





最近のNY Timesの陰謀論を信じる心理学についての記事が、バックファイアー効果にふれている。
Our access to high-quality information has not, unfortunately, ushered in an age in which disagreements of this sort can easily be solved with a quick Google search. In fact, the Internet has made things worse. Confirmation bias − the tendency to pay more attention to evidence that supports what you already believe − is a well-documented and common human failing. People have been writing about it for centuries. In recent years, though, researchers have found that confirmation bias is not easy to overcome. You can’t just drown it in facts.


In 2006, the political scientists Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler identified a phenomenon called the “backfire effect.” They showed that efforts to debunk inaccurate political information can leave people more convinced that false information is true than they would have been otherwise. Nyhan isn’t sure why this happens, but it appears to be more prevalent when the bad information helps bolster a favored worldview or ideology.

2006年に、政治科学者Brendan NyhanとJason Reiflerは、バックファイア効果と呼ぶ現象を特定した。彼らは、誤った政治情報をデバンクする努力が、逆に誤った政治情報が正しいという確信を強めうることを示した。Nyhanはこれが起きる理由について明確にできてはいない。しかし、悪い情報が、好みの世界観やイデオロギーを強化することが、ありがちななことは、明らかである。

[ MAGGIE KOERTH-BAKER: "Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories" (2013/05/21) on NY Times]
Brendan NyhanとJason Reiflerは次のような実験をしている。
Subjects read an article on the tax cut debate attributed to either the New York Times or FoxNews.com (see appendix for text). In all conditions, it included a passage in which President Bush said “The tax relief stimulated economic vitality and growth and it has helped increase revenues to the Treasury.” As in Study 1, this quote – which states that the tax cuts increased revenue over what would have otherwise been received – is taken from an actual Bush speech. Subjects in the correction condition received an additional paragraph clarifying that both nominal tax revenues and revenues as a proportion of GDP declined sharply after Bush’s first tax cuts were enacted in 2001 (he passed additional tax cuts in 2003) and still had not rebounded to 2000 levels by either metric in 2004. The dependent variable is agreement with the claim that “President Bush's tax cuts have increased government revenue” on a Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5).

被験者は、減税論争について、New York TimesあるいはFoxNewsの記事だと告げられた記事を読んだ。いずれも、ブッシュ大統領が「減税は経済活動と成長を刺激し、税収を増加させる」と述べたことが書かれている。実験1と同じく、減税が税収増をもたらすという主張は、実際のブッシュ大統領の演説からの引用である。そして、被験者たちは、これを訂正する記述を受け取った。すなわち、ブッシュの初回減税(彼は2003年にも減税している)が2001年に発効したあと、税収額及び税収のGDP比はいずれも急減し、2004年に至るも2000年水準に回復していない。従属変数は、「ブッシュ大統領の減税は税収を増加させる」についての、強く不同意(1)から強く同意(5)のLikertスケールである。

Again, the raw data are compelling. The percentage of conservatives agreeing with the statement that President Bush's tax cuts have increased government revenue went from 36% to 67% (n=60). By contrast, for non-conservatives, agreement went from 31% to 28% (n=136).


[ Brendan Nyhan and Brendan Nyhan: "When Corrections Fail: The persistence of political misperceptions , Political Behavior, June 2010, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp 303-330 ]
とても鮮やかなバックファイア効果である。Brendan NyhanとJason Reiflerはリベラルな主張についても実験をしていて、その場合はリベラルにバックファイア効果が見られる。


ワクチン接種を推進しようとする公衆衛生機関の想定宣伝が無効果、場合によってバックファイアー効果を持つ事を示す研究がUniversity of Exeterの政治科学者Dr Jason Reiflerたちによって行われた。
Dr Jason Reifler, a political scientist at the University of Exeter−in collaboration with colleagues from Dartmouth College, Georgia State University, and the University of Michigan−tested four types of messages designed to promote MMR vaccination with a nationally representative sample of parents in the US. Their study is forthcoming in the April 2014 issue of the journal Pediatrics. It will be published online March 3.

In the trial, parents were randomly assigned to one of five conditions. These conditions represent four potential strategies available to public health agencies to promote vaccination, as well as a control group for comparison. They were given one of the following:

University of Exeterの政治科学者Dr Jason Reiflerは、Dartmouth CollegeとGeorgia State UniversityとUniversity of Michiganの共同研究者たちとともに、MMRワクチンを推進するようにデザインされた4種類のメッセージを、米国全土から抽出した親たちに対してテストした。研究結果は、2014年3月3日に発行されるPediatrics誌の2014年4月号に掲載される。


- Information adapted from (but not attributed to) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explaining the lack of evidence that the MMR vaccine causes autism
- Written information about the dangers of the diseases
- Images of children who have diseases prevented by the MMR vaccine
- A dramatic narrative about an infant who almost died of measles from a CDC fact sheet
- A control condition in which respondents read material unrelated to health

- 米国CDCと明記されていないが、米国CDCによる、MMRワクチンと自閉症の関連には証拠がないという説明
- 病気の危険性について書かれた情報
- MMRワクチンによって病気を予防された子供たちの画像イメージ
- CDCファクトシートに掲載された、麻疹で死にかけた幼児のドラマティックな記述
- 健康と無関係な文書を読んだ対照群

Parents' beliefs and attitudes about vaccines were surveyed before and after receiving the material. The trial showed that none of the messages increased parents’ intent to vaccinate, and some of them backfired.

Dr Jason Reifler, a political scientist at the University of Exeter, explained the response to the trial. He said: “Providing parents with information debunking the supposed link between the MMR vaccine and autism did reduce the misperception that vaccines cause autism. While this result seems encouraging, there is also significant cause for alarm. The debunking information led some parents--those who are most sceptical about vaccines−to report that they were less likely to vaccinate a future child compared to equally sceptical parents in the control condition”.

Dr Reifler added: “Our results show some of the challenges faced in promoting public health. The intervention that was effective in correcting the misperception also reduced intent to vaccinate among some parents. Some interventions increased misperceptions. Waiting for a deadly measles outbreak−like in Wales last year−to convince parents to vaccinate is too costly. Knowing how systems like the NHS can effectively promote immunisation is a crucial component of public health.”


University of Exeterの政治科学者Dr Jason Reiflerはこの結果を次のように説明した。「MMRワクチンと自閉症の関係をデバンクする情報を与えられた親たちの、ワクチンが自閉症を起こすという誤解が少なくなった。この結果は勇気づけられるもののようにみえるが、非常に警告的でもある。デバンク情報を受け取った、ワクチンについて最も懐疑的な親たちは、将来子供たちにワクチンを接種させる率が、対照群の同様に懐疑的な親たちより少なくなった。」


[ MMR vaccination campaign messages can 'backfire', research shows (2014/03/03) on Univ. Exeter ]


「結果は意図によって引き起こされる」という思考が強くあるようで、意図がない場合は、対処する動機が弱くなるという。ただ、意図があると認識すれば、対処するようになるかというと、そうではない。それが、Guilty bias(罪の意識のバイアス)である。

Though few people are blamed for intending to cause climate change, many are exposed to messages that hold them accountable for causing environmental damage as an unintended side effect of their behaviour and lifestyle. Such messages probably provoke feelings of guilt (and other negative emotions such as fear)[9]. To allay negative recriminations, individuals often engage in biased cognitive processes to minimize perceptions of their own complicity. These biases are even more likely when individuals and communities feel incapable of meaningfully responding behaviourally. Such motivated moral reasoning[25] occurs through a variety of processes, including derogating evidence of one’s role in causing the problem and challenging the significance of the issue. For example, research with Swiss participants shows that individuals actively work to avoid feelings of responsibility in part by blaming inaction on others and increasing focus on the costs of mitigation[26]. The ultimate consequence of these reactions to perceived blame is that those responsible for the greatest share of harmful effects, whose behavioural changes would be most beneficial, are the people most motivated to deny their complicity and resist change.


9. Doherty, T. J. & Clayton, S. The psychological impacts of global climate change., Am. Psychol. 66, 265-276 (2011).
24. Young, L., Cushman, F., Hauser, M. & Saxe, R. The neural basis of the interaction between theory of mind and moral judgment. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA104, 8235-8240 (2007).
25. Ditto, P. H., Pizarro, D. A. & Tannenbaum, D. Motivated moral reasoning. Psychol. Learn. Motiv. 50, 307-338 (2009).
26. Stoll-Kleemann, S., O’Riodan, T. & Jaeger, C. C. The psychology of denial concerning climate mitigation measures: Evidence from Swiss focus groups. Glob. Environ. Change 11, 107-117 (2001).

[ Erza M. Markowitz and Azim F. Shariff: "Climate change and moral judgement", (2012) ]







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