


1964年5月26日、共和党Barry Goldwater連邦上院議員の「low-yield atomic weapons could be used to burn jungle foliage and expose Communist supply lines along South Viet Nam's border (ジャングルを焼いて、南ベトナム国境線上の共産主義者の補給線をあらわにするために、小規模核兵器を使う方法もありうる)」という発言が報道された。もちろん炎上。

[ "Goldwater says nuclear bombs useful in Viet (1964/05/26) on The Telegraph ]
数日後、各紙は「I don't think we would use any of them. But ..(我々がこれらの手段のどれも使うと私は考えていないが...)」というコンテキストの発言であり、Goldwaterが核兵器使用を推奨・主張したわけではないという記事を掲載した。

[ David Lawrence: "Goldwater comment was misconstrued" (1964/5/31) on Sarasota Herald Tribune ]

しかし、1964年の大統領選挙でLyndon Johnson陣営は、この「小規模核兵器使用」発言を、Goldwaterに対するネガティブキャンペーンに使用する。
When somebody tell you he's for Barry Goldwater.
You ask him which Barry Goldwater he's for.
Is he for the one who said we must make the fullest possible use in the United Nations, or is he for the one who said the United States no longer has a place in the UN.
In he for the Barry who said I've never advocated the use of nuclear weapons anywhere in the world, or is he for the one who said I drop a low yield atomic bomb on the Chinese supply lines in North Vietnam.
Is he for Barry who said I seek the support of no extremist, or is he for the one who said extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
And how is a republicans supposed to indicate on his ballot which Barry he's voting for.
There's only one, Lyndon Johnson
Vote for President Johnson on November 3rd.
The stakes are too high for you to stay home.

On October 24 1963, Barry Goldwater said of the nuclear bomb
Merely another weapon
Merely another weapon?
Vote for President Johnson on November 3rd.
The stakes are too high for you to stay home.
核爆発とGoldwaterをリンクさせるネガティブキャンペーンで、広く知られたのが"Daisy Girl"として知られるパターン:
These are the stakes
To make a world in which all of God's children can live, or to go into the dark.
We must either love each other, or we must die.
Vote for President Johnson on November 3rd.
The stakes are too high for you to stay home.

Do you know how people use to do?
They used to explode atomic bombs in the air.
Now children should have lots of vitamin A and calcium.
But they shouldn't have any Strontium 90 or cesium 137
These things come from atomic bombs and are radioactive.
They can make you die,
You know what people finally did.
They got together and signed a nuclear test ban treaty.
And then the radioactive poison started to go away
But now there's a man who wants to be President of the United States and he doesn't like this treaty.
He fought against it.
He voted against it.
He wants to go on testing more bombs
His name is Barry Goldwater.
And if he's elected, they might start testing all over again.
Vote for President Johnson on November 3rd.
The stakes are too high for you to stay home.


[ wikipedia:Unite States presidential election, 1964 ]

惨憺たるありさまとなった共和党。しかし、この選挙で、当時はまだ政治家となっていなかったRonald Reaganは、とても有名な応援演説を行っている。



