


創造論団体Institute for Creation ResearchのDaoは、我が闘争に「自然選択の法則を逸脱している」という記載があると主張した。
According to From Darwin to Hitler author Richard Weikart, Hitler saw World War II as a Darwinian struggle for existence, and he justified the practice of eugenics by saying that mankind had "transgressed the law of natural selection" by allowing inferior beings to survive and propagate (Mein Kampf, 1925).

Richard Weikartの"From Darwin to Hitler"によれば、Hitlerは第2次世界大戦をダーウィンな生存競争と見ており、劣等なる者の生存と繁殖を容認することによって人類が「自然選択の法則を逸脱している」と言って、優生学の実行を正当化した(我が闘争 1925)。

[ Christine Dao:"Intelligence Expelled" (2006) ]

Here’s the problem. Dao makes it look like Hitler used the phrase "transgressed the law of natural selection" in Mein Kampf. Problem is, he didn’t. The only mention of "natural selection" in the work is:


By reason of this very fact, however, an organization inspired by a veritable revolutionary idea will attract into the body of its membership only the most active of those believers who have been won for it by its propaganda. It is in this activity on the part of the membership body, guaranteed by the process of natural selection, that we are to seek the prerequisite conditions for the continuation of an active and spirited propaganda and also the victorious struggle for the success of the idea on which the movement is based.

[ John Lynch: "The failure of the Darwin = Hitler frame" (2008/04/01) ]

Stein hints at an answer: The film rolls a clip from a Nazi propaganda film in which the narrator argues, “We [Germans] have transgressed the law of natural selection in the last decades” by permitting inferior members of the species (ostensibly Jews, the disabled, etc.) to survive and reproduce.

Ben Steinは、ナチのプロパガンダ映画で、ナレーターが、種の劣等なる者(ユダヤ人や障害者など)の生存と繁殖を容認することで「我々(ドイツ人)は過去数十年、自然選択の法則を逸脱している」と言っている部分を引用し、答えをほのめかしている。

[ amerikanbeat:"All wrong: A thematic review of Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” part I" (2009/03/29) ]


このナチのプロパガンダは"Opfer Der Vergangenheit"(1937)で、当該部分は...






kumicit Transact
