



若い地球の創造論者Dr. Danny R. Faulknerがそんな反ユダヤ主義を掲げる地球平板論者を2名を挙げている

一人目は "The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World Is Not a Moving Globe"という本を2006年に出版しEdward Hendrieである。Faulknerによれば、本の前半は地球平板だが、後半は反ユダヤ主義が色濃くなっている。そしてこれらFaulknerが特徴的表現として見出した反ユダヤ表現を、Handrieは2012年出版の本"Bloody Zion" (2012)に流用している。以下に、その例を示す。(ページ数はGLEが"The Greatest Lie on Earth", BZが"Bloody Zion")
The Jews stirred up the people, who then persuaded the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, to crucify Jesus. “[T]he chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.” (Matthew 27:20) The methods used by the Jews have not changed. Today the Jews control the mass media, which they use to propagandize the people into pushing the politicians into doing their bidding against God and his anointed (GLE p.406、BZ p.2).


The earthly god of Judaism, who is androgynous, is known as Leviathan or Malkut. (GLE p.425, BZ p.236)


The fact that communism is actually a religious philosophy born of the Talmud and put into practice has been concealed from the ignorant Gentiles. (GLE p.408, BZ p.214)


Communism is essentially Talmudic Judaism. (GLE p.409, BZ p.215)


The Bolshevik revolution was Jewish from top to bottom.(GEL p.411, BZ p.217)


Henry Makow explains that the brutality of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was inspired and led by Talmudic Jews. (GLE p.413, BZ p.219)


Do not think that Jews are ignorant of the fact that Satan is the god of their religion. (GLE p.418, BZ p.235)


The purposeful promotion of evil by Jews is the reason that we find vice, death, and destruction, at every turn of the Zionist screw. (GLE p.419, BZ p.217)


This evil doctrine can also be seen in the Talmud, where incest, fornication, adultery, etc. are promoted as virtues and something to be desired. (GLE p.420, BZ p.228)


"The Greatest Lie on Earth"の目次のいかにも「地球平板説」な項目からは思いつかない記述である。
1 Samuel Rowbotham Proved the Earth Is Flat
2 Visibility of Distant Objects Over Water
3 Reflections on Refraction
4 Refraction Skulduggery
5 The "Plane" Truth About Geodetic Surveying
6 Water Not Convex Proves Earth Is Not a Globe
7 The Earth Is Flatter Than a Pancake
8 Mountains of Proof
9 Trying to Make a Molehill Out of a Mountain
10 The Testimony of Buildings and Bridges
11 Airplane Level Flight Proves the Earth is Flat
12 Can You Hear Me Now
13 Horizon Is Always Flat
14 Flat Horizon is Always At Eye Level
15 No Coriolis Effect Proves a Stationary Earth
16 Emergency Landing Evidence of a Flat Earth
17 Alaskan Detour
18 Strange Connections
19 Simple Proof That Heliocentrism is Impossible
20 The Testimony of the Stars
21 Path of Midnight Sun Disproves Heliocentrism
22 Lunar Eclipses Explained
23 The Cold Light of the Moon
24 Let There Be Light
25 Attack From a Charlatan
26 NASA Pictures of a Spherical Earth
27 Google Earth is not a Globe
28 NASA Moon Missions
29 NASA and Freemasonry
30 Media Gatekeepers
31 Map of the Flat Earth
32 Fauna and Flora Prove the Earth Is Flat
33 Time-Lapse Trickery
34 What Does the Bible Say?
35 Crushing Gravity
36 Scientific Proof the Earth Does Not Move
37 Einstein to the Rescue
38 Conspiracy
39 Identifying the Conspirators
40 Mind Control
41 The Religion of Modem Cosmology
42 Heliocentric "Christianity"
43 The Inevitable Shills
44 Compromising the Faith

Faulknerが挙げた、もう一例が2013年頃から地球平板説な本を数冊出版しているEric Dubayである。最初の本"The Atlantean Conspiracy"(2013)は、ウェブ記事もあり、以下のようなホロコースト否定論な記述が見られる。
They say "the winner's write history," it is absolutely true, and the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, an author, an artist, a political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted the world's first anti-animal cruelty, anti-pollution, and anti-smoking laws. Unlike the demonic portrait that the "allies" painted of him, Hitler was beloved by his people, he wanted nothing but peace, and never ordered the extermination of a single Jew. The largely Jewish-controlled mainstream media has ever since painted an evil picture of Hitler and the Jew World Order has even enacted laws in 16 European countries prohibiting free-speech on the issues of Judaism, Hitler and the Holocaust. ...


[ Eric Dubay: "Adolf Hitler vs. The Jew World Order" ]



地球平板説を信じるラッパー"B.o.B"には、New York Intelligencerの記事(2016)によれば、ホロコースト否定論者David Irvingの挙げ、「Stalin was way worse than Hitler」と言って、「ユダヤ人の陰謀が大統領にキッパーを着用するように強いることを暗示する」ラップがある。
Do your research on David Irving
Stalin was way worse than Hitler
That’s why the POTUS gotta wear a kippah
I’m a man first before an artist
Get a lawyer, look up Doctor Richard Sauder

地球平板説を信じていることを表明した2016年のラップであり、ほぼ同時にハマったようである。(なお、Richard SauderはUFO信者である。)






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