


予防措置を納得するのは難しいのつづきで、Noam Shpancer Ph.Dは陰謀論を信じる理由を整理・列挙している。
根本的な帰属の誤り(fundamental attribution error)

First is the fundamental attribution error, which is our tendency to prefer dispositional explanations to situational ones. When we observe an event happening, we are much more likely to attribute it to some intentional, internal motive than to circumstance and happenstance. Conspiracy theories are by definition dispositional—someone planned this for a purpose.


[ Noam Shpancer Ph.D.:"True False Believers: The Psychology Of Conspiracy Theories" (2020/04/21) on PsychologyToday ]
As explanations, conspiracy theories are highly dispositional. When conspiracies occur it is because conspirators intend them to occur and act on their intention. The conspiratorial dispositions of the conspirators play the role of the cause in a typical explanation that involves a conspiracy. In most cases, the received view, the conventionally accepted nonconspiratorial alternative to a particular conspiracy theory, is a situational explanation.


[ STEVE CLARKE: "Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Theorizing" ]
I have suggested that the fundamental attribution error may have survived in the human population because in most cases it was not particularly harmful and because the opposite error of overestimating situational factors to the exclusion of dispositional factors was potentially very harmful indeed. Perhaps this asymmetry should be taken into account when we consider our attitude toward the activity of contemporary conspiracy theorists.


[ STEVE CLARKE: "Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Theorizing" ]

確証バイアスと信念耐久(Belief perseverance)

Second is confirmation bias and its brother, the belief perseverance phenomenon—two well-known aspects of our cognitive hardware. Confirmation bias refers to the fact that we tend to become attached to our beliefs and to search for (or interpret) information in ways that confirms our preconceptions. Once we settle on a conviction, we will search, remember, and accept only evidence that supports it, while ignoring and neglecting to seek disconfirming evidence. This is why people online gravitate to sites that echo their preexisting beliefs and prejudices.

Belief perseverance refers to the fact that we seek to maintain our beliefs even after the information that originally gave rise to it has been refuted. Once we’re set in our beliefs, evidence to the contrary will be dismissed, actively.



[ Noam Shpancer Ph.D.:"True False Believers: The Psychology Of Conspiracy Theories" (2020/04/21) on PsychologyToday ]



A third psychological factor is our desire to be uniquely knowledgeable, to possess knowledge that others don’t. Knowledge is power. And we all prefer feeling powerful to feeling powerless. This is gratifying and empowering for us particularly when the complexity and uncertainty of life feels overwhelming. “Conspiracy theories…supply a seductive ego boost. Believers often consider themselves part of a select in-group that – unlike the deluded masses – has figured out what’s really going on.”

第3の心理的要因は、他人にない知識を独自に持ちたいという願望である。知識は力である。 そして、誰もが、無力であるよりも強力であると感じたい。これは、特に生活の複雑さと不確実性に圧倒されると感じたとき、これはとても満足できることで、力を与えてくれる。「陰謀論は、誘惑的なエゴブーストを供給する。多くの場合、陰謀論を信じる人々は、自分たちが、大混乱している大衆とは異なり、実際に何が起こっているのかを理解している選ばれたグループの一員であると考える。」

[ Noam Shpancer Ph.D.:"True False Believers: The Psychology Of Conspiracy Theories" (2020/04/21) on PsychologyToday ]


Fourth is our brain’s adaptive capacity for pattern recognition. As Johns Hopkins neurologist Mark Mattson puts it: “Superior pattern processing is the essence of the evolved human brain.” It is, “the fundamental basis of most, if not all, unique features of the human brain including intelligence, language, imagination, invention, and the belief in imaginary entities such as ghosts and gods.”

Indeed, our brain has evolved in a dangerous environment where the ability to ‘fill in the blanks,’ to guess the whole from a few parts, conferred important survival advantages. If I can make out from a distance the hidden predator in the bushes, I’m more likely to survive. Thus our brain came to specialize in meaning making and pattern finding.

第4は、パターン認識のための脳の適応能力である。Johns Hopkins大学の神経学者Mark Mattsonは「優れたパターン処理は進化した人間の脳の本質である。それは、すべてではないにせよ、知性、言語、想像力、発明、そして幽霊や神々などの架空の存在への信念を含む、人間の脳のほとんどすべてのユニークな機能の基本的基礎である。」と言っている。

実際、我あれ尾脳は危険な環境で進化してきた。「空白を埋める」機能でいくつかの部分から全体を推測することにより、重要な生存上の利点がもたらされた。 茂みに隠れた捕食者を遠くから見つけることができれば、生き残る可能性が高くなる。 したがって、我々の脳は意味の作成とパターンの発見に特化するようになった。

[ Noam Shpancer Ph.D.:"True False Believers: The Psychology Of Conspiracy Theories" (2020/04/21) on PsychologyToday ]


Finally, like religions, conspiracy theories are, at the core, about community, manifesting our most fundamental tribal impulse—the psychological need to belong, to be part of a well-defined in-group and, by extension, to recognize and fight enemy out-groups. Like religions, conspiracy theories are group phenomena, shared by communication rituals that help adherents manage emotions by, “transforming unspecific anxieties into focused fears.” As in religion, successful (enduring) conspiracy theories produce narratives that are, “framed as conflicts over sacred values.” With religion, the false God is never our God. With the conspiracy theory, the menacing shadowy group is never our group. Conspiracy theories are always about ‘the other.’ As psychologist Jan-Willem van Prooijen notes: “the root of conspiracy thinking lies in our ancient instinct to divide the social world into ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ categories.” The same psychological processes that produce God for 'us,' produce conspiracy theories about 'them.'




心理学者Jan-Willem van Prooijenは「陰謀の考え方の根源は、社会を『我々』と『彼ら』のカテゴリーに分類するという古代の本能にある。「我々」のために神を生み出すのと同じ心理学的プロセスが、『彼ら』についての陰謀論を生み出す」と言う。

[ Noam Shpancer Ph.D.:"True False Believers: The Psychology Of Conspiracy Theories" (2020/04/21) on PsychologyToday ]








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