
創造論ネタ>Appearance of Age

創造科学の父Dr. Henry M Morrisは「"Appearance of age"なき創造はない」と言った。

創造科学の父たるDr. Henry M Morrisは遅くとも1963年には「"Appearance of age"なき創造はない」と述べていた:

“True creation necessarily involves creation of an ‘appearance of age’…. We insist as emphatically as we know how that the doctrine of creation of apparent age does not in the remotest degree involve a divine deception, but is rather inherent in the very nature of creation.” (Morris, The Twilight of Evolution, 1963, p. 56, 57).


そして、創造科学の教科書的な本である"Scientific Creationism"において、「恒星から地球への経路上の光も創造された」と主張した。
(b) Appearance of Age

Another point important to recognize is that the creation was "mature" from its birth. It did not have to grow or develop from simple beginnings. God formed it fullgrown in every respect, including even Adam and Eve as mature indivisuals when they were first formed. The whole universe had an "appearance of age" right from the start. It could not have been otherwise for true creation to have taken place. "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them" (Genesis 2:1).

認識べきもうひとつの重要なポイントは、創造が出生から"成熟"していたということである。単純なものから初めて成長あるいは発展する必要がなかった。神は初めに創造したときアダムとイブを成人として創造したことを含め、あらゆる点で成熟した形で創造した。全宇宙は始まったときから"Appearance of age"を持っていた。でなければ、真の創造は起きない。「天地万物は完成された(創世記2章1節)。 」

This fact means that the light from the sun, moon, and stars was shining upon the earth as soon as they were created, since their very purpose was "... to give light on the earth"(Genesis 1:17). As a matter of fact, it is possible that these light-waves were energized even before the heavenly bodies themselves in order to provide the light for the first three days. It was certainly no more difficult for God to form the light-waves than the 'light-bearers' which would be established to serve as future generators of those waves.

この事実は、太陽と月と星からの光は、太陽と月と星の創造と同時に地球を照らしていたことを意味する。というのは、太陽と月と星の目的が地球を照らすことだからである (創世記1章17節)。もっとはっきり言えば、最初の3日間の昼の光のために、天体の存在以前にこれらの光波は創造されたかもしれない。将来の光波のジェネレータとして作られる光の担い手を創るよりも、光波を創ることは神にとって難しいことではない。

[Henry M. Morris: "Scientific Creationism, pp.209-210 (1974/1985)]


そのことを創造科学の父Henry M. Morrisは認めていた[ via Lane Coffee & Darrick Dean ]:
The only way we can determine the true age of the earth is for God to tell us what it is. And since He has told us, very plainly, in the Holy Scriptures that it is several thousand years in age, and no more, that ought to settle all basic questions of terrestrial chronology.


[ Henry Morris, The Remarkable Birth of the Planet Earth, p. 94 ]

“There is no sure way (except by divine revelation) of knowing the true age of any geologic formation.” ( Morris, Scientific Creationism, 1974, pp. 137-138).


“The only way we can determine the true age of the earth is for God to tell us what it is. And since He has told us, very plainly, in the Holy Scriptures that it is several thousand years in age, and no more, that ought to settle all basic questions of terrestrial chronology.” (H. Morris, Scientific Creationism, 1974, p. 94).


“There seems to be no possible way to avoid the conclusion that if the Bible and Christianity are rue at all, the geologic ages must be rejected altogether.” (Morris, Scientific Creationism, 1974 [1985 2nd ed.], p. 255).


“The data of geology, in our view, should be interpreted in light of Scripture, rather than distorting Scripture to accommodate current geological philosophy.” (Morris, Science, Scripture, and the Young Earth, p. 6).


“No geological difficulties, real or imagined, can be allowed to take precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture.” (Morris, Biblical Cosmology, page 33).


Note that his concept does not in any way suggest that fossils were created in the rocks, nor were any other evidences of death or decay so created. This would be the creation, not of an appearance of age, but of an appearance of evil, and would be contrary to Gods nature.

[Henry M. Morris: "Scientific Creationism, pp.210 (1974/1985)]






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