



  • ドゥーギンはオカルティズムと奇妙なものに対する好みを通じて、自分自身をより明確に差別化している(Laruelle, 2004)。
  • ドゥーギンは、ヒトラーへの共感というより、ソビエトへの反逆として、ナチズムに傾倒していると主張している(Clover, 2016>https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=YvR-EAAAQBAJ&p...]])。
  • 超常現象を探求するナチのヴォルフラム・シーバースにちなんだ芸名を使っており、超常現象などへの思い入れもある(Clober, 2016-159)。

Occultism and Racism at the Service of the Russian Messianic Discourse (ロシアの救世主言説におけるオカルティズムと人種差別)

By his far right geopolitics and his lack of historical discourse about Russia, Dugin is already distant from other Eurasianist movements. He differentiates himself more distinctly through his occultism and his taste for the bizarre. Each of his geopolitical reflections is justified by esoteric traditions: astrology, occult sciences, Oriental religious texts, Atlantide myths, woolly etymological research, Kabbal symbolism, phonetic similarities between Slavic words and the vocabulary of classic oriental civilizations, etc.

極右地政学と、ロシアに関する歴史的言説を行わないことで、ドゥーギンはすでに他のユーラシア主義運動から距離を置いている。 彼はオカルティズムと奇妙なものに対する好みを通じて、自分自身をより明確に差別化している。 彼の地政学的省察はすべて、占星術、オカルト科学、東洋宗教文献、アトランティス神話、曖昧な語源研究、カバラ象徴主義、スラヴ語の単語と古典的な東洋文明の語彙との類似性など、エソテリックな伝統によって正当化されている。

This occultism has paradoxical relations with the religious fact. Indeed, Dugin connects his esoteric explanation of the world to Orthodoxy, which remains an initiatory religion. He then advocates a “total clericalization”53 of the Russian people and believes in the existence of an “Esoteric Orthodoxy.”54 Yet, as in the other “new right” movements, the relation to Christianity is ambiguous and even contradictory. Indeed, despite his orthodox belonging (he is member of the Schismatic church), Dugin also rehabilitates paganism for its supposed cult of strength and its “natural” or “physical” character. Thus, Dugin differentiates himself once again from the original Eurasianists, who were deeply attached to the Orthodox institution. He seems closer to the far right theoreticians and their Indo-Aryan mystic.

このオカルティズムは宗教的事実と逆説的な関係を持っている。 実際、ドゥーギンは世界についてのエソテリックな説明を、依然として入門宗教である正教に結びつけている。 そして、彼はロシア国民の「完全な聖職者化」[53]を主張し、「エソテリック正教」の存在を信じている[54]。しかし、他の「新右翼」運動と同様に、キリスト教との関係は曖昧であり、矛盾さえしている。 実際、ドゥーギンは正教に属しているにもかかわらず(彼は分裂教会の会員である)、強さへの崇拝とされる異教とその「自然な」あるいは「肉体的な」性格をも復活させている。 このようにして、ドゥーギンは、正教の制度に深く執着していた元のユーラシア主義者たちとは再び区別されることになる。 彼は極右理論家やインド・アーリア人の神秘主義者に近いようだ。

Dugin hopes to create a kind of metaphysics of cardinal points, which is named “sacral geography:” “The sacral geography is the unkown science about the secrets of the world history, of ancient civilizations and continents enigmas, races, religions and old mythologies origins.”55 The north and the east constitute the heart of his esoteric preoccupations: the north confirms Russia in its Nordicism, a fundamental reference inspired from Nazism; the east is the expression of the Russian orientality. “The Drang nach Osten und Norden constitutes a natural geopolitical process in the Russian history.”56 The role of the Russian world then appears distinctly: it brings together advantages from its northern location (its racial identity), from the east (its cultural and religious choices), and from the south on an economic and political plan (alliance with the Third World against Westernization). According to him, Siberia, as the meeting point between north and east, is destined to play a fundamental role in the new Russian identity.57 He has therefore elaborated a cosmogony supposed to show that Siberia is the mythic country of Hyperborea, the last “empire of the paradise.”58 The geopolitical domination of the world extolled by Dugin is then coupled with an occult discourse announcing the “cosmic destiny”59 of Russia.

ドゥーギンは、「聖式地理学 (sacral geography)」と名付けられた、ある種の基点の形而上学を作成したいと考えている。「聖式地理学は、世界史、古代文明や大陸の謎、人種、宗教、古い神話の起源などの秘密についての未知の科学である」 [55]。 北と東は彼のエソテリックな関心の中心を構成している。北は、ナチズムからインスピレーションを得た基本的な参照である北欧主義におけるロシアを裏付けている。東はロシアの東洋性の表現である。「ドラング・ナッハ・オステン・ウント・ノルデンは、ロシアの歴史における自然な地政学的過程を構成している」[56]。このとき、ロシア世界の役割が明確に現れる。それは、北の位置(人種的アイデンティティ)と東の利点(文化的、宗教的選択)利点を組み合わせている。 そして南からは経済的および政治的計画(西欧化に対する第三世界との同盟)。 彼によれば、北と東の接点としてのシベリアは、新しいロシアのアイデンティティにおいて基本的な役割を果たす運命にある[57]。したがって彼は、シベリアが神話上の国ヒュペルボレア、つまり最後の「楽園の帝国」であることを示す宇宙論を精緻に作り上げた[58]。 ドゥーギンが称賛した世界の地政学的支配は、ロシアの「宇宙的運命」[59]を告げるオカルト的言説と結びついている。

Dugin’s Nordicist theories prove his intellectual roots in Nazism. He presents himself as the founder of a new science, “ariosophy” or the science of the Aryans’ wisdom.60 According to him, Russia constitutes a double meeting point, between the Scandinavian north and the Aryan south. This fusion destines Russia to play a worldwide role: the country will experience Nordic renewal because “a racial wakening and a rebirth of the first Aryan conscience is possible wherever a drop of Aryan blood is flowing.”61 Dugin’s antisemitism is then clear: Jews are a “yellow” culture par excellence. Their national identity is different from the Aryans’; they cannot be assimilated. This announces a future metaphysical war between the Aryan and Semitic worlds.62 This judeophobic discourse takes Dugin away from the original Eurasianism, which considered Jews like a Eurasian nation.63 His criticism of the Muslim world (though he advocates an international alliance with it) is also contrary to the Eurasianist fathers’ presupposition, which considered the union of Orthodoxy and Islam as the symbol of the future Eurasian great power.


[53] Dugin, Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 251.
[54] See his book Metafizika blagoi vesti.
[55] Dugin, Misterii Evrazii, 1996, p. 2.
[56] Dugin, Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 190.
[57] As can be read in a chapter in Misterii Evrazii called “Across Siberia to Myself.” Dugin, Misterii Evrazii, p. 33.
[58] Dugin, Misterii Evrazii, 1996, p. 78.
[59] Dugin, Osnovy geopolitiki, 1997, p. 255.
[60] About this topic, see N. Goodrick-Clarcke, The Occult Roots of Nazism. Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology (New York: New York University Press, 1992).
[61] Dugin, Giperboreiskaia teoria, 1993, p. 5.

[ Marlene Laruelle, “The Two Faces of Contemporary Eurasianism: An Imperial Version of Russian Nationalism,” Nationalities Papers, vol. 32, 1 (March 2004): 115-36, 130; ]
The subjects of Dugin’s art and his fascination with Nazism were all part and parcel of his total devotion to Golovin, who had a penchant for ‘zombifying’ his followers and teaching them to ‘zombify’ others. Serebrov records that Dugin himself had an ‘attendant’ named Alex, whom he would order around. Dugin is very forthright about his early Nazi antics, which he says were more about his total rebellion against a stifling Soviet upbringing than any real sympathy for Hitler. Still, virtually everyone who remembers Dugin from his early years brings it up. Serbebrov, for example, recalls Dugin reprising his famous song ‘Fuck the Damned Sovdep’: ‘20 million in the river, 20 million in the ovens, our machine guns will not misfire’, after which ‘Alexander threw his head back and closed his eyes as if he were in ecstasy.’9 In 2005,

ドゥーギンのアートのテーマやナチズムへの傾倒は、ゴロウィンへの思い入れの一部である。このゴロウィンは、信者を「ゾンビ化」することと、他人を「ゾンビ化」する方法を教えることを嗜んでいた。セレブロフは、ドゥーギン自身には「付き人」アレックスがいて、そのアレックスにあれこれ指図していたと記録している。ドゥーギンは、初期のナチスおふざけについて非常に率直に語っているが、それはヒトラーに対する本当の共感というよりは、ソ連の息苦しい生い立ちに対する完全な反逆だったと言う。それでも、初期の頃のドゥーギンを覚えている人はほぼすべて、このことについて語る。例えばセルベブロフは、ドゥーギンが有名な曲「くそったれソフデプ」を再演したことを回想している。「川に2000万、オーブンに2000万、我々の機関銃は不発にはならない」その後、「アレクサンドルは頭を後ろに投げて銃口を閉じた」 まるでエクスタシーに陥っているかのような目だった。」

[ Charles Clover: "Black Wind, White Snow: Russia's New Nationalism", Yale University Press, Apr 26, 2016, p.155 ]
Dugin's artistic outlet was his guitar, which he carried with him everywhere. Later he began to develop his stage persona, which mixed effortlessly with the more eccentric spirit of the schizoid movement, spicing his image with a dash of fascist imagery and a repertoire of occult songs. He sported a well-trimmed goatee beard and a simple pudding-bowl haircut with a straight fringe - an affec-tation popular in Russian intellectual circles of the time and known as a skobka or 'parenthesis' haircut. It evoked the simple and austere style of the medieval peasant, much like the nineteenth-century Slavophiles gathered in their St Petersburg mansions wearing peasant murmolka caps. He had an erect bearing and a habit of trilling his `rs' a little too heavily in a sign of aristocratic affectation; he sometimes accented this pose by speaking French. Most impressively, he often wore (galife' trousers - the jodhpur-like breeches of a cavalry officer of a century before. He adopted the nom de plume 'Hans Sievers, which added a hint of Teutonic severity to an already colourful and fairly camp militaristic-folklore style. The impression he created was, as his later collaborator Eduard Limonov described it, a 'picture of Oscar Wildean ambiguity.


Sievers was not just a stage name: it was a complete persona and alter ego. This was painstakingly composed of as many antisocial elements as its creator could find - a total and malevolent rebellion not just against the Soviet Union, but against convention and public taste as a whole: his namesake, Wolfram Sievers, had been the Reichsgeschaftsfuhrer, or director, of the Ahnenerbe, a Nazi organization set up by Heinrich Himmler to study esoteric and paranormal phenomena. The real Sievers was hanged in 1947 by the Nuremburg court, charged with experimenting on concentration camp victims.


The lyrics composed by Dugin/Sievers were both clever and intended to achieve maximum shock value. They were mainly inspired by nineteenth-century author Isidore-Lucien Ducasse, aka the Comte de Lautreamont, whose `Maldoror verses' were taken up by twentieth-century surrealists. Maldoror was the chronicle of an eponymous outcast monster who embarks on a surreal binge of torture, cannibalism and general malevolence - a vicious being in total revolt against every form of moral authority and every convention.

ドゥーギン/シーバース作曲した歌詞は賢く、最大の衝撃値を達成することを意図していた。これらは主に、ロートレアモン伯爵としても知られる19世紀の作家イシドール=ルシアン・デュカスにインスピレーションを受けており、彼の「マルドロール詩」は 20 世紀のシュルレアリストによって取り上げられた。『マルドロール』は、拷問、人食い行為、一般的な悪意といった超現実的な暴食に乗り出す、その名を冠した追放された怪物の年代記であり、あらゆる形態の道徳的権威とあらゆる慣習に対して完全に反逆する邪悪な存在である。

Dugin recounted later that his interest in Lautreamont was a product of his implacable hatred for the stultifying conformity of the Soviet existence: 'It is so out of tune with the traditional gold-plated lie of our culture that it seems there is no more anti-Soviet and non-conformist reading, no more unacceptable author, no more inappropriate discourse, he said in a radio interview a decade later.

While Dugin was exploring the surreal and the spiritual, Russia's intellectual class was dabbling in the same currents en masse, though in a less extreme manner. Evgeny Nikiforov, a friend of Dugin's in the 1980s, reminisced in an interview with me about the creative journey of the intelligentsia: 'First, we all learnt yoga, then we studied Sanskrit, then we read the New Testament. It was all the same to us at the time. Only later did we become spiritually mature. No one had the first clue. The KGB even thought karate was a religion.


ドゥーギンが超現実的で精神的なものを探求していた頃、ロシアの知識階級は、それほど極端ではないものの、一斉に同じ流れに手を出していた。1980年代のドゥーギンの友人エフゲニー・ニキフォロフは、インテリの創造的な旅について私のインタビューで次のように回想した。 「最初に私たちは皆ヨガを学び、次にサンスクリット語を学び、それから新約聖書を読んだ。当時の我々には、どれも同じだった。我々が霊的に成熟したのは後になってからのことだった。誰も最初の手がかりを持っていなかった。KGBは空手は宗教だとさえ考えていた。」

The Yuzhinsky circle was fascinated by anything esoteric, occult, mystical: from meditation to theosophy to black magic. One major focus of its spiritual studies was a philosophy known as 'traditionalism', founded in the first half of the twentieth century by French Sufi mystic Rene Guenon. He taught that all world religions were the outward expression of a single esoteric core - a single metaphysics that came to mankind via divine revelation. Traditionalists believed that the modern world was a profane creation, and sought to rediscover the divine centre, the content of the initial revelation, which, they believed, continues to echo through the teaching of mystical religions the world over, principally eastern ones, such as Islamic Sufism and Zen Buddhism. They did so through the study of eastern mystical religions, through meditation and by studying traditional thought, such as pagan myths and occult numerology.


Traditionalism and other esoteric studies have always had a reputation for fascism, and vice versa: the Nazi party grew out of the occultist Thule Society, launched in 1918. Guenon's most illustrious disciple, Baron Julius Evola, a monocled Italian aristocrat, eventually joined the Italian fascist movement and worked briefly for the SS, later becoming a major inspiration for postwar right-wing terror groups in Italy. Due to an apparent oversight by a librarian at the Lenin Library, the Yuzhinsky circle had discovered the books of Evola in the general reading section sometime after the Cuban missile crisis.'° 'They clearly belonged in the restricted section, joked Dugin, who was so profoundly intrigued by Evola that he learned Italian just so that he could translate his 1961 book Ride the Tiger into Russian samizdat.

伝統主義やその他のエソテリックな研究は常にファシズムだと評せられ、その逆も同様だった。ナチ党1918年に発足したオカルティストのトゥーレ協会から発展した。ゲノンの最も著名な弟子である片眼鏡のイタリア貴族ユリウス・エヴォラ男爵(1898-1974)は、最終的にイタリアのファシスト運動に参加し、短期間SSで働き、後にイタリアの戦後右翼テログループに大きなインスピレーションを与えた。レーニン図書館の司書による明らかな見落としにより、ユージンスキーサークルは、キューバ危機の後しばらくして、エヴォラの本が一般閲覧セクションにあることを発見した。「それらは明らかに立ち入り禁止セクションに属する本だった」とドゥーギンは冗談を言った。エヴォラに非常に興味をそそられたドゥーギンは、1961年のエヴォラの著書『Cavalcare la tigre(ライド・ザ・タイガー)』をロシア語に翻訳するためにイタリア語を学んた。

For traditionalists, separation from the profane world is prized, and every-thing bourgeois is anathematized. Evola believed that mankind is living in the Kali Yuga, a dark age of unleashed materialistic appetites, spiritual oblivion and organized deviancy. To counter this and summon a primordial rebirth, Evola presented his world of the spiritual and the divine. He was a proponent of rigidly hierarchical political life, and he divided humanity into 'castes' which determined one's essential function in society. His approach to 'spiritual racism' was endorsed by none other than Mussolini in 1941, and he believed that war was a form of therapy, leading mankind into a higher form of spiritual exist-ence. According to Franco Ferraresi, a top Italian scholar of the extreme right, `Evola's thought can be considered one of the most radically and consistently antiegalitarian, antiliberal, antidemocratic, and antipopular systems in the twentieth century.'


[ Charles Clover: "Black Wind, White Snow: Russia's New Nationalism", Yale University Press, Apr 26, 2016, pp.158-159 ]



