
もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

Ahh…My name is Micaela and my back hurts so much from doing this yesterday.
Anyway so, today I want to make a video about jobs in Japan.
One of the questions I get asked the most frequently is “Will I find a job in Japan?” I don’t know.
I don’t know.
I don’t know your situation. I don’t know what kind of person you are.
Are you someone who is willing to work a job that you don’t like for the sake of supporting yourself?
Are you someone who is driven and hard working and you know clean-cut and presentable?
Are you resourceful? Are you able to find ways of making money on your own?
Can you speak Japanese? Do you have any other skills that you can utilize?
Is it possible to find a job in Japan?
Absolutely yes. There are plenty of job opportunities for people regardless of whether or not they speak Japanese.
Can you in particular find a job?
Well..ultimately that depends on you.
When I went to a Japanese language school, we had a rule that for the first three months we were not allowed to work.
So during those three months there was no way for me to legally work in Japan.
But there was that I had always done as a hobby.
I would go to specialist uh.. hobby, collector shops and I would look at things that were exclusive to Japan, I would look at video games, the newest POCKEMON release or Kingdom Hearts Final Mix or I would look at Blythe dolls and ?? dolls, I would look at figures and the latest モーニング娘。or girl band goods.
For the first three months of Japanese language school, I was collecting collector goods and selling them over e-bay.
I’m not saying this is something you should do, but I’m saying that when you are creative and you’re resourceful, you can find ways to make money no matter what.
The second job that I had that I’d always kind of had on and off is teaching English.
Although most people might disagree English teaching is the entry-level job for western people in Japan.
The pay differs depending on things like your experience, your presentability, your likability, your qualifications and obviously about company itself in what their policies are.
Teaching English in the company is great but what’s even better is if you can manage to teach privately.
I made a video a long time ago about the class that I teach privately.
The good thing about this is that it’s 4 times a month once a week and that money comes to me directly.
I also do small jobs like voice narration for English tests.
“Let’s go to the park!”
“Where are they going?”
A: the pool B: the library C: the park
Once you’ve built up a reputation, people know you are it’s easier to get into these other jobs such as a voice narration or hosting event’s MCing or even modeling for magazines.
If you can speak conversational Japanese then you should have no problem working in places like ミスタードーナツ and Mcdonald’s and I’ve seen tons of foreign people working at these places.
The problem is that the money is quite low.
Bottom-line, bottom line, what I’m trying to say here is “Can you find a job in Japan?”
Absolutely I think that it is possible, it is possible for you to make money in Japan, will you? That is up to you.
And you know it’s scary moving to a completely different culture where people might not understand you at all.
But if you have the bolds to move to the other side of the world then you’re probably capable of taking care of yourself and staying here is something that you want bad enough, you will make it work.
My back still hurts.
So I’m probably just going to lie down and wait to die.
So that’s it.
Talk to you soon, talk to you soon.


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UrDq6Y Im obliged for the blog article.Really thank you! Fantastic.

Posted by check it out 2014年01月20日(月) 09:08:14 返信






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