


British Humanist Association(BHA)によれば、2014年9月に、創造論を教える私立学校への政府補助金供与が禁じられたが...

In 2014 the BHA identified some 91 schools in receipt of funding where the BHA had concerns about the teaching of creationism as scientifically valid, or about the schools’ ability to promote British values. Following on from this, the BHA and hundreds of its supporters responded to a consultation asking the Government to preclude such funding, which the Government subsequently decided to do.

Despite the ban coming into force last September, Freedom of Information (FoI) requests sent by the BHA to local authorities this January found that state funds are still being received by at least two-thirds of the nurseries about which concerns were previously raised. Of the 91 schools identified by the BHA as receiving funding between 2010 and 2014, 54 are still receiving state funds whilst a further seven that we were previously unaware of are now also receiving funds. Only 14 are no longer funded. Data for a further 20 of the schools has not yet been made available.



[ BHA reveals creationist private schools continue to receive state funds through nurseries despite Government ban (2015/05/02) on BHA

In total, the BHA identified:

Five schools teaching the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum. ACE nursery resources bought by the BHA show that in Science children are taught to identify what happened on each of the days of creation, and until recently the Loch Ness monster was featured in textbooks as evidence which disproved evolution.

14 schools run by the Christian Schools’ Trust. In 2009 the CST circulated a statement recommending that schools teach creationism as science.

20 Charedi Jewish Schools. These schools are also usually creationist and like ACE and CST schools, are not approved for state funding through the Free School programme.

22 Steiner schools. The BHA has expressed concern about Steiner schools in the past, particularly with regard to their stance on pseudoscience, homeopathy and vaccinations.

5つの学校がAccelerated Christian Education (ACE)のカリキュラムを教えている。BHAが購入したACE理科育児教材では、創造何日目に何が起きたかを指定させる。最近まで、ACEの教科書はネス湖の怪物を進化論を否定する証拠として掲載していた。

14の学校がChristian School's Trustにより運営されている。2009年にCSTは、科学として創造論を教えることを推奨する声明を出している。



[ BHA reveals creationist private schools continue to receive state funds through nurseries despite Government ban (2015/05/02) on BHA

  • ACE
    • Carmel Christian School
    • Kings Kids Christian School
    • Excellence Christian School
    • Mustard School
    • Luton Pentecostal Christian Academy
  • Charedi
    • Lubavitch Children's Centre
    • Lubavitch Nursery
    • Beis Chinuch Lebonos Nursery
    • Beis Malka Nursery
    • Beis Rochel Amhurst Boys Nursery
    • Beis Rochel Amhurst Nursery
    • Beis Trana Girls' School
    • Beis Yaakov Girls School
    • Bnei Zion Community School
    • Bnois Jerusalem Girls School
    • CMA Nursery
    • Talmud Torah Beis Aharon
    • Talmud Torah Education Ltd
    • Talmud Torah Machzikei Hadass
    • Wiznitz Cheder School
    • Yesoday Hatorah Boys' School
    • Yesoday Hatorah Girls' School
    • Yesoday Hatorah Community Nursery
    • TTD Gur School
    • TYY School
  • CST
    • Bradford Christian School
    • Gateway Christian School
    • Trinity School
    • The King’s School
    • Tabernacle School
    • Springfield Christian School
    • Grangewood Independent School
    • Jubilee House Christian School
    • Emmanuel Christian School
    • Plantings School
    • Bethany School
    • Trinity School
    • Emmanuel School
    • Kingsfold Christian School
  • Muslim
    • Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation
    • Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation
    • Alif Academy
  • Steiner
    • Lindens Waldorf Kindergarten and Family Centre
    • Wynstones School
    • Brighton Steiner School
    • Bristol Steiner School
    • Calder Valley Steiner School
    • Buttercups Little Kindergarten Cambridge Steiner
    • Cambridge Steiner School
    • Michael House a Steiner Waldorf School
    • Two Rivers Kindergarten
    • Elmfield Rudolf Steiner School
    • Michael Hall School
    • The Children of One End Street
    • Sunlands Kindergarten
    • Greenwich Steiner School
    • Rudolf Steiner School
    • St. Albans Steiner Kindergarten
    • Cobnuts Steiner Kindergarten
    • University of East London Children's Garden
    • Botton Village School
    • York Steiner School
    • The Steiner Academy Hereford
    • Canterbury Steiner School






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