



"Magical Thinking" on Logically Fallacious(論理詭弁: 呪術思考)

Making causal connections or correlations between two events not based on logic or evidence, but primarily based on superstition. Magical thinking often causes one to experience irrational fear of performing certain acts or having certain thoughts because they assume a correlation with their acts and threatening calamities.


Logical Form: (論理形式)

Event A occurs.
Event B occurs.
Because of superstition or magic, event A is causally connected to or correlated with event B.


Many instances of invalid causal inference are based on various types of magical thinking. Magical thinking is the tendency to think that two events that "go together" — either in time, distance, or similarity of features — are causally linked. The key difference between magical thinking and the con-fusion of correlation and causation is that magical thinking does not require that there be any actual statistical connection between the two events. For instance, if on a few occasions you notice that soon after you cross your fingers, something good happens, you might incorrectly infer that cross-ing your fingers leads to favorable outcomes, even if the actual correlation between crossing your fingers and the occurrence of good events is zero.

One principle of magical thinking, the law of similarity, is based on the representativeness heuristic and involves the tendency to believe that "like causes like" or that causes resemble effects (Gilovich & Savitsky, 2002). For instance, many craps players believe that rolling the dice softly will produce low numbers (small cause equals small effect) and rolling the dice with more vigor will produce higher numbers (large cause equals large effect; see Hanslin, 1967).


呪術思考の原則の1つである類似性の法則は、代表性ヒューリスティックに基づいており、「同じものは同じものを引き起こす」または原因が効果に似ていると信じる傾向がある(Gilovich&Savitsky, 2002)。たとえば、多くのクラップスのプレーヤーは、サイコロを静かに振ると低い数字が出ると信じている(小さな原因は小さな効果に等しい)、そしてより力強くサイコロを振ると高い数字が出ると考えている(大きな原因は大きな効果に等しい;Hanslin, 1967参照)。

Gilovich T. and Savitsky K,; "Like goes with like: The role of representativeness in erroneuous and pseudo-scientific beliefs" in T. Gilovich, D. Griffin, and D. Kahneman (Eds); "Heuristics and biases", Cambrid University Press, 2022, pp.617^624 Hanslin, JM.: "Craps and magic", American Journal of Sociology, 73, 315-330, 1967.

[ Robert J. Sternberg, Henry L. Roediger, Diane F. Halpern: "Critical Thinking in Psychology", Cambridge University Press, 2007, p.121 ]

Another common example of magical thinking emerges in alternative medicine. Many diseases have a natural progression and will go away on their own. If someone gets a headache and swallows some water provided by a homeopath, when the headache goes away, they may assign the cause to the water rather than natural progression. This form of magical thinking combined with the placebo effect and regression to the mean explains a large amount of supposedly positive anecdotal evidence.


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