


北極星(polaris, pole star)は赤経02h 41m 39s 赤緯89°15′50.8″にある。したがって、地球上では南緯0°44′9.2″までは時間帯により見える。また、南十字星は赤経12.5h, 赤緯-60°あたりにあるので、北回帰線あたりからなら見える。

ところが、地球平板説の古典である"Zetetic Astronomy"(1881)は、以下にように「南回帰線から北極星が見えた」と書いている。
But if the Earth is a sphere and the pole star hangs over the northern axis, it would be impossible to see it for a single degree beyond the equator, or 90 degrees from the pole. The line-of-sight would become a tangent to the sphere, and consequently several thousand miles out of and divergent from the direction of the pole-star. Many cases, however, are on record of the north polar star being visible far beyond the equator, as far even as the tropic of Capricorn. In the Times newspaper of May 13, 1862, under the head of "Naval and Military Intelligence," it is stated that Captain Wilkins distinctly saw the Southern Cross and the polar star at midnight in 23.53 degrees of latitude, and longitude 35.46.


[ Parallax: "Zetetic Astronomy - Earth Not a Globe!" ,(1881), p.33 ]

Captain Wilkinsの記述における「latitude」は北緯であり、南十字星は「北緯23.53度、経度35.46」から見えるので、なんの不思議もない。

しかし、このネタは地球平板論者お気に入りのようで、1889年のLondon Timesの投稿欄に登場している。
If " Tamatea " can look up the London Times-of May 13th, 1862, in the Naval and Military Intelligence, he may read as follows :—" On the 19th of April, in latitude 23.53, longitude 35.46, Captain Wilkins reports that the Southern Cross and the Polar Star were both distinctly visible at midnight." In the event of this being considered as an error of some kind, I may state that Captain Edward Gillett states that he has observed the same thing between the 12th and 13th degree of South Latitude.

TamateaがNaval and Military Intelligenceで1862年5月13日のLondon Timesを調べられるなら、彼は次のように読むことができます:—「4月19日、緯度23.53、経度35.46で、Wilkins船長は次のように報告している。南十字星と北極星はどちらも真夜中にはっきりと見えた。」 これが何らかの誤りだというなら、Edward Gillett船長が南緯12度から13度の間で同じことを観察したと述べていると言っておこう。

[ "Is the Earth a Globe? -To The Editor of OBSERVER", OBSERVER, VOLUME 9, ISSUE 551, 20 JULY 1889, PAGE 4 ]

なお、Captain Edward Gillettの記述は出典不明で確かめようがない。

Not only this, but viewed from a ball-Earth, Polaris, situated almost straight over the North Pole, should not be visible anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere. For Polaris to be seen from the Southern Hemisphere of a globular Earth, the observer would have to be somehow looking "through the globe," and miles of land and sea would have to be transparent. Polaris can be seen, however, up to approximately 23.5 degrees South latitude.


[ Eric Dubay: "The Flat-Earth Conspiracy" (2014), p.75 ]







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