


Genetic ID社の遺伝子試験商品には次のようになものがあり:
  • GMO Detection (遺伝子組み換え食品検出)|Genetic ID can reliably detect ALL commercialized genetically modified organisms. GMO testing is used to detect and quantify the presence of GMOs.
    (Genetic ID社は、すべての商用の遺伝子組み替え食品を確実に検出できる。GMOテストは、GMOの存在を見つけて、定量化するのに用いられる。)
  • Varietal ID Testing (変種ID検査)|Varietal ID testing is used to detect the presence of specific GMO varieties. It is typically used when a food source must meet regulatory requirements for specific GMO's, such as the absence of StarLink or other unapproved varieties.
  • Animal Feed Testing (動物食物検査):|Animal Feed testing is used to detect the presence of animal-derived materials, such as meat and bone meal, in animal feed or its components, whether species-specific or for a general barnyard screen.

これらのうちGenetic ID Testing」には
  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  • Qualitative PCR Screening
  • Triple-Check Semi-Quantitative PCR
  • Protein-based Tests

このGenetic ID社によるGMO検出について、Dembskiブログのscordova(Salvador Cordova)は、デザイン推論であると書いた:
The corporation known as Genetic-ID (ID as in IDentification, not ID as in Intelligent Design) is able to distinguish a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) from a "A naturally occurring" organism. At www.genetic-id.com they claim:

Genetic IDとして知られるその会社(IDはIdentificationであって、インテリジェントデザインではない)は、遺伝子組み換え食品を自然の食品と識別できる。Genetic-ID社のWebサイトは次のように主張する:

Genetic ID can reliably detect ALL commercialized genetically modified organisms.
Genetic ID社は、すべての商用の遺伝子組み替え食品を確実に検出できる。

I claim that detecting man-made artifacts (like a GMO) is a valid instance of applying the Explanatory Filter.


[ scordova: genetic-id, an instance of design detection? (topic revisited) (2006/05/11 ]


これに対して、Steve Reulandは、CordovaはDembskiの説明フィルタが役に立つと言っているが、その論には誤りがあると主張した:

First of all, this is not what the people at Genetic-ID are doing at all. They are not deciding that a sequence of an organism's DNA is "designed" by figuring that it was just too improbable to have come about by chance or by some law-like process. What they are doing instead is taking the known hallmarks of a GMO and testing for their presence. They explain this on their website:


PCR [polymerase chain reaction] is the gold standard for GMO testing. GMO tests based on PCR are used worldwide to verify contracts and regulatory compliance.



They look for a short stretch of DNA known to correspond to that of a GMO. In other words, they look for those specific DNA sequences that were inserted into the genome of the GMO by the biotech company that made them. They aren't trying to detect "design" in some abstract sense, they're looking for a specific sequence with a known origin.

彼らは GMOのものに対応する知られているDNAの短い部分をさがす。言い換えるなら、彼らはバイオテク会社が創りGMOのゲノムに挿入した特定のDNAシーケンスをさがす。彼らは、抽象的な意味で"デザイン"を検出しようとしていているのではなく、作成者がわかっている特定のシーケンスをさがしている。

[ Steve Reuland: How to Detect the Designs of those Nasty Persecutor (2006/05/11) ]


さらに墓穴を掘っていることになっている。Steve Reulandは次のように指摘する:
According to Dembski, there are no organisms that aren't designed, so applying the EF would simply tell us the same thing over and over again, regardless of what organisms it was applied to. And we wouldn't know if the design was caused by human beings or by God, because the EF is inherently incapable of making that distinction. So if Genetic-ID took Dembski's ideas seriously, their job would be impossible.

Dembski によれば、デザインされていない生物はないので、説明フィルタを使えば、どんな生物に使っても同じ答えが出る[デザインされた]。そして、デザインが人間によるものか神によるものか識別できないだろう。というのは説明フィルタはその識別には使えないからだ。なので、Genetic-ID社がDembski の考えをまじめに受け取れば、彼らの仕事は不可能ということになる。








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