

トランスヒューマニズムに反対するDiscovery Institute(2003年)

Discovery InstituteのシニアフェローWesley J Smithは、トランスヒューマニズムを人間例外主義に敵対するものとして、既に2003年に批判をしている。

Transhumanist theory has arisen in the context of a strengthening nexus between the views already popular in bioethics and animal-rights advocacy. This intellectual intertwining is most evident in "personhood theory" — according to which rights come not from simply being human but rather from possessing relevant cognitive capacities. The relativist approach of bioethics, ironically, dovetails nicely with the absolutist view of animal-rights ideology that accepts no moral distinction between humans and "nonhuman animals." Moreover, both ideologies advance the march toward Brave New World. After all, if the human race is merely another animal herd, then why not eugenically "improve" it through the new technologies of genetic husbandry — as we are beginning to do with pigs and cows?

This is certainly the approach of University of Alabama bioethicist Gregory E. Pence, an enthusiastic proponent of reproductive cloning. In his book Who's Afraid of Human Cloning? Pence writes, "In some ultimate sense, humans are both nothing more, and as wonderful as, compassionate monkeys." By "weakening the ethical boundary between non-human and human animals," he asserts that it will be easier to "do to humans some of the things we think quite sane to do to animals," beginning with cloning and moving from there to genetic modification.

After that, for transhumanists, would come the long march to post-humanity. And here, too, animal-rights ideology comes into play. James Hughes sees animal-rights activists and transhumanists as natural allies since both are "opposed to [human] anthropocentrism." Hughes's point is this: Once we've been knocked off our pedestal of moral superiority, society will accept measuring a biological "platform's" (human, post-human, animal, etc.) moral worth by determining its level of consciousness. Thus, post-humans, humans, animals genetically engineered for intelligence, natural fauna, and even machines, would all be measured by the same standards.

All three misanthropic ideologies — animal rights, "personhood" bioethics, and transhumanism — threaten universal human equality. Unfortunately, they have also arrived at a moment when traditional cultural norms concerning the sanctity of human life have been significantly undermined. And the future won't wait for us to regain our moral equilibrium. Genetic science is advancing at mach-speed.

In recent years we have tried to take control, but our record is not good. Yes, President Bush restricted federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. But the attempts to outlaw human cloning have generally foundered. Despite polls showing that most Americans want to ban all human cloning, apart from a few legislators in a handful of states, our government leaders are at an impasse. The House passed a total ban on human cloning, but the Senate has been unable to pass even a moratorium. And while it is clear that a law outlawing cloning-to-produce-children (CPC) could pass easily, such a ban would be worse than no law at all, since it would be linked to an explicit license to engage in cloning-for-biomedical-research (CBR). Such a law would ultimately result not only in clone children but in an opening of the floodgates of venture capital to Brave New World entrepreneurs.

Even without a massive infusion of investment money, cloning research has advanced to the point that companies are seeking patents on human life — the ultimate act of dehumanization. Yet when Sen. Sam Brownback (R., Kan.) introduced legislation to prohibit human life from being a proper subject of patent, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D., Mass.) took to the Senate floor and yelled a speech stating his unequivocal opposition.

This stalemate will require greater levels of imagination and creativity from opponents of the post-human future. We also need to learn from experience. The human cloning/patent controversies teach us that if we wait until the science is already "here" before attempting to corral it, we may already be too late. Thus, we should strive to think ahead, anticipate events — and act, rather than react.

トランスヒューマニズム理論は、既に広まっている生命倫理と動物の権利推進の連鎖を強める流れの中から発生した。この知的関係は、「人格論(personhood theory)」において最も明白にみられる。この人格論によれば、権利は人間であるということによって生じるのではなく、関連する認知能力を持つことによって生じる。生命倫理への相対主義的アプローチは、皮肉なことに、「ヒトと"非ヒト動物(nonhuman animal)"の間に、倫理的区別はない」という動物の権利イデオロギーの絶対主義的立場と、密接に関係している。さらに、両者は「素晴らしき新世界(Brave New world)」に向かって歩んでいる。結局のところ。人類がただの動物の群れにすぎないのであれば、我々がブタやウシに対して行っているように、遺伝的畜産の新技術によって、人類を優生学的に「改善(improve)」しない理由はない。

これは、まさしく生殖クローニングの熱烈な推進者である、University of Alabamaの生命倫理学者Gregory E. Penceのアプローチである。彼は自著"ho's Afraid of Human Cloning?"で、「ある種の究極では、ヒトは思いやりのあるサル以上の素晴らしいものではない」と書いている。彼は「非ヒトとヒトの境界線を弱める」ことで、クローンから始めて遺伝子改造に至る「動物に対して行うことが真っ当だと我々が考えていることを、人間にも」容易に適用できるようになると主張している。

トランスヒューマニストたちにとって、その後に来るものは、ポストヒトへの長い道のりである。そして、ここでも、動物の権利イデオロギーが役割を果たす。James Hughesは、「人間中心主義(anthropocentrism)」にともに反対しているという点で、動物の権利活動家とトランスヒューマニストが同盟できると見ている。Hughesの論点はこうだ: ひとたび我々の倫理的優位性の土台が突き崩されたら、生物学的プラットフォーム(ヒト、ポストヒト、動物等)の倫理的価値を、意識のレベルを以て計測することを、社会は受け入れるだとろう。したがって、ポストヒトと、ヒトと、知性に関して遺伝子改造された動物と、機械さえもが、同じ基準で計測されるようになるだろう。



大量の投資資金の流入がなくとも、クローン研究は「企業がヒトの生命に関する特許を探求する」に至るところまで進むだろう。それは、人間性喪失に至る最終的行動である。共和党カンザス州選出Sam Brownback連邦上院議員が、ヒトの生命を特許対象とすることを禁じる法案を提案したとき、民主党マサチューセッツ州選出Ted Kennedy連邦上院議員は、これに明確に反対する意見を、連邦上院本会議で述べている。


[ Wesley J. Smith: "The Transhumanists: The Next Great Threat to Human Dignity", National Review Online, 2002/09/20]


また、同じくDiscovery Instituteのシニアフェローであり、"Darwin-to-Hitler"でおなじみのBenjamin Wikerも、"Darwin-to-Transhumanism"というラインで、2003年に書いている。
Darwin, Eugenics, and the Demise of Human Nature

Transhumanists believe that they are heirs to Darwin but claim to do Darwin one better. According to Charles Darwin, all species, including the human species, are the result of natural selection acting upon random variations in individuals. In his famous Origin of Species, published in 1859, Darwin noted that domestic animal breeders were able to select for desired traits artificially, and direct the transformation of cattle, pigeons, horses, and dogs, creating all kinds of interesting, new domestic species within a relatively short time. Couldn’t this same kind of rational, artificial breeding be applied to human beings?

Fearing public opinion, Darwin did not openly advocate the controlled breeding of human beings until the publication of his Descent of Man in 1871. By that time, his cousin, Francis Galton, had already coined the term “eugenics” to describe “the science of improving stock…especially in the case of man,” a science that would “give to the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable than they otherwise would have had.”

For both Darwin and Galton, and the rest of the eugenic movement, the point of eugenics was to remove the production and maintenance of human nature from the hands of chance. The blind forces of evolution had given us a good start, but to progress yet further, we would have to take evolution into our own hands. For Darwin, that meant that we must “prevent the reckless, the vicious and otherwise inferior members of society from increasing at a quicker rate than the better class of men…” because progress “depends on an increase…on the number of men endowed with high intellectual and moral faculties…”

Thus, we have the birth of two defining aspects of the Transhumanist movement in Darwinism. First, human nature is not a cosmic given, but represents a particular phase of continuing evolutionary transformation. Second, while human beings might through their own negligence sink lower on the scale of evolution, they could, through their own eugenic diligence, climb even higher, transcending the current givens of human nature.~^

世論を恐れて、ダーウィンは1871年の"Descent of Man"まで、人類の育種を公には主張しなかった。そのころまでに、彼の従弟であるFrancis Galtonは、「特に人間の血統の改善の科学」すなわち「より優れた人種あるいは血統が、そうでない者たちより、迅速に優勢になるようにする」科学に関して、用語「優生(eugenics)」をつくっていた。



[ Benjamin Wiker: "From Darwinism to Transhumanism"(2003/07/06) on National Catholic Register]






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