





誇張された話ではなく、カンボジア人の八割は、今日でもなお「地球は平らだ」と信じている。カンポジア憲法が「仏教をもって国教とする」と規定しているだけあって、僧侶が思想、教育の上に持っている影響力は頗る絶大だ。しかも教えは排他的な小乗仏教だから、カンボジアでは殺生は一切厳禁、川の魚ですら穫ることが出米ない。もっとも、ヴェトナム人やチャム族の捕獲した魚なら食べることが出来るのだから、抜け道がないわけではない。どうにも妥協の余地がないのは「地球」に関する教えである。手つ取り早くいえば、平らな地球の中心にヒマラヤがあり、その頂上から第二の世界が拡っているという考え方だ。この思想は、月ロケットはおろか、コペルニクスやニュートンとも一切無縁である。私は地球平板説を唱える僧侶たちの一種兇暴な感情を想像すると身震いを禁じ得ない。寺小屋の子供たちはともかく、教師たる僧侶たちは真実に地球の平らかなことを信じているのだろうか!? だがシアヌークは宿命的に僧侶と対決することが出来ない。カンボジア憲法は「国王は仏教徒たること」を決定しているのである。

[ 藤島泰輔: "アンコールの帝王 : クメール文化の謎", 展望社, 1960, pp.70-71 ]

Throughout pre-modern Southeast Asia, the earth was presumed to be flat. In most regions this belief did not begin to fade until well into the nineteenth century, and in rural areas it could be found even into the early twentieth century. Acceptance of the earth's sphericity had to overcome religious objections, since writings in Buddhism contained perceived contradictions to a spherical earth that needed to be interpreted anew before the flat world could be respectfully discarded. Some limited parallel might be made with Western writers who used the Bible to debunk the established Greco-Roman view of a spherical earth, though the flat earth was a minority belief in medieval Europe. Both Christianity and Buddhism rationalized discrepancies between canon and science in similar ways: the writings of their faiths were meant to be taken literally regarding only matters of spiritual truth; details of natural science are revealed figuratively and allegorically. Perhaps Buddha knew that the people to whom he preached were not yet capable of understanding such fantastic notions as a spherical earth, so it was better that he left such spiritually irrelevant matters aside. To address them could only have distracted the people from more important truths.


[ Thomas Suarez: "Early Southeast Asian Geographic Thought" ]

Backwardness of out-of-the-way islands

Islands, if they are off the beaten tracks, tend to be traditional in spirit. The Isle of Man is famous for the old-time flavor of its institutions and customs. In the interior of Sardinia the traveller can reckon on a hospitality that reminds one of the Odyssey. In Corsica blood feud is still so flourishing that France is said to hang the walls of her schoolrooms there with admonitory texts like "Thou shalt not kill."

In general, the country has few contacts with the outside, and is therefore conservative. Here old fashions, greetings, ballads, locutions, superstitions, and prejudices find their asylum. In the back country survive clannishness, the sacrament theory of marriage, full quivers, marital supremacy, patriarchal authority, snuff-dipping, herb doctors, self-supporting preachers, foot-washing, hellfire doctrine, controversy on the form of baptism, dread of witchcraft, and belief in the flatness of the earth. Where tradition holds, the institutions of control are effective, and hence rural communities are usually quiet and orderly.




[ Edward Alsworth Ross: "Social Psychology", 1908, p.227]






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