

Furtive fallacy (内密誤謬)

内密誤謬は「歴史的結果が意思決定者の隠された(内密の)不正行為や不法行員の結果である」と主張する非形式誤謬である。これは歴史学者David Hackett Fischerによれば「歴史上の重要な事実は必然的に不吉であり、歴史そのものは、原因がほとんど陰険で結果がほとんど不利な物語である」という信念である。「陰謀論」につながることもありうるが、誤謬自体は信念あるいは仮定以上のものではない。

この内密誤謬そのものは、おそらく紀元前から存在するが、その存在・概念の初出はRichard Hofstadter (1956, p.200)のようである。誤謬に命名はしていないが...
Reality now was rough and sordid. It was hidden, neglected, and off-stage. It was conceived essentially as that stream of external and material events which was most likely to be unpleasant. Reality was the bribe, the rebate, the bought franchise, the sale of adulterated food. It was what one found in The Jungle, The Octopus, Wealth against Commonwealth , or The Shame of the Cities. It was just as completely and hopelessly dissociated from the world of morals and ideals as, say, a newspaper editorial on Motherhood might be from the facts about infant mortality in the slums. To the average American of the Progressive era this ugly thing that presented itself as reality was not a final term. Reality was a series of unspeakable plots, personal iniquities, moral failures, which, in their totality, had come to govern American society only because the citizen had relaxed his moral vigilance.


[ Richard Hofstadter: "The Age Of Reform", 1956, p.200 ]

整理された形で、「Furtive fallacy (内密誤謬)」という名称で提示したのは、David Hackett Fischer (1970, pp.74-78)である。
The furtive fallacy is the erroneous idea that facts of special significance are dark and dirty things and that history itself is a story of causes mostly insidious and results mostly invidious. It begins with the premise that reality is a sordid, secret thing; and that history hap- pens on the back stairs a little after midnight, or else in a smoke-filled room, or a perfumed boudoir, or an executive penthouse or somewhere in the inner sanctum of the Vatican, or the Kremlin, or the Reich Chancellery, or the Pentagon. It is something more, and something other than merely a conspiracy theory, though that form of causal reduction is a common component. The furtive fallacy is a more profound error, which combines a naive epistemological assumption that things are ever what they seem to be, with a firm attachment to the doctrine of original sin.

「内密誤謬(Furtive fallacy)」とは「特別な意味を持つ事実は暗くて汚いものであり、歴史そのものは原因がほとんど陰険で結果がほとんど不公平な物語である」という誤った考えである。それは、「現実は卑劣で秘密のものであり、歴史は真夜中過ぎの裏階段、あるいは煙の充満した部屋、あるいは香水のきいた閨房、あるいは重役のペントハウス、あるいはバチカン、クレムリン、総統官邸、あるいはペンタゴンのどこかの奥の聖域で起こる」という前提から始まる。それは単なる陰謀説以上のものであり、因果関係の縮小という形式は一般的な要素ではあるが、それ以上のものである。内密誤謬はより深刻な誤りであり、物事は常に見かけ通りであるという素朴な認識論的仮定と原罪の教義への固い執着とが組み合わさっている。

There is a little of the furtive fallacy in us all — enough to sustain the common truth of Ralph Barton Perry's observation that "facts, like sinners, gain something from an unsavory reputation." 26 But there is more of it in some people than in others. And when there is much of it, we are apt to summon a psychiatrist. In an extreme form, the furtive fallacy is not merely an intellectual error but a mental illness which is commonly called paranoia. [27]


Sometimes paranoia is an epidemic disease. There are periods in the past when men ran mad in packs, and when their madness took precisely this form. Sometimes, such outbreaks have been followed by great cataclysms. The relationship of cause to consequence is cloudy, but a symptomatic significance, at least, seems clear. If it is correct, then nothing is more ominous in our own time than the prevalence of furtive fallacies in every ideological camp. Witness the appalling success of Macbird, and the tone of the campaign against Axel Springer, and miscellaneous fears of furtive acts by soldiers and students, Negroes and Jews, Communists and capitalists, the Mafia, Maoists, the Kennedy clan, President Johnson, General de Gaulle, and many others. Reasonable men of all persuasions have an interest, and a duty, to oppose this ugly tendency. The furtive fallacy has a self-fulfilling quality. Men who believe it begin to act furtively. Nothing is more dangerous to the peace of the world or more deleterious to the progress of humanity.


The furtive fallacy is, however, nothing new in the world. A rounded history of this delusion would carry us back to the great Homeric treacheries and far beyond. We might merely return sixty years, or so, to muckraking journalists of America's "Progressive era." If Richard Hofstadter is correct, they operated upon an assumption that reality was a "rough and sordid" thing. "It was hidden, neglected, and off-stage. . . . Reality was the bribe, the rebate, the bought franchise, the sale of adulterated food. . . . Reality was a series of unspeakable plots, personal iniquities, moral failures." [28]


Historians in the Progressive era showed the same habit of thought. A socialist scholar, Algie Simons, led the pack in their reinterpretation of that sacred ark of republicanism, the United States Constitution. In rhetoric which "sweats with rural superstition," [29] he informed his readers that "the organic law of this nation was formulated in secret session by a body called into existence through a conspiratory [sic] trick, and was forced upon a disfranchised people by means of dishonest apportionment in order that the interests of a small body of wealthy rulers might be served." [30]

進歩主義時代の歴史家も同じ思考習慣を示した。社会主義学者のアルジー・シモンズは、共和主義の聖なる箱舟である米国憲法の再解釈で先頭に立った。 「田舎の迷信で汗をかく」[29] というレトリックで、彼は読者に「この国の憲法は、陰謀的な策略によって設立された団体によって秘密会議で策定され、少数の裕福な統治者の利益にかなうように不正な配分によって権利を剥奪された人々に押し付けられた」と語った[30]。

Close behind Simons was the mightiest muckraker of them all, Charles Beard, author of the most famous monograph in American history, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (New York, 1913), in which the furtive fallacy was deeply embedded. Beard claimed otherwise, and several times insisted that his thesis was misunderstood. But in fact it was misconceived. For Beard, as for Simons, the Con- stitution was "essentially an economic document," which was "written by a small and active group of men" who were "with a few exceptions, immediately, directly and personally interested in, and derived economic advantages from, the establishment of the new system." [31]


Beard's book, for all the controversy which it caused, was a very moderate specimen of the furtive fallacy. No imputation of paranoia can attach to his work. Nobody, not even his worst critics, wished to call a psychiatrist (though President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia may have wished to call the police). But his interpretative model, in the events which it made significant, was false and misleading.


Beard's last major book, on the origins of American intervention in World War II, was even more deeply flawed by the furtive fallacy in its thesis that Franklin Roosevelt and his cronies secretly manipulated American policy by a series of subtle and sordid tricks to bring their nation into the war. There is no evidence that Beard deliberately falsified his account. [32] The errors and distortions in his interpretation are rather the result of his erroneous assumptions — not merely in the conceptualization of the specific historical problem which he was studying, nor simply in his political prejudices, but in the way he believed history happened. That fundamental error was a constant in Beard's career, from the Economic Interpretation in 1913 to President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War, 1941: A Study in Appearances and Realities (New Haven, 1948).

ビアードの最後の主要著書は、第二次世界大戦へのアメリカの介入の起源に関するもので、「フランクリン・ルーズベルトとその取り巻きが一連の巧妙で卑劣な策略でアメリカの政策を密かに操作し、自国を戦争に巻き込んだ」という主張には、さらに深刻な誤りがあった。ビアードが故意に記述を偽造したという証拠はない[32]。 彼の解釈の誤りや歪曲は、むしろ彼の誤った仮定の結果である。それは、彼が研究していた特定の歴史的問題の概念化や政治的偏見だけでなく、歴史が起こったと彼が信じていた方法におけるものである。この根本的な誤りは、1913年の『経済解釈』から『ルーズベルト大統領と1941年の戦争の到来:外見と現実の研究』(ニューヘイブン、1948年)まで、ビアードのキャリアを通じて一貫していた。

If the furtive fallacy is a link between the early Beard and the late Beard, it is also a bond between Beard and the anti-Beardians. We have already considered the fallacy of counterquestions in this connection. The mistake perpetrated by Beard was perpetuated by his most able critic. In Forrest McDonald's history of the Constitution, there is a furtive fallacy which is so gross that I have sometimes wondered if it was intended as a practical joke.


McDonald tells us, with a straight face, that the critical compromise which made the Constitution possible was a secret deal between Connecticut land speculators, represented by Roger Sherman, and South Carolina planters, represented by John Rutledge. The arrangement was made in a smoke-filled room, on the evening of June 30, 1787, but almost came unstuck in another smoke-filled room, where Charles Pinckney (who was in on the secret), and Luther Martin (who was not), went off on a great roaring drunk together. This alcoholic bout might be called the first anti-Federal party. Sometime after the seventh drink, bibulous "blackguard-Charlie" whispered the secret to the cunning "Brandy Bottle" Martin, who proceeded to rally the opposition. But Oliver Ellsworth and John Rutledge, who are compared to Samuel Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson, managed to put the deal back together again, by some sly parliamentary skulduggery. [33]

マクドナルドは「憲法を可能にした決定的な妥協は、ロジャー・シャーマンが代表するコネチカットの土地投機家と、ジョン・ラトレッジが代表するサウスカロライナの農園主との間の秘密の取引であった」と、真顔で語っている。この取り決めは1787年6月30日の夕方、煙の充満した部屋で行われたが、別の煙の充満した部屋で、チャールズ ピンクニー (秘密を知っていた) とルーサー マーティン (知らなかった) が一緒に大酒を飲んで大騒ぎしたため、危うく破談になりそうになった。この酒の喧嘩は、最初の反連邦派と呼べるかもしれない。7杯目を飲んだ後、酒好きの「悪党チャーリー」が、狡猾な「ブランデー ボトル」マーティンに秘密をささやき、マーティンは反対派を結集させた。しかし、サミュエル レイバーンとリンドン ジョンソンにたとえられるオリバー エルズワースとジョン ラトレッジは、議会の狡猾な策略で、この取り決めを再びまとめることに成功した。 [33]

This remarkable interpretation is developed with imaginative detail, in a work which might be enjoyed as a masterpiece of black humor, worthy of comparison with the best of Terry Southern (with James Madison in the role of Candy), or Pynchon (with the Constitution as V), or Donleavy (with Robert Morris as Sebastian Dangerfield), or John Barth himself. I suppose that it might have happened — even Barth's scatalogical secret history of Captain John Smith might have happened. But there is no evidence to sustain McDonald's interpretation, and much to the contrary. There is no good evidence even that the alleged meetings took place, much less that such bargains were made.


This furtive fallacy is central to McDonald's interpretation. But there are also many smaller ones, in a work which is rum-and-strumpet history, with a vengeance. What, for example, really went on, in that green paradise called New Hampshire? McDonald believes that reality was something like this: "Winters in eighteenth-century New Hampshire were uncommonly long and cold: so cold that all men save the most industrious stayed indoors, making their wives pregnant and praying to a Fundamentalist, Calvinist God to make it warmer; and so long that when Spring finally broke, all men save the most industrious got fiercely drunk and made other men's wives pregnant" (p. 114). Who really was an obscure Maryland politician, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer? "Jenifer was a petty local official who customarily had his hand in the public till or was helping someone else's to reach it" (p. 166). What was the real story behind the Jay-Gardoqui treaty? "Gardoqui flattered Jay and showered Jay's wife (whom Jay adored) with attention and gifts, whereupon Jay agreed to ask Congress for permission to surrender American claims to rights of navigation on the Mississippi" (p. 82).

この内密誤謬はマクドナルドの解釈の中心である。しかし、この作品は酒と売春婦の歴史であり、復讐心に燃えている。たとえば、ニューハンプシャーと呼ばれるあの緑の楽園で実際に何が起こったのか?マクドナルドは、現実は次のようなものだったと考えている。「18世紀のニューハンプシャーの冬は、異常に長くて寒かった。あまりに寒かったので、最も勤勉な者を除くすべての男は屋内にこもり、妻を妊娠させ、原理主義カルヴァン派の神に暖かくなるよう祈った。そしてあまりに寒かったので、ようやく春が訪れると、最も勤勉な者を除くすべての男はひどく酔っぱらって、他人の妻を妊娠させた」(114 ページ)。メリーランド州の無名の政治家、ダニエル・オブ・セント・トーマス・ジェニファーとは、本当は誰だったのか?「ジェニファーは、公共の金庫に手を突っ込んだり、他の人の金庫に手を入れるのを手伝ったりしていた、地方の下級役人だった」(166 ページ)。ジェイ・ガルドキ条約の裏にある本当の話は何だったのか? 「ガルドキはジェイを褒め称え、ジェイが敬愛していたジェイの妻に気遣いと贈り物を惜しみなく与えた。するとジェイは、ミシシッピ川の航行権に対するアメリカの主張を放棄する許可を議会に求めることに同意した」(82 ページ)

In the misbehavioral science of Beard and McDonald, reality is always the underlying fact, always something more than meets the eye. But there is also another curious inversion of the furtive fallacy, which is grounded in an increasingly fashionable assumption that reality is something less than meets the eye. An example is a work by Joseph Hamburger on the philosophic radicals and the English reform bill. His thesis, as summarized by a critic, is that "their threat of violence and revolution was a calculated bluff, a threat they neither intended nor desired to carry out, and that their strategy succeeded not because everyone was taken in by the bluff, but because some politicians, recognizing it as such, chose to submit to it for tactical reasons of their own." Reality is reduced to a set of shadows, flickering behind a curtain of flimsy rhetoric. [34]


[27] Of course, I do not mean to suggest that the historians whose works are used as examples of this error are paranoid. The argument, rather, is that a fallacy which appears in their thought has sometimes become paranoia in the thought of others.
[28] Richard Hofstadter, The Age of Reform, Vintage ed. (New York, 1960), pp. 201-2.
[29] Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick, The Founding Fathers: Young Men of the Revolution (Washington, D.C., 1962), p. 8. I am heavily endebted to this essay, in the following interpretation.
[30] Algie M. Simons, Social Forces in American History (New York, 1911), p. 99; quoted in Elkins and McKitrick, p. 8.
[31] An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, new ed. (New York, 1935), pp. 324-25; cf. pp. xvi, 73.
[32] Cushing Strout notes that Basil Rauch in Roosevelt from Munich to Pearl Harbor (New York, 1950) "attacks Beard's devil-theory of Roosevelt at the price of creating a devil-theory of Beard by accusing him of deliberate falsification of the record." The Pragmatic Revolt in American History: Carl Becker and Charles Beard (New Haven, 1958), p. 150 n.
[33] Forrest McDonald, E Pluribus Unum: The Formation of the American Republic, 1776-1790 (Boston, 1965), chap. 6, pp. 176-84.
[34] Gertrude Himmelfarb, American Historical Review 61 (1966): 1344. The book is Joseph Hamburger's James Mill and the Art of Revolution (New Haven, 1963). See pp. 115, 125.

[ David Hackett Fischer: "Historians Fallacies Toward A Logic Of Historical Thought", 1970, pp.74-78 ]






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