



According to the Bible, global warming will occur much sooner, and will be more severe, and much different than is predicted by the earth's scientists. Furthermore, those who believe that the human race has the intelligence and power to prevent it may be the very ones who hasten its coming.

Today's climate change soothsayers and prognosticators assemble together with one mind and one voice under the humanist manifesto, which declares, "No God will save us, we must save ourselves." If this alone was not enough, they recruit the entire world, including little children, to rise up as one body to "save the world", instilling and ascribing god-like posture in and to mere humans.

He who sits in heaven laughs, and wonders why the nations assemble together and imagine an empty scheme. (Psalm 2). God has created this world and He alone can preserve it. It is one thing to keep the environment clean but it is quite another for humans to think they can "save" the world from disaster.. Keeping the environment clean has evolved into "I will be like the most High". In the book of Revelation, it is prophesied that a day will come upon those who refuse to give God glory, and the rebellious and unrepentant, which will burn like fire, and it will come sooner than predicted by today's climate change scientists. The Bible says this about the day when God's wrath is kindled:

Then the fourth (angel) emptied out his bowl upon the sun, and it was permitted to burn (scorch) humanity with (fierce, glowing) heat (fire). People were severely burned (scorched) by the fiery heat, and they reviled and blasphemed the name of God, Who has control of these plagues, and they did not repent of their sins (felt no regret, contrition, and compunction for their waywardness, refusing to amend their ways) to give Him glory. (Revelation 16:8-9, AMP)

Then, a thousand years after this event has taken place, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, because this present heaven and earth will have passed away. The real global warming will come when the elements in this present earth and universe will melt, and be burned up with intense heat. (2 Peter 3:10 & 12) (Revelation 21:1). The apostle Peter asks the following question to each one of us: "If this present earth is destined to be destroyed in this manner, what kind of people should you be in holy conduct and godliness?" (2 Peter 3:11, NASB)




第四の天使が、その鉢の中身を太陽に注ぐと、太陽は人間を火で焼くことを許された。人間は、激しい熱で焼かれ、この災いを支配する権威を持つ神の名を冒涜した。そして、悔い改めて神の栄光をたたえることをしなかった。(ヨハネの黙示録 / 16章 8-9節)

そして、この出来事が起きてから1000年後に、新しい天と新しい地が出現する。というのは、最初の天と最初の地は去って行くからだ。新の地球温暖化では、自然界の諸要素は熱に熔け尽くし、自然界の諸要素は燃え尽きる(ペトロの手紙二 / 3章 10,12節,ヨハネの黙示録 / 21章 1節)。使徒ペトロは我々に次の問いかけをしてる。「このように、すべてのものは滅び去るのですから、あなたがたは聖なる信心深い生活を送らなければなりません。」(ペトロの手紙二 / 3章 11節)

[ Robert L Johnston: "Global Warming in Bible Prophecy" ]

There is coming a global warming for sure but is it now? It is interesting to note that the Bible does speak of a time when things are going to get very hot on this earth. And we have all been pre-warned of this time that is coming. This event will take place at the end of the millenial reign.

2nd Peter 3:10: But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
11: Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12: Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

In order to explain the above scriptures it is necessary to share that Peter saw the day of the Lord and the earth burning in one moment of time. However other scriptures explain that this day of fire will come at the end of the great white throne judgement which will be a thousand years after Jesus returns to gather the Church. But these events will happen as God has told us. The globe (the earth) will be warm and that is for sure. So what do you think?


主の日は盗人のようにやって来ます。その日、天は激しい音をたてながら消えうせ、自然界の諸要素は熱に熔け尽くし、地とそこで造り出されたものは暴かれてしまいます。このように、すべてのものは滅び去るのですから、あなたがたは聖なる信心深い生活を送らなければなりません。神の日の来るのを待ち望み、また、それが来るのを早めるようにすべきです。その日、天は焼け崩れ、自然界の諸要素は燃え尽き、熔け去ることでしょう。(ペトロの手紙二 / 3章 10-12節)


[ What the Bible says about "Global Warming" ]







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