




  • 普遍加速によって重力を生み出しているという立場をとれば(そもそも万有引力は存在しないと)、山岳などの質量による重力異常は存在しないと主張できる。しかし、普遍加速による「重力」があるため、地上の山岳の質量によりアイソスタシーは存在することになる。
  • 平板地球が無限平面上にある(あるいは埋め込まれている)というDavisモデルなら、万有引力は存在し、地下質量による重力異常(ブーゲー異常)は起き、アイソスタシーも存在する。

Landmass Tests(地下質量試験)

The theory of the universal gravitation of mass leads to the expectation that the mountain ranges should produce a larger gravitational pull than the plains, owing to the greater bulk mass in the area. However, gravity measurements show that the mountains are associated with negative gravity anomalies.


[ Flat Earth Society: "Variation in Gravity" ]

Isostasy is a concept in the Geology invoked to explain why the Earth's structures do not behave in accordance to Gravity, which states that greater mass should have greater attraction. It is expected that there should be a greater gravitational attraction from mountains than from hills, plateaus, and oceans, since mountains are more massive; yet 'gravity' readings do not reflect this. The concept of isostasy suggests that below sea level there is a mass deficit beneath the mountains, and is used to explain the disagreement between theory and data.


[ Flat Earth Society: "Isostasy" ]

そして、Flat Earth SocietyのIsostasyの項目は、ソースとして3つを挙げている。
  • Louis Hissink( 2017)
    しかし、論拠らしき記述もなく、Flat Earth Societyと同様の記述があるだけ。==>Hissink
  • David Pratt (2001, 2005)
  • M. Kesavamani (2001)

Louis Hissink

このLuis Hissinkは、ダイアモンドの採鉱・流通・加工・卸売を行うDe Beersや不動産及びオークション事業を行うJohn Taylorsなどに勤めたあと引退した、ダイアモンド地質技師・コンサルタントである。

Flat Eath Societyが引用しているのはLouis Hissinkのブログ記事「Gravity and Isostasy

Gravitational theory is firmly entrenched as dogma and is unchallengeable and punishable by excommunication and if the heresy great enough, by permanent expulsion from polite society. It is thus similar to religion in that as a basic premise it cannot be challenged.


その後は、Flat Earth Societyと同様の記述をしているだけで、ソースと言えるようなものではない。
So what about isostasy, a theory developed from the observation that surveying plumb-bobs were not attracted by an adjacent mountain? Or that they were not deflected as much as expected. This observation is similar to the laboratory Cavendish experiment to determine big G, the gravitational constant, where bodies have the attractive force measured in the horizontal plane. Herein lies the problem and the manner of thinking adopted when anomalous results are observed.


The reaction to the lack off deflection of the plumb-bob from vertical was to assume that the adjacent mountain had a mass shortfall, rather than question the theory that matter attracts matter. Clearly the lack of attraction observed would lead to one questioning the principle, and not the data, but no, it is the data which are erroneous, and not the principle of gravitation.


[ Louis Hissink: "Gravity and Isostasy" ]

David Pratt

万有引力は存在しないとするFlat Earth Societyが引用した部分の直前及び後続の章には、怪しい「重力」について主張がある。
Section 2 will present evidence for gravity shielding, gravity cancellation, and antigravity.


[ David Pratt: "Gravity and Antigravity" (2005) ]

引用部分でPrattは物理学者Maurice Allaisの1950年代の記述を引用している。
However, this hypothesis is far from proven. Physicist Maurice Allais commented: "There is an excess of gravity over the ocean and a deficiency above the continents. The theory of isostasis provided only a pseudoexplanation of this."

物理学者Maurice Allaisは次のようにコメントしている。「海上では重力が過剰で、大陸上では不足している。アイソスタシーの理論は、これを疑似的に説明するだけである。」*

*Seven Experiments that Could Change the World, pp. 174-176; Gravitational Force of the Sun, pp. 146-147

[ David Pratt: "Gravity and Antigravity" (2005) ]

To these anomalies bound to movement are to be added some anomalies of static nature;
1) anomalies of gravity: there is an exccess of gravity above oceans and deficiency above continents. The isostasy theory has given of these anomalies according to me only a pseudo-explanation
2) anomalies in the experiments upon the newtonian attraction; on the one hand there exists an absorption of gravity (experiments of MAJORANA ) and above all a variation of the newtonian force depending upon the medium where it exercies itself (experiments od OREMIEU)

2)ニュートン引力の実験における異常。 一方では、重力吸収(Majorana実験)が存在し、とりわけ、それ自体が運動する媒体に応じてニュートン力の変位が存在する(Oremieu実験)。

[ M. Allais: "New Theoretical and Experimental Reseach Work on Gravity" ]

さらに引用されているQuirino Majorana(1871-1957)は1918〜1922年に重力遮蔽実験をした物理学者で、アインシュタインに対抗して光速不変を否定しようとして失敗したこともある。

Henry Norris Russel: "On Majorana's theory of gravitation (1921)

ABSTRACT Majorana's theory of gravitation.—As a result of some delicate pendulum experi-ments, Majorana has suggested that gravitational force is weakened by passing through matter. In this paper certain astronomical consequences of this assumption are presented. The true masses of the planets according to this theory are computed and it is shown (1) that the inertial masses cannot be equal to these true masses, and (2) that if we assume them equal to the apparent gravitational masses we are led to such discrepancies in the case of the tides that we are forced to conclude that the absorption of gravitational force cannot exceed r/socx) of the value assigned by Majorana.

Possible influence of one body on the mass of another body.—The interpretation of Majorana1s positive experimental result, assuming it to be real, must be that the mass of a body is actually changed by the presence of another body.

Majoranaの重力理論: いくつかの繊細な振り子実験の結果として、Majoranaは物質を通過することで重力が弱まると示唆した。この論文では、この仮定の特定の天文学的な結果を提示する。この理論に従って惑星の真の質量を計算し、(1)慣性質量がこれらの真の質量に等しくなりえないこと、および(2)それらが見かけの重力質量に等しいと仮定すると、次のように導かれることが示す。潮汐の場合のそのような不一致は、重力の吸収がMajoranaによって割り当てられた値の1/5000超えられないと結論せざるをえない。

ある物体が別の物体の質量に及ぼす可能性のある影: —Majoranaの肯定的な実験結果の解釈は、それが現実であると仮定すると、物体の質量は実際には別の物体の存在によって変化するというものでなければならない。

As I am writing may I take the opportunity of congratulating Dr. H. A. Wilson on his successfully destructive criticism, in the same July number, of the over emphasized experiments of M. Oremieu, and of the revolutionary deductions too readily promulgated on the strength of them.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Oliver Lodge.
University of Birmingham,
July 13, 1901.

[ The London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine and journal of science ]



Geological Society of India

実際には、M. KesavamaniがJournal Geological Society Indiaに寄稿したパラグラフ2個のノートである。Flat Eath Societyが引用しているのは最初のパラグラフ全体。おそらく、その末尾あたりを見せたかったと思われる。
... Mathematically speaking, the observed anomalies are proportional to the vertical gradient of gravity, indicating excess mass above the geoid as gravity lows and deficit mass below the geoid as gravity highs. If this were true, far reaching implications arise in the understanding of the theory and interpretation of Bouguer anomalies.


[ M. Kesavamani, Journal Geol Soc. India 58, 2001/11 ]

This question is raised because of the conflicting versions about the role of datum in the theory of Bouguer anomaly by Dobrin, Willliam Lorie and Ervin. This controversy arises because of uncertain datum and conventional plotting of anomalies with respect to the horizontal datum and comparison of anomalies with elevations. This may be overcome by applying free air correction factor to all the anomalies for a constant height., in free air, as in the case of airborne surveys. The validity of the theory of Bouguer anomalies holds good on an even datum or at a constant height, only when the normal gravity anomaly, free air gravity anomaly and Bouguer anomaly are nearly parallel. The background levels are to be separated by an amount equivalent to free air correction factor between normal gravity and free air anomalies and by Bouguer correction factor between free air and Bouguer anomalies.

DobrinやWilliam and LorieやErvinのブーゲー異常理論におけるデータの役割の矛盾するバージョンがあることから、この問いが提起される。この論争は、不確実なデータと、水平データに関する異常の従来のプロット、および異常と標高の比較により発生する。これは、空中探査の場合のように、自由大気中で、一定の高さのすべての異常にフリーエア補正係数を適用することによって解消できる。ブーゲー異常理論の妥当性は、通常の重力異常、フリーエア重力異常、およびブーゲー異常がほぼ平行である場合にのみ、均一なデータまたは一定の高さで有効である。バックグラウンドレベルは、通常の重力異常とフリーエア異常の間のフリーエア補正係数に相当する量と、フリーエア異常とブーゲ異常の間のブーゲ補正係数によって分離される。

[ M. Kesavamani, Journal Geol Soc. India 58, 2001/11 ]


I would like to supplement the note of M. Kesavamani on Bouguer anomalies in the Journal (Jour. Geol. Soc. India,. v.58, no.5, pp.466-467), which is a bit confusing in the terminology used. The note refers to terms like the normal gravity arlornaly and vertical gradient of gravity as observed anomaly. The author did not explain the differences in the conflicting versions by Dobrin (1976) and William Lorie and Ervin (1997), which form the basis of his write-up.

Bouguer anomalies over the continents, oceans, mountains and ocean depths have been explained theoretically as as through modelling by many in a satisfactory fashion, in the published literature. The term 'mass excess' has been used in the Theory of Isostasy and has been described and explained through two different well-known hypotheses. Gravity anomalies, namely Bouguer, Free air and Isostatic are derived following well established procedures taking into account the limitations in terms of regional and local scales conveniently. For details one may consult Jakosky (1940), Raoul Vsyk (1956), Heiskanen and Veneing Meinesz (1958), Sazhina (1971) Fowler (1993), Richard J. Blackey (1 996), Milos Picle (1 973), Wolfgang Torge (1989), William Lorie (1997), Milton B. Dobrin(1976) and many more publications.

用語が混乱している、本誌のブーゲー異常についてのM.Kesavamaniのメモ(J. Geol. Soc. Inida, 58,5,466-467)を補足したい。メモは観測された重力について、「通常重力異常」とか「重力垂直勾配」とか書いている。またKesavamanは自分のメモの基礎となっているDobrin (1976)とWilliam Lorie and Ervin (1997)の矛盾するバージョンの違いについて何も説明していない。

大陸、海、山、海の深さにわたるブーゲー異常は、出版された文献で、多くの人が満足のいく方法でモデル化して理論​​的に説明している、。「質量過剰」という用語は、アイソスタシー理論で使用され、2つの異なるよく知られた仮説を通じて説明されている。重力異常、すなわちブーゲー異常・フリーエア異常・アイソスタシーは、地域および地域の規模の制限を考慮して、十分に確立された手順に従って導き出されている。詳細については以下など参照。Jakosky (1940), Raoul Vsyk (1956), Heiskanen and Veneing Meinesz (1958), Sazhina (1971) Fowler (1993), Richard J. Blackey (1 996), Milos Picle (1 973), Wolfgang Torge (1989), William Lorie (1997), Milton B. Dobrin(1976)

FOWLER, C.M.R. (1993) In: The Solid Earth. Cambridge University Press, pp.160-183.
HEISKANEN and VENEING, MEINESZ (1958) The Earth and its gravity tleld. McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., 470p.
JAKOSKY. J.J. (1940)In: Exploration Geophysics. Times-Minor Press, Los Angeles, California, USA, pp. 149-248.
MILOS, PICLE et 81. (1973) Theory of Ealth's Gravity Field. Elsevier Scientific Putil. Co., pp.372-500.
MILTON. DOJMIN. B. (1 976) introduction to Geophysical Prospecting. McGraw Hill Inc., USA, pp.357-475.
RAOU, VSYK ( 1956) Geophysics, v.2 1, pp. 100 1 - 1020.
RICHARD, BLACKEY (1996) Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications. Cambridge University Press, pp. 128-153.
SAZIIINA, N.B. and CRUSHINSKY, N.P.,.(1971) Gravity Prospecting. Mir. Publ, Moscow. 491p.
WILLJAM. LORIS (1997) Fundamentals of Guophysics. Cambridge University Press. pp 29-81.
WOLFGANG. TORGE (1989) Gravimatry Walter de Grunter Puhl., pp.314-364

[ A.U.S Sarma, J. Geol. Soc. Inida, 59, 2002/3 ]







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