
創造論ネタ>Appearance of Age

Appearance of Age"を擁護する、かつての創造科学の本拠地の2代目Dr. John D. Morris

かつての創造科学の本拠地であるInstitute for Creation Researchの2代目所長であるDr. John D. Morrisは、次のように主張する:
  • "Appearance of Age"なき創造はありえない
  • 世俗の科学者が見れば、宇宙はビッグバンで始まったように見える
  • しかし、聖書に照らして証拠を見れば、宇宙は古くは見えない

この立場は、初代所長であり、父親であるDr. Henry M. Morrisの主張をそのまま受け継いだものだ。Dr. Henry M. Morrisは恒星から地球への経路上の光線も創造されたと主張した。以下の文章中で、Dr. John D. Morrisは明言していないが、おそらく光線の創造を支持していると思われる。

John D. Morris, Ph.D.: Did God Create with Appearance of Age?
神は"Appearance of Age"で創造したのか?
Simply stated, the idea of "creation with appearance of age" means that when God created, those things which He created might superficially have looked as if they had a history. When Adam was created, he no doubt looked like a mature adult, fully able to walk, talk, care for the garden, etc. When God created fruit trees, they were already bearing fruit. In each case, what He created was functionally complete right from the start -- able to fulfill the purpose for which it was created. Stars, created on Day Four, had to be seen to perform their purpose of usefulness in telling time; therefore, their light had to be visible on Earth right from the start. God's evaluation that the completed creation was "very good" (Genesis 1:31) necessitated that it be functionally complete, operating in harmony, with each part fulfilling the purpose for which it was created.

簡単にいえば、「"Appearance of Age"による創造」とは、「神が創造したとき、創造したものが歴史を経ているかのように見えるように創造したかもしれない」ことを意味する。アダムが創造されたとき、間違いなく彼は成人のように見え、ちゃんと歩けて、話せて、エデンの園の世話が出来たはずだ。神が果物の樹を創造したとき、果樹は実を結んでいた。どれも、神が創造したものは最初から機能的に完全な状態にあり、創造された目的を果たせるようになっていた。第4日の創造された恒星は、時を告げる有用な目的を果たすために、見えなければならなかった。したがって、恒星からの光が最初から地球から見えている必要があった。神は完成した創造を見て「よし」(創世記1章31節)とされた。そのためには、被造物は、機能的に完全で、調和して働いて、創造された目的を果たしてなければならなかった。

If a scientific observer today, with no knowledge of Adam's creation, traveled back in time to Day Seven and tried to determine Adam's age (or the age of a rock, or the age of a star), how could it be done? The scientist would rely on today's human growth rates (or rates of radioactive decay, or the speed of light), and calculate how long it would take for this state of maturity to develop, and would come to a wrong conclusion.

今日の科学的な観測者がアダムの創造を知らないで、第7日へのタイムトラベルして、アダムの年齢(あるいは岩石の年齢や構成の年齢)を蹴ってしようとしたら、どうやってできるだろうか? 科学者は今日の人間の成長率(放射性元素の半減期や光速)に基づいて、この成長した状態になるまでに要する時間を計算して、誤った結論に至るだろう。

This is because the world today is not as it was in creation. God's creative powers are at rest now, and He is maintaining the creation using present laws of physics. The original created world, perfect and non-decaying at first, was subsequently cursed and made subject to decay and death (Genesis 3:17; Romans 8:20, etc.). Furthermore, even that world was destroyed by the Flood of Noah, so that the world we live in today is a relic of destructive processes, not creative processes. Any effort to apply present processes and process rates to creation is doomed to failure.


It is claimed by old-universe advocates that Romans 1:20 reveals that truth about creation and God's character must be "clearly seen" from the study of the creation. Any unregenerate scientist, using valid theory and careful analysis, must be able to determine the age and origin of any object. Since secular scientists have concluded the universe began with a Big Bang, that must be the way it happened. God could not have created with the appearance of a Big Bang if He didn't use that method, so that must be the way He did it. After all, God cannot lie!


But this position denies the clear Scriptural teachings regarding Creation, the Fall, and the Flood. Furthermore, it denies the very possibility of creation, for creation without the appearance of "age" is impossible.

しかし、このポジションは創造や堕落や洪水についての聖書の教えを否定している。さらに、創造の可能性をも否定している。というのは"Appearance of Age"のない創造などありえないからだ。

God, in His sovereignty, knew that fallen man, living in the post-Flood world might wrongly conclude the age and origin of things. For just that reason, He gave us a clear record of what He had done and when He had done it. Furthermore, when we look at the evidence in light of what He has told us, the universe doesn't even look old. The real evidence is fully compatible with an origin only thousands of years ago.


On the other hand, if fallen scientists extrapolating present process are right and the universe is old, then God has lied to us, for He clearly said He created all things in six days, not too long ago.








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