


箴言13章4節 勤勉な人は太る
but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. -- Proverbs 13:4

箴言11章25節 リベラルな人は太る
The liberal soul shall be made fat. -- Proverbs 11:25

箴言28章25節 主に依り頼む人は太る
He that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat. -- Proverbs 28:25

詩編92章13-14節 神に従う人はなつめやしのように茂り... 太り、栄える
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree ... they shall be fat and flourishing. -- Psalm 92:12-14
[ SAB ]


[ CDC obesity data (2009) & Election 2008 ]


[ CDC obesity data (2009) & Religion 2008 ]


さきごろ、Northwestern Universityの学生が、若い成人の頃の宗教活動と中年になってからの肥満の関連について、長期間追跡調査による縦断研究の結果を発表した。それによれば、週1回以上の宗教活動を若い成人の頃にしていた人は、中年になったときに肥満(BMI≧30)になる確率が、1回未満の人より50%高い。
“We don’t know why frequent religious participation is associated with development of obesity, but the upshot is these findings highlight a group that could benefit from targeted efforts at obesity prevention,” said Matthew Feinstein, the study’s lead investigator and a fourth-year student at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. ”It’s possible that getting together once a week and associating good works and happiness with eating unhealthy foods could lead to the development of habits that are associated with greater body weight and obesity.”

研究の中心メンバーであるNorthwestern University医学部4年のMatthew Feinsteinは「我々は何故、頻繁な宗教活動参加と肥満が関連しているのかわからないが、効率的な肥満防止の努力として、どういう人々を相手にすべきかは示されている。毎週集まって、いっしょに良い仕事をして、不健康な食事を楽しむことで、肥満になる習慣を身につけているのかもしれない。」と言う。

Previous Northwestern Medicine research established a correlation between religious involvement and obesity in middle-age and older adults at a single point in time. By tracking participants’ weight gain over time, the new study makes it clear that normal weight younger adults with high religious involvement became obese, rather than obese adults becoming more religious.

The research is being presented at the American Heart Association’s Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism/Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Scientific Sessions 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia.

The study, which tracked 2,433 men and women for 18 years, found normal weight young adults ages 20 to 32 years with a high frequency of religious participation were 50 percent more likely to be obese by middle age after adjusting for differences in age, race, sex, education, income and baseline body mass index. High frequency of religious participation was defined as attending a religious function at least once a week.

これまでのNorthwestern University医学部の研究で、宗教活動参加と中高年の肥満について関連はわかっていた。本研究では、時間を経ての体重増加についての追跡調査により、正常な体重の宗教的な若い成人が、中高年になって肥満になりやすいことを明確化した。



[ Marla Paul: "Religious Young Adults Become Obese By Middle Age -- Researchers say cause may be unhealthy food at religious activities" (2011/03/23) on Northwestern Univ]
The authors caution that their findings should only be taken to mean people with frequent religious involvement are more likely to become obese, and not that they have worse overall health status than those who are non-religious. In fact, previous studies have shown religious people tend to live longer than those who aren’t religious in part because they tend to smoke less.


[ Marla Paul: "Religious Young Adults Become Obese By Middle Age -- Researchers say cause may be unhealthy food at religious activities" (2011/03/23) on Northwestern Univ]
これについて、Woodlawnにある2万人の会員を持つApostolic Church of GodのケータリングマネージャであるCourtney Parkerがこんなことを言っている。
Parker suspects there may be a historical connection between over-eating and going to church. In years gone by, so many things were taboo − but not eating, Parker said.

Years ago, “church services ran long,” Parker said. “So the first thing you do is go eat, and then you go to sleep.”

Parker said Apostolic has made a point in recent years of serving healthy food at church events. So you’re more likely to see baked fish or chicken, rather than pizza, on the menu.

Coutney Parkerは、肥満と教会へ出かけることに歴史的な関係があるのではないかと考えている。長年、多くのタブーがあったが、食べることになかったと。


[ STEFANO ESPOSITO: "Religion and obesity: Study links church and being fat" (2011/03/25) on Chicago Sun-Times]



But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation. -- Deuteronomy 32:15






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