

Steve Fuller曰く「STS学者に研究対象の分野の専門知識は不要」

STS学者に「研究対象の分野の専門知識」は不要だというProf. Steve Fullerの1993年の主張は、Alan Sokalによる引用で広く知られるところとなっている。
(125) スティーヴ・フラーも同じ意見だろう。彼は、「STS [Science and Technology Studies] の実践者は、研究対象の分野の専門家でなくてはならないなどという条件なしに、科学の『内的過程 (inner working)』と『外的性格 (outer character)』の双方を見抜くことができる方法を使う。」 (Fuller 1993, p. xii) と書いている。

Nor would Steve Fuller, who asserts that ‘STS [Science and Technology Studies] practitioners employ methods that enable them to fathom both the “inner workings” and the “outer character” of science without having to be expert in the fields they study.’
(『「知」の欺瞞』「第一の間奏」 131-132頁) via 黒木玄:相対主義に関するよくある質問

I write as a philospher of science who has been promoting the idea of social epistemology (Fuller 1988, 1989, and the journal by that name) in order to foster closer cooperation between humanists and social scientists in the emerging interdisciplinary complex known as Science and Technology Studies (STS), a field that is capable, I believed, of not only redrawing disciplinary boundaries within the academy but ultimately, and more important, of making the academy more permeable to the rest of Society (Pickering 1992 is a representative recent anthology). The trick is that STS practitioners employ methods that enable them to fathom both the “inner workings” and the “outer character” of science without having to be expert in the fields they study. The success of such practice bodes well for extending science's sphere of accountability, presumably toward a greater democratization of the scientific decision- making process.

[Fuller S., Collier J.H. - Philosophy, Rhetoric, and the End of Knowledge, 1993, p. xii]
この記述は2004年のSecond Editionでも踏襲されている。
For the past 15 years, social epistemology has been a project aimed at fostering closer cooperation between humanists and social scientists in the emerging interdisciplinary complex known as Science and Technology Studies (STS). STS has the potential of not only redrawing disciplinary boundaries within the academy, but ultimately, and more importantly, of making the academy more open to the rest of society. The trick is that STS practitioners employ methods that enable them to fathom both the “inner workings” and the “outer character” of science without having to be expert in the fields they study. The success of such a practice bodes well for extending science's sphere of accountability, presumably toward a greater democratization of the scientific decision- making process.


[Fuller S., Collier J.H. - Philosophy, Rhetoric, and the End of Knowledge. Second Edition 2004, p.xii]

しかし、Second Edition出版の翌年、Prof, Steve Fuller自らが実践したことは、「インテリジェントデザインの教育を義務付ける」側の専門家として、Dover裁判における証言であり、その後のインテリジェントデザイン支援活動だった。

Prof Steve Fullerの言う成功要因「当該分野の専門知識を持つことなきSTS実践」の行き着くところは、アンチサイエンスの宣伝だった。そこから生まれるであろう「民主化された科学的意思決定」は、「科学理論を数によって葬り去る」という反進化論州法でしかないだろう。

なお、Steve Fuller自身が、「当該分野の専門知識を持つことなき」実践して愚かな結果に至った例がある。それは..






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