


自然現象の背後に意志あるエージェンシーの存在を「感じてしまう」理由はいくつか挙げられている。その一つとして、間違ってエージェンシーが存在すると判断(False Positive)しても、そのコストが小さく、エージェンシーの存在を見逃す(False Negative)のコストが高いというのがある。
Agents—things that act—are a class of entities on which the survival of our ancestors depended. Detecting and understanding the behaviors of agents such as animals can mean the difference between eating and becoming dinner, so it makes sense to be on the lookout out for them, even if it means mistakenly identify nonagents as agents (Guthrie,1993). The embarrassment you feel hopping out of the water after mistaking a wave for a shark is nothing compared to the pain of having your leg eaten after mistaking a shark for a wave. The high cost of failing to detect agents and the low cost of wrongly detecting them has led researchers to suggest that people possess a Hyperactive Agent Detection Device, a cognitive module that readily ascribes events in the environment to the behavior of agents (Atran, 2002; Barrett, 2000).This inclination toward agent detection is likely one foundation for human belief in God (Barrett, 2004). If people hold agents responsible for anomalous events, then events for which an earthly agent cannot be found may be attributed instead to supernatural one.


The simple overattribution of agency cannot entirely account for the belief in God, however. God and gods are not just any agents but are supernatural beings perceived to have minds, complete with thoughts, beliefs, and intentions(Epley, Waytz, & Cacioppo, 2007). Giving God a mind goes beyond agency detection and takes another cognitive module—theory of mind. Theory of mind is the capacity for people to represent the intentional states of other entities (Baron-Cohen, 1995; Leslie, 1987), an ability thought to have developed to enable both deception and the detection of deception (Dunbar, 1998). By understanding the intentions of other people, theory of mind turns physical movements from coincidences into instances of meaningful action (Clark, 1996; K. Gray & Wegner, 2008).


[ Kurt Gray and Daniel M. Wegner: "Blaming God for Our Pain: HumanSuffering and the Divine Mind", Personality and Social Psychology Review14(1) 7 –16, 2010 ]

Like agency detection, theory of mind is also promiscuous, readily prompting inferences of intention and thought behind ambiguous events (Rosset, 2008). This means that anomalous events are perceived to result not only from an agent but also specifically from an agent who intended that event. Thus, random occurrences are not experienced as such but as instances of meaningful communication from a human mind (Bering, 2003; Clark, 1996; Epley & Watyz, in press). This tendency to see events as meaningful through the attribution of intention is robust enough that Bering (2002a,2003) has suggested that people have a special type of theory of mind dedicated to deciphering the intended meaning behind events. This so-called existential theory of mind leads adults to find divine signs in world events and for children to interpret surprising events as advice from invisible agents (Bering & Parker, 2006).

エージェント探知と同様に、心の理論も見境がなく、曖昧なイベントの背後に意図と志向があるという推論を容易に進めてしまう。これは、「異常なイベントを、エージェントによるもの、それもイベントを起こす意図を持つエージェントのせいだ」と思うことである。したがって、ランダムに起きるイベントも、そのようには認識されず、人間の心からの有意味なコミュニケーションとして認識される。この「イベントを、意図のせいにすることで、意味あるものだと解釈する」傾向は、とても強固であり、Beringが示唆するように、人々は「イベントの背後に意図的意味を解釈する」ようにできている、特別な種類の「心の理論」を持っている。この、いわゆる「 実存的な心の理論」は、大人には世界のイベントの中に神の徴候を発見させ、子供には驚きのイベントを見えないエージェントからの知らせだと解釈させる。

Together, the capacities for agency detection, theory of mind, and existential theory of mind give us the basic cognitive capacity to conceive of God (Tremlin, 2006; Wenegrat,1990): People automatically see agents behind events (Barrett,2004), to whom they attribute intentional states (Atran, 2002)to turn random events into meaningful instances of communication from that agent (Bering, 2002a). Often times, there is a legitimate agent with the power of intention behind events—another person—and when this is the case, these cognitive modules can stop their search (Barrett & Johnson, 2003). When events cannot be attributed to another person, however, the intuitive pull of agent perception and intentional explanations can lead us to seek understanding through the mind of God, the Devil, or evil spirits (Boyer, 2003; Kelemen, 1999).


[ Kurt Gray and Daniel M. Wegner: "Blaming God for Our Pain: HumanSuffering and the Divine Mind", Personality and Social Psychology Review14(1) 7 –16, 2010 ]

Gray & Wegner (2010)は神か何かを挙げているが、おそらく、人々は陰謀論も同じような流れで信じるかもしれない。

Steven Novellaは次のように指摘する。
When HADD is triggered and we think we see the hidden agent, it speaks to us in a very primal way. For some people the perception of hidden agency becomes overwhelming, dominating all other thought processes. We know these people as conspiracy theorists. But there is a little conspiracy theorist inside each of us.

Studies have also demonstrated that HADD is more likely to be triggered when a stimulus is ambiguous – therefore it tends to be our default assumption – an object is an agent until we are sure it’s just an object. Also, in situations where we have less control our HADD becomes more active still.



[ Steven Novella: "Hyperactive Agency Detection" (2010/03/22) ]






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