

2019年 インディアナ州創造科学州法案SB373
州法案Indiana Senate Bill 373, 2019 Regular Session
提案者Dennis Kruse州上院議員 (共和党District 14)
状況2019/01/10 第1読会 州上院教育及びキャリア開発委員会へ送付
2019/02/20 州上院教育及びキャリア開発委員会を8:2で修正通過
2019/02/26 州上院本会議 40:8:2で通過
2019/02/27 州下院へ送付
2019/03/04 州下院教育委員会へ送付
2019/03/28 修正
2019/04/02 州下院本会議を67:26で通過
2019/04/03 州上院へ再送付
2019/04/08 州上院本会議を40:8で通過
2019/05/05 州知事署名・州法成立


今回は、「学校管理者が教師に創造科学の提示を義務付ける」ことを可能にする条文を提案していた。このままだと、成立しても効力を持ちえない。それに気が付いたのか、"require the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life, including creation science"を削除修正して、委員会を通過した。

vEducation matters. Provides that each school corporation and charter school shall place a durable poster or framed picture representing: (1) the national motto of the United States, "In God We Trust"; (2) an accurate representation of the United States flag; and (3) an accurate representation of the Indiana state flag; in each school library and classroom within the school corporation or charter school. Provides that the poster or framed picture may be acquired as follows: (1) Donated to the school corporation or charter school. (2) Purchased with funds made available to the school corporation or charter school through voluntary contributions. (3) Purchased directly by the school corporation or charter school. Specifies the size requirements for the poster or framed picture and the national motto and flags of the United States and state of Indiana. Provides that each school corporation that offers as an elective in the school corporation's high school curriculum a course surveying religions of the world (survey course) may also include as part of the survey course's curriculum the study of the Bible. Provides that the governing body of a school corporation may require the teaching of various theories concerning the origin of life, including creation science. Provides that a public secondary school student may receive not more than two elective academic credits for released time religious instruction classes if: (1) the governing body of the school corporation adopts a policy that allows the awarding of credit; and (2) certain conditions are met. Specifies that the liberty of parents to direct the education of their child is a fundamental right. Prohibits a public school, including a charter school, an accredited nonpublic school, an eligible school, and a nonaccredited nonpublic school (school) from infringing on that right without demonstrating that the school's interest as applied to the person is of the highest order and not otherwise served. Establishes the application of these provisions to resolutions of a school's governing body








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