
もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

Hey, guys!
How’s it going?
This is my first video blog on my second channel.
North American people North American peoples have been you know video blogging for a while, so it’s not a new thing.
But in Japan they didn’t really have a culture where it was okay to like show your face on the Internet and really only recently in the past year or two has video blogging like the concept of video blogging really picked up.
I get questions from Japanese people very often about how to make videos.
Another interesting thing that drives me nuts is that in Jap…in Japan when I meet people, they say “Oh! I’ve seen you on the Internet. Do you make your videos yourself?”
Yeah, I do.
I think everyone on YouTube makes videos themselves.
I don’t know where the lens cap is…the lens cap dropped.
This is my Canon Kiss X5.
This is the only lens I have.
This is like the kit lens.
It’s the lens that comes to the camera.
It’s not very good and I really should be upgrading to like a proper lens soon but this one does all I need.
This camera cost about 700$ I think when I fist bought it.
You know B Manual Focuses what I like the most about this camera because it allows you to control what the audience’s focusing on which is you know just really helpful when you make a video.
Hi, I’m Micaela.
This is such a lifesaver because I do a lot of my video shooting myself and if I can’t see what I’m doing, then I have to do it over and over again and it takes forever.
And then I have a tripod (that put it on)…
I want to add that you don’t need expensive camera to make YouTube videos.
Your computer has a built-in webcam.
You can use that.
If you have an iPod or and iPhone you can take videos with that as well.
It’s really up to you.
You don’t have to have an expensive camera to get into video blogging.
As for a computer of course I use a Mac.
You know I started editing on this little guy on a program called iMovie and iMovie is a really just basic program on a Mac and every Mac should have it.
You can’t make a feature film with it but for blogs it’s perfect.
People will ask you know "Do I really need a Mac if I want to make videos?"
That’s absolutely not true.
If you want to make videos on a Windows computer then….uh… you can. But programs that you use on Windows are different.
You can’t use iMovie on a Windows computer… unfortunately.
But there are programs for windows that make editing very easy as well.
I just don’t know what they are, so you have to look that up yourself.
That’s it.
So good luck.
Enjoy your video blogging and endeavors.
My iPod’s charged now, so I’m going to go to Starbucks.
See you Bye!






For English learners

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