宗教的ポピュリスト: 組織化された宗教との密接な関連性を持ち、その宗教に影響を受けた政治プラットフォームを持つ。
    • アイデンティティ主義的ポピュリスト: 宗教的アイデンティティを強調し、信仰や実践ではなく、世俗主義、国家、文明、宗教的アイデンティティを神聖なマトリックスに混ぜ合わせる。
  • 宗教は、多くのポピュリスト運動や政党内で、ポピュリズムへの公衆の支持を引き出す手段
    • 所属感、愛、情熱、恐怖、怒り、憎しみといった感情を引き出し、動員
    • '人民'を特定の宗教に基づく文明の一部として定義し、仮想敵をその文明の敵として構築
  • 敵は
    • 移民: 文化、国家、文明の基盤を形成する宗教的伝統とアイデンティティを脅かすものとして
    • エリート: 他の文明からの移民を社会に入れ、ホスト文明を変えるか、さらには破壊するものとして
    • 世俗主義とリベラリズム: は宗教が作り出すような文化的な絆と境界を持たない社会を作り出すものとして






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