





London Spiritualist Allianceの講演で、John Page Hopps師 (1834–1911) は進化とスピリチュアリズムの両方を支持した。Hoppsは、人類が動物の闇から不完全な状態でスタートし、天使の驚くべき光へと上昇すると主張した。Hoppsは、人類が堕落した動物ではなく、上昇した動物であり、死後に複数の存在世界を経て完全へと進化すると主張した
The great majority of British spiritualists harbored no unsettling doubts about the implications of evolution. They eagerly embraced the idea of organic change, finding that Darwin served to confirm their own scenario of progressive development beyond the veil. "I for one accept the truth of Mr. Darwin's theory of man's origin," wrote Gerald Massey in 1871,

イギリスのスピリチュアリストの大多数は、進化の影響について不安な疑念を抱いていなかった。彼らは器質性変化という考えを熱心に受け入れ、ダーウィンがヴェールを超えた進歩的な発展の彼ら自身のシナリオを確認するのに役立つことに気づいた。 「私はダーウィンの人類起源説の真実を受け入れる」とジェラルド・マッセイは1871年に書いている。

and believe that we have ascended physically from those lower forms of creation . . . But the theory contains only onehalf the explanation of man's origins, and needs Spiritualism to carry it through and complete it . . . Mr. Darwin's theory does not in the least militate against ours — we think it necessitates it; he simply does not deal with our side of the subject.

そして、我々はそれらの下位の創造形態か物質的に上昇したと信じている。... しかし、この理論には人間の起源の説明の半分しか含まれておらず、それを実行して完成させるにはスピリチュアリズムが必要である。...ダーウィンの理論は、我々の理論に対して少しも対抗するものではない。我々は、ダーウィンの理論がそれを必要としていると考えている。彼は単に我々の側の主題を扱わないだけである。

The spiritualists' side of the subject did not emphasize whence humanity had come, but looked instead whither it was going — to "progressive spiritual states in new spheres of existence" after physical death. There the perfection that fell to no individual in this world was the attainable reward of all upwardstriving souls, for evolution in the spirit world proceeded "at a rate more rapid and under conditions more favourable to growth" than those encountered on earth. It gave spiritualists no small pleasure to illustrate how evolutionary theory gave the lie to repressive beliefs concerning man's fall from grace. In 1888, for example, in a talk to the London Spiritualist Alliance, Reverend J. Page Hopps defined evolution as


a persistence of some tendency which has, gently but irresistibly, forced all things upward into higher forms of life. Man did not begin perfect, and end in a 'fair; he began imperfect, and is steadily going on in the onward and upward path, out of the animal's darkness into the angel's marvellous light. He is not a fallen but a rising creature.

進化は、穏やかに、しかし抗いがたいほどに、万物をより高次の生命形態へと押し上げる、ある傾向の持続である。人間は完璧に始まり、「公平」で終わるわけではない。 人間は不完全な状態で始まったが、動物の暗闇から天使の素晴らしい光へと、前に向かって上向きの道を着実に進んでいる。彼は堕落した生物ではなく、立ち上がった生物である。

In an earlier work, Hopps had already announced that "the law of evolution" foreshadowed the spiritualists' afterlife. "That life, properly understood," he explained, "is only another step in the wonderful development of man's being: it is evolution still, but evolution into and in the sphere of mind."

ホップスは以前の著作で、「進化の法則」がスピリチュアリストの死後の世界を予見しているとすでに発表していた。 「その人生は、正しく理解されれば、人間という存在の素晴らしい発展のもう一つのステップにすぎない。それはまだ進化だが、心の領域への、そして心の領域内での進化である」と彼は説明した。

[ Janet Oppenheim: "The Other World: Spiritualism and Psychical Research in England, 1850-1914", Cambridge University Press, 1978, p.270]

Yet there were severe obstacles for spiritualists and psychical researchers who closely investigated the workings of evolution. It was a simple matter for someone like Hopps, or Gerald Massey, to proclaim the utter compatibility of Darwinian and spiritualist theories concerning human development before and after death. Their knowledge of biology was extremely limited; they were in no position, nor had they any inclination, to evaluate critically what they read about evolution in popular treatments of the subject. It was far more difficult for Alfred Russel Wallace, who worked out the theory of natural selection at the same time as Darwin and who well understood its implications for human history. Wallace realized that, if natural selection alone could account for man's place in nature, then the human species, like all others, had evolved from some earlier organism. If man had evolved from some earlier, prehuman organism, he was not qualitatively different from other, higher denizens of the animal kingdom. The human brain was merely more developed than theirs, having undergone further changes that rendered it capable of intellectual endeavor. If there was nothing basically distinctive about the human brain, apart from this further development, then there existed nothing characteristic of humanity alone among all other creatures — neither mind, nor consciousness, nor spirit. Wallace indeed knew that, far from supporting the spiritualist vision of eternal progress in the hereafter, "Mr. Darwin's theory" could be seen to undermine the most basic tenets of spiritualism. Although it is true that some spiritualists embraced the Eastern belief in transmigration of souls and assumed that other animals, besides man, possessed an eternal spirit, they were only a small portion of the British spiritualist population. The great majority continued to be influenced by the Christian conviction that the human race occupied a unique place in nature.


[ Janet Oppenheim: "The Other World: Spiritualism and Psychical Research in England, 1850-1914", Cambridge University Press, 1978, pp.270-271]


スピリチュアリストGerald Masseyはダーウィンの理論は不完全であり、それを補完するのはスピリチュアル進化だと主張した:
In 1871, Gerald Massey (1828-1907 not to be confused with C. C Massey) the workingclass Spiritualist and mythographer confirmed his agreement with Darwinism and in doing so evidenced an evolutionary expansion which Blavatsky would also incorporate relating to spiritual evolution:

1871年、労働者階級のスピリチュアリストで神話学者のジェラルド・マッセイ(1828-1907, C.C.Masseyとは別人)は、ダーウィニズム同意を確認し、それによりブラヴァツキーがスピリチュアル進化に関しても組み込むであろう進化の拡張を証明した。

I for one accept the truth of Mr. Darwin's theory of man's origin and believe that we have ascended physically from those lower forms of creation which we find lying around us like chips in the great workshop of Nature...But the theory contains only onehalf the explanation of man's origins, and needs Spiritualism to carry it through and complete it. For while this ascent on the physical side has been progressing through myriads of ages, the Divine descent has also been going on- man being spiritually an incarnation from the Divine as well as a human development from the animal creation. The cause of the development is spiritual. Mr. Darwin's theory does not in the least militate against ours- we think it necessitates it; he simply does not deal with our side of the subject.


[ Jeffrey D. Lavoie: "The Theosophical Society: The History of a Spiritualist Movement", Universal-Publishers, 2012, pp145-146 ]

Blavatsky's view of evolution would seem to align with Massey's view of Darwinian evolution. Blavatsky assimilated Darwin's concept of evolution into her own cosmological construction of the universe, but only up to a certain point as Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke noted:'


Contrary to modern evolutionary theory, this doctrine posits the involution of man from 'higher and more spiritual natures.' A 'divine spark' has descended into matter, and once it has reached its densest material level, it begins its ascent back to its source. Blavatsky thus assimilates modern evolutionism into her scheme, but only as the return cycle, and moreover, she rephrases its biological imperative in spiritual terms: 'The human race must be finally physically spiritualized' (I, 296)

現代進化論とは反対に、このドクトリンは人間が「より高度でより霊的な性質」から組み込まれたと仮定している。 「神の火花」が物質に降下し、最も密度の高い物質レベルに達すると、その源に向かって上昇し始める。このようにブラヴァツキーは現代進化論を彼女の計画に同化させているが、それは回帰サイクルとしてのみであり、さらに彼女はその生物学的要請を精神的な言葉で言い換えている:「人類は最終的に物質的にスピリチュアライズされなければならない」(I、296)

Thus, Darwinian evolution was only sufficient to explain life in the material phase of evolution, but not in the larger, grander picture, of spiritual evolution that Blavatsky held within her cyclical view of time."' This same idea was evidenced in Blavatsky's later work The Secret Doctrine: 'As remarked in Isis Unveiled, Darwin's evolution began at the middle point, instead of commencing from man, as for everything else, from the universals!'" Both Massey and Blavatsky's conceptualization of evolution illustrated what in Theosophy was called the ascent/descent theory. This idea suggested that humanity had descended from spirit into matter and will one day ascend back into spirit.

したがって、ダーウィンの進化論は、進化の物質的段階における生命を説明するのに十分であり、ブラヴァツキーが周期的な時間観の中で保持していたスピリチュアル進化という、より大きく壮大な全体像では説明できなかった。これと同じ考えが、ブラヴァツキーの後の著作でも示され。『シークレットドクトリン:ベールに包まれたイシス』で述べられているように、ダーウィンの進化は、人間から始まるのではなく、他のすべてのものと同様に、普遍的なものから始まるのではなく、中間点から始まりまった。マッセイとブラヴァツキーの進化の概念化は、神智学でいわゆる 上昇/下降理論。 この考えは、人類が精神から物質に降下し、いつかスピリチュアルに戻るだろうということを示唆していた。

[ Jeffrey D. Lavoie: "The Theosophical Society: The History of a Spiritualist Movement", Universal-Publishers, 2012, p.146 ]

John Page Hopps (1834–1911)

Gerald Massey (1828-1907)

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891)







kumicit Transact
