


提案者Bill P. Keith州上院議員(民主党)

2013年と2014年に、共和党Dan Claitor州上院議員が、均等州法の廃止する州法案を提案したが、成立しなかった。さらに、2016年にも、Dan Claitor州上院議員は挑戦中。

Louisiana Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act

§286.1. Short title
This Subpart shall be known as the "Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act."
Added by Acts 1981, No. 685, §1.

§286.2. Purpose
This Subpart is enacted for the purposes of protecting academic freedom.
Added by Acts 1981, No. 685, §1.

§286.3. Definitions
As used in this Subpart, unless otherwise clearly indicated, these terms have the following meanings:
(1) "Balanced treatment" means providing whatever information and instruction in both creation and evolution models the classroom teacher determines is necessary and appropriate to provide insight into both theories in view of the textbooks and other instructional materials available for use in his classroom.
(2) "Creation-science" means the scientific evidences for creation and inferences from those scientific evidences.
(3) "Evolution-science" means the scientific evidences for evolution and inferences from those scientific evidences.
(4) "Public schools" mean public secondary and elementary schools.
Added by Acts 1981, No. 685, §1.

§286.4. Authorization for balanced treatment; requirement for nondiscrimination
A. Commencing with the 1982-1983 school year, public schools within this state shall give balanced treatment to creation-science and to evolution-science. Balanced treatment of these two models shall be given in classroom lectures taken as a whole for each course, in textbook materials taken as a whole for each course, in library materials taken as a whole for the sciences and taken as a whole for the humanities, and in other educational programs in public schools, to the extent that such lectures, textbooks, library materials, or educational programs deal in any way with the subject of the origin of man, life, the earth, or the universe. When creation or evolution is taught, each shall be taught as a theory, rather than as proven scientific fact.

B. Public schools within this state and their personnel shall not discriminate by reducing a grade of a student or by singling out and publicly criticizing any student who demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of both evolution-science or creation-science and who accepts or rejects either model in whole or part.

C. No teacher in public elementary or secondary school or instructor in any state-supported university in Louisiana, who chooses to be a creation-scientist or to teach scientific data which points to creationism shall, for that reason, be discriminated against in any way by any school board, college board, or administrator.
Added by Acts 1981, No. 685, §1.

§286.5. Clarifications
This Subpart does not require any instruction in the subject of origins but simply permits instruction in both scientific models (of evolution-science and creation-science) if public schools choose to teach either. This Subpart does not require each individual textbook or library book to give balanced treatment to the models of evolution-science and creation-science; it does not require any school books to be discarded. This Subpart does not require each individual classroom lecture in a course to give such balanced treatment but simply permits the lectures as a whole to give balanced treatment; it permits some lectures to present evolution-science and other lectures to present creation-science.
Added by Acts 1981, No. 685, §1.

§286.6. Funding of inservice training and materials acquisition
Any public school that elects to present any model of origins shall use existing teacher inservice training funds to prepare teachers of public school courses presenting any model of origins to give balanced treatment to the creation-science model and the evolution-science model. Existing library acquisition funds shall be used to purchase nonreligious library books as are necessary to give balanced treatment to the creation-science model and the evolution-science model.
Added by Acts 1981, No. 685, §1.

§286.7. Curriculum development
A. Each city and parish school board shall develop and provide to each public school classroom teacher in the system a curriculum guide on presentation of creation-science.

B. The governor shall designate seven creation-scientists who shall provide resource services in the development of curriculum guides to any city or parish school board upon request. Each such creation-scientist shall be designated from among the full-time faculty members teaching in any college and university in Louisiana. These creation-scientists shall serve at the pleasure of the governor and without compensation.
Added by Acts 1981, No. 685, §1.

§286.1 短縮名称

§286.2 目的

(1) 「均等取扱い」とは、授業を行う教師が、創造と進化の両方のモデルの情報提示や指導を行うと決めたとき、授業で使用可能な教科書やその他の教材を考慮して、両理論の洞察を必ず適切に提示することを意味する。
(2) 「創造科学」は創造を支持する科学的証拠と、それらの科学的証拠からの推論を意味する。
(3) 「進化科学」は進化を支持する科学的証拠と、それらの科学的証拠からの推論を意味する。
(4) 「公立学校」は公立中学校と公立小学校を意味うる。

§286.4. 均等取扱いの承認と差別禁止の義務付け
A. 1982-1983学校年度開始から、州内の公立学校は、創造科学と進化科学を均等に扱わなければならない。これら2モデルの均等取扱は、各教科の授業全体として、各教科の教科書教材全体として、図書館図書の科学全体及び人間学全体として、及び公立学校で他の教育プログラムとして、授業と教科書と図書館図書あるいは教育プログラムの範囲内で、人間や生命や地球や宇宙の起源を扱う単元において、行わなければならない。創造あるいは進化を教えるときは、それぞれ理論として教え、証明された科学的事実として教えてはならない。

B. 州内の公立学校と職員は、進化科学と創造科学をともに十分に理解し、そのいずれかの全体もしくは一部を拒否した生徒の成績を下げたり、名指ししたり、公に批判するなどの形で差別してはならない。

C. 公立小学校あるいは公立中学校の教師あるいは州の資金援助を受けているルイジアナ州の大学講師が、創造科学者になったり、創造論を支持する科学的データを教えたりすることを選択した場合、学区教育委員会や大学委員会や管理者はこれを差別してはならない。

§286.5. 明確化

§286.6. トレーニングや教材の購入費用の予算措置

§286.7. カリキュラム開発
A. 各市及び各学区教育委員会は管轄する各公立学校で授業をする教師に、創造科学の提示についてのカリキュラムガイドを開発・提供しなければならない。

B. 州知事は、要求に応じて、いかなる市や学区教育委員会にも、カリキュラムガイドの開発にリソース·サービスを提供しなければならない。そのような創造科学者は、ルイジアナ州の大学で教える学部常勤メンバーから指名しなければならない。

[ quoted in Rational Wiki ]






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