
Anyone who volunteers? This script is not finished yet.

もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

Students think 21century environment. Kids are siting down on books and tabbing, pages and taking traditional North Carolina?? they used to.
They’re looking videos they are ?? from research databases they’re ?? internet websites.

One to one program we’ve been giving every students a Macbook computer.
We use Evernote as the main tool and my social study class.

One you can use it for this taking notes in a class.

I use it for a really big group collaborative project

While I that?? I can bring documents, powerpoints ????

Everything one place is that index I can search for it

So much Organized. it really help me students??

To teach students Evernote is just like watching I can get on my bike in the lightbulb just went off.

The tradical?? friends about it used to it they like

Cuz we get back to the papers that they’ll got format computers
I just draw and take a picture and we have a share notebook, so all kids can access that this notebook ??? any work.

When we show that future that was Audible Gas in the room

So I knew??

Class now
I’m using in English, social studies, science, finance, Spanish, performance an ensemble.

I actually take basically everything that I can.

It’s not a ?? design. It’s just a different way of using tool they really have

We ?






For English learners

Lang-8 (1)

Dropbox (1)

Micaela’s blog (104)


PowToon (1)


