


wikipedia: Evolution and the Roman Catholic Church(進化論とローマカトリック教会)から、教皇ピウス12世と教皇ヨハネパウロ2世と現教皇ベネディクト16世の進化論にまつわる声明をメモ:
進化論に敵対しないことを明言したピウス12世(Pope Pius XII)
The Church, beginning in 1950 with Pope Pius XII's encyclical Humani Generis, took up a neutral position with regard to evolution:
カトリック教会は19050年始めに教皇ピウス12世の"Humani Generis"回勅により、進化論について中立的なポジションをとった。

"The Church does not forbid that...research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter." (Pius XII, encyclical Humani Generis)


Pope Pius XII's teaching can be summarized as follows:

The question of the origin of man's body from pre-existing and living matter is a legitimate matter of inquiry for natural science. Catholics are free to form their own opinions, but they should do so cautiously; they should not confuse fact with conjecture, and they should respect the Church's right to define matters touching on Revelation.

Catholics must believe, however, that the human soul was created immediately by God. Since the soul is a spiritual substance it is not brought into being through transformation of matter, but directly by God, whence the special uniqueness of each person.

All men have descended from an individual, Adam, who has transmitted original sin to all mankind. Catholics may not, therefore, believe in "polygenism," the scientific hypothesis that mankind descended from a group of original humans (that there were many Adams and Eves).

Some theologians believe Pius XII explicitly excludes belief in polygenism as licit. The relevant sentence is this:

"Now it is in no way apparent how such an opinion (polygenism) can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which, through generation, is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own." (Pius XII, Humani Generis, 37 and footnote refers to Romans 5:12-19; Council of Trent, Session V, Canons 1-4)


進化論は仮説以上のものとなったと認めたヨハネパウロ2世(Pope John Paul II):

In an October 22, 1996, address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope John Paul II updated the Church's position to accept evolution of the human body:


"In his encyclical Humani Generis (1950), my predecessor Pius XII has already affirmed that there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith regarding man and his vocation, provided that we do not lose sight of certain fixed points....Today, more than a half-century after the appearance of that encyclical, some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than an hypothesis. In fact it is remarkable that this theory has had progressively greater influence on the spirit of researchers, following a series of discoveries in different scholarly disciplines. The convergence in the results of these independent studies -- which was neither planned nor sought -- constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of the theory."

私の先任者であるピウス12世は、1950年の"Humani Generis"回勅において、進化論と人間とその使命についての教義について矛盾がないと断言し、特定のポイントを見失わないよう定めた。そして今日、回勅が出されたから半世紀以上がが経過し、新たな発見により、進化論を仮説以上のものとして認めさせるようになった。事実、この理論は研究者たちの精神に次第に大きな影響を与えるようになり、異なる学術分野でも一連の発見が続いたことは注目に値する。これらの独立した研究の結果は収斂は、意図されたものでも、探られたものでもなかったが、それ自体が、この理論についての重要な議論を構成する。

[ John Paul II, Message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Evolution ]

In the same address, Pope John Paul II rejected any theory of evolution that provides a materialistic explanation for the human soul:

"Theories of evolution which, because of the philosophies which inspire them, regard the spirit either as emerging from the forces of living matter, or as a simple epiphenomenon of that matter, are incompatible with the truth about man."



オーストリアの枢機卿の発言などで、いささかポジションのよろめきを懸念あるいは期待される現教皇ベネディクト16世(Pope Benedict XVI):
Because of recent statements by Cardinal Schonborn, confusion has arisen over the Church's stance on the compatibility between evolution and Catholic dogma.


The Church has always agreed with scientists on matters such as the age of the earth and the authenticity of the fossil record. Papal pronouncements, along with commentaries by cardinals, have accepted the findings of scientists on the gradual appearance of life. In fact, the International Theological Commission in a July 2004 statement endorsed by Cardinal Ratzinger, then president of the Commission and head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, now Pope Benedict XVI, includes this paragraph:

教会は地球の年齢や化石の正当性について科学者と常に同意してきた。教皇の声明は、枢機卿による解説とともに、生命の漸進的出現についての科学者の発見を受け入れたものだ。事実、2004年7月の"International Theological Commission"の声明は、Comissionの議長であり、教義省の長官でもあったRatzinger枢機卿(現教皇ベネディクト16世)によって支持され、次のパラグラフを含んでいる:

"According to the widely accepted scientific account, the universe erupted 15 billion years ago in an explosion called the 'Big Bang' and has been expanding and cooling ever since. Later there gradually emerged the conditions necessary for the formation of atoms, still later the condensation of galaxies and stars, and about 10 billion years later the formation of planets. In our own solar system and on earth (formed about 4.5 billion years ago), the conditions have been favorable to the emergence of life. While there is little consensus among scientists about how the origin of this first microscopic life is to be explained, there is general agreement among them that the first organism dwelt on this planet about 3.5 - 4 billion years ago. Since it has been demonstrated that all living organisms on earth are genetically related, it is virtually certain that all living organisms have descended from this first organism. Converging evidence from many studies in the physical and biological sciences furnishes mounting support for some theory of evolution to account for the development and diversification of life on earth, while controversy continues over the pace and mechanisms of evolution. While the story of human origins is complex and subject to revision, physical anthropology and molecular biology combine to make a convincing case for the origin of the human species in Africa about 150,000 years ago in a humanoid population of common genetic lineage. However it is to be explained, the decisive factor in human origins was a continually increasing brain size, culminating in that of homo sapiens. With the development of the human brain, the nature and rate of evolution were permanently altered: with the introduction of the uniquely human factors of consciousness, intentionality, freedom and creativity, biological evolution was recast as social and cultural evolution."


[ paragraph 63, from "Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God," plenary sessions held in Rome 2000-2002, published July 2004 ]

The Church's stance is that this gradual appearance has been guided in some way by God, but the Church has thus far declined to define in what way that may be. Commentators tend to interpret the Church's position in the way most favorable to their own arguments. The International Theological Commission statement includes these paragraphs on evolution, the providence of God, and "intelligent design":

漸進的な生命の出現に対する教会のスタンスは、それが何らかの形で神に導かれたというものだが、教会はそれがどのような方法であるかを定めない。論評者たちは教会のポジションを自分たちの都合のよいように解釈する傾向がある。"International Theological Commission"の生命は、進化論と神の摂理とインテリジェントデザインについて次のパラグラフを含む:

"In freely willing to create and conserve the universe, God wills to activate and to sustain in act all those secondary causes whose activity contributes to the unfolding of the natural order which he intends to produce. Through the activity of natural causes, God causes to arise those conditions required for the emergence and support of living organisms, and, furthermore, for their reproduction and differentiation. Although there is scientific debate about the degree of purposiveness or design operative and empirically observable in these developments, they have de facto favored the emergence and flourishing of life. Catholic theologians can see in such reasoning support for the affirmation entailed by faith in divine creation and divine providence. In the providential design of creation, the triune God intended not only to make a place for human beings in the universe but also, and ultimately, to make room for them in his own trinitarian life. Furthermore, operating as real, though secondary causes, human beings contribute to the reshaping and transformation of the universe."


[ paragraph 68 ]

"A growing body of scientific critics of neo-Darwinism point to evidence of design (e.g., biological structures that exhibit specified complexity) that, in their view, cannot be explained in terms of a purely contingent process and that neo-Darwinians have ignored or misinterpreted. The nub of this currently lively disagreement involves scientific observation and generalization concerning whether the available data support inferences of design or chance, and cannot be settled by theology. But it is important to note that, according to the Catholic understanding of divine causality, true contingency in the created order is not incompatible with a purposeful divine providence. Divine causality and created causality radically differ in kind and not only in degree. Thus, even the outcome of a truly contingent natural process can nonetheless fall within God’s providential plan for creation."


[ paragraph 69 ]

In a commentary on Genesis authored as Cardinal Ratzinger titled In the Beginning... Benedict XVI spoke of "the inner unity of creation and evolution and of faith and reason" and that these two realms of knowledge are complementary, not contradictory:

Ratzinger枢機卿として書いた創世記の解説書"In the begenning"において、教皇ベネディクト16世は、創造と進化および信仰と論理の内的統一性について、これら2つの知識の領域が、背反ではなく相補的であると書いている:

"We cannot say: creation or evolution, inasmuch as these two things respond to two different realities. The story of the dust of the earth and the breath of God, which we just heard, does not in fact explain how human persons come to be but rather what they are. It explains their inmost origin and casts light on the project that they are. And, vice versa, the theory of evolution seeks to understand and describe biological developments. But in so doing it cannot explain where the 'project' of human persons comes from, nor their inner origin, nor their particular nature. To that extent we are faced here with two complementary -- rather than mutually exclusive -- realities."


[ Cardinal Ratzinger, In the Beginning: A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall [Eerdmans, 1986, 1995], see especially pages 41-58]

On September 2-3, 2006 at Castel Gandolfo, Pope Benedict XVI conducted a seminar examining the theory of evolution and its impact on Catholicism's teaching of Creation. The seminar is the latest edition of the annual "Schulerkreis" or student circle, a meeting Benedict has held with his former Ph.D. students since the 1970s. [ 3 ] It was reported that no new major statement was made at the meeting. [ Benedict's Schulerkreis ]

Castel Gandolfoで2006年9月2〜3日に、教皇ベネディクト16世は、進化論とそのカトリックの創造の教義へ影響を論じるセミナーを開催した。このセミナーは1970年代以来、ベネディクトのかつての博士課程院生との年次の集ま>りの最新回である。報道では、新たな声明は出されていない。






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