



Edwards v. Aguillard裁判(1987年)で違憲判決が確定し、無効化されたルイジアナ州創造論進化論均等取扱州法は、なんとまだ条文としては残っていた。米国の進化論教育及び気象教育を守るNCSEによれば、この残骸を廃止する州法案が提案され、州上院を通過した。
Louisiana's Senate Bill 205 would, if enacted, repeal the state's Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act, which was enacted in 1981 and declared to be unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in Edwards v. Aguillard in 1987. SB 205 originally provided only for the establishment of foreign language immersion programs in public school districts. After the Senate Committee on Education tabled SB 26, which would have repealed the so-called Louisiana Science Education Act, at its May 1, 2013, meeting, Dan Claitor (R-District 16) proposed to amend SB 205, sponsored by Eric LaFleur (D-District 28), by adding, "Subpart D-2 of Part III of Chapter 1 of Title 17 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 17:286.1 through 286.7, is hereby repealed." The amendment was unanimously adopted by the committee on a voice vote. As amended, SB 205 passed the Senate on a 36-2 vote on May 13, 2013.

ルイジアナ州上院のSB205が成立すると、1981年に成立し、1987年のEdwards v. Aguillardの米国連邦最高裁により違憲判定された、創造科学・進化科学・均等取扱州法が廃止される。SB205はもともとは公立学区での外国語没入教育の確立についての州法案だった。2013年5月1日の州上院教育委員会で、ルイジアナ理科教育州法を撤廃するSB26が棚上げになった後に、Eric LaFleur(民主党District 28)が提案していたSB205について、"Subpart D-2 of Part III of Chapter 1 of Title 17 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 17:286.1 through 286.7, is hereby repealed"を追加する修正を、Dan Claitor(共和党District016)が提案した。この修正案は全会一致で発声投票で委員会で採択された。修正後に、SB205は2013年5月13日に、州上院本会議を36-2で通過した。
Before a final vote on SB 205 was taken, Ben Nevers (D-District 12), who sponsored the LSEA in the Senate in 2008, expressed opposition to the repeal of the Balanced Treatment Act, arguing that it would be useful for it to be on the books in case the Supreme Court ever reverses its holding in Edwards.

SB205の本会議の議決の前に、ルイジアナ理科教育州法を2008年に提案したBen Nevers(民主党District-12)は、均等取扱州法の反対して、Edwards裁判の判例を連邦最高裁が覆したときに、州法にあれば便利だと述べた。

The bill now goes to Louisiana's House of Representatives.


[ Louisiana to repeal 1981 creationist law? (2013/05/13) on NCSE ]

At its May 29, 2013, meeting, the Louisiana House Education Committee declined to endorse the attempt to repeal Louisiana's Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act. ...

At the House committee's meeting, discussion centered on the provisions concerning the foreign language immersion programs. Asked about the repeal provision, the bill's sponsor Eric LaFleur (D-District 28) described it as "oddball," and indicated that he would not object if it were to be removed. Eventually Rob Shadoin (R-District 12) proposed to remove the provisions repealing the Balanced Treatment Act; his amendment was adopted by voice vote, and the amended bill then passed 7-6. SB 205 now proceeds to the House of Representatives. If it passes, either the Senate will concur with the removal of the repeal provision or the bill will go to a conference committee. The legislative session ends on June 6, 2013.

2013年5月29日のルイジアナ州下院教育委員会は、ルイジアナ州創造論進化論均等取扱州法の撤廃する試みを差し控えた。議論は外国語没入プログラムに関する規定に集中した。撤廃条項について問われた提案者Eric LaFleur(民主党District 28選出)は「Oddball(変わり者)」であり、削除されても反対しないと述べた。結局、Rob Shadoin(共和党District-12選出)は、均等取扱州法撤廃条項の削除を提案した。彼の修正は発生採決により採択され、修正された州法案は7-6で可決された。SB205は州下院本会議へ送られた。通過した場合、州上院は均等取扱州法撤廃条項の削除に同意するか、両院協議会に送られる。州議会会期は2013年6月6日に終了する。

[ Back to 1981 in Louisiana (2013/05/29) on NCSE ]


Louisiana's Senate Bill 70 (PDF) would, if enacted, repeal the state's Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act, which was enacted in 1981 and declared to be unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in Edwards v. Aguillard in 1987. Yet the law remains on the books. SB 70 was prefiled by Dan Claitor (R-District 16) on February 17, 2014, and referred to the Senate Committee on Education.

ルイジアナ州上院州法案SB70は成立すれば、1981年に成立し、Edwards v. Aguillard裁判の連邦最高裁所の違憲判決により無効化されたルイジアナ州創造論進化論均等取扱州法を廃止する。この州法はまだ記述上は残っている。SB70はDan Claitor(共和党District 16)による予備登録され、州上院教育委員会に送られた。

It is Claitor's second attempt to repeal the Balanced Treatment Act. In 2013, he amended Senate Bill 205, which concerned foreign language immersion programs in public school districts, to repeal the obsolete law, and the amended bill passed the Senate, despite the opposition of Ben Nevers (D-District 12), the senate sponsor of the so-called Louisiana Science Education of 2008, who argued that it would be useful for the law to be on the books in case the Edwards decision is ever reversed.

これは創造論進化論均等取扱州法を廃止しようとするClaitor州上院議員の2度目の試みである。2013年には公立学校の外国語Immersion問題についての州法案SB205を修正し、均等取扱い州法の廃止条項を加えた。2008年のルイジアナ理科教育州法の州上院提案者であり、Edwards裁判の判例が覆った場合には使えると述べていた、Ben Nevers(民主党District12)州上院議員が反対したが、州法案は州上院を通過した。

When SB 205 went to the House Education Committee, however, the provision repealing the Balanced Treatment Act was stripped from the bill, in part owing to the bill's original sponsor describing it as "oddball." The Senate rejected the House version of the bill, but a conference committee then agreed on a version of the bill lacking the repeal provision, which was subsequently passed by both houses of the legislature, leaving the Balanced Treatment Act intact.


[ Louisiana to repeal 1981 creationist law? (2014/02/21) on NCSE ]

Louisiana's Senate Bill 70 (PDF). which if enacted would repeal the state's Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act, was rejected on a 5-32 vote by the senate on March 24, 2014, according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune (March 24, 2014). Enacted in 1981, the Balanced Treatment Act was declared to be unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in Edwards v. Aguillard in 1987. Yet it remains on the books.

[ Back to 1981 in Louisiana again? (2014/03/24) on NCSE ]




Louisiana's Senate Bill 156 (PDF) would, if enacted, repeal the state's Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act, which was enacted in 1981 and declared to be unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in Edwards v. Aguillard in 1987. Yet the law remains on the books. SB 156 was prefiled by Dan Claitor (R-District 16) on March 3, 2016, and referred to the Senate Committee on Education.

ルイジアナ州SB156は成立すれば、1981年に成立し、1987年のEdwards v. Aguillard連邦裁判で違憲判決を受けた創造論進化論均等取扱州法を廃止する。この州法は廃止されずに残っている。Dan Claitor(共和党District16)州上院議員が2016年3月3日に事前登録し、州上院教育委員会に送られた。

[ Louisiana to repeal 1981 creationist law? (2016/03/14) o ncse ]

Louisiana will continue to have an unconstitutional — and unenforceable — law on the books that requires teaching creationism in science classes.

The Senate Education Committee voted 4-2 Tuesday against repealing the law, which required public schools to give balanced treatment in science classes and textbooks to evolution and creationism. The law also prohibited teaching evolution as proven scientific fact.


[ "Louisiana senators refuse to repeal unconstitutional creationism law" by AP (2016/03/230)






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