


Anthropic principle(人間原理)とは提唱者Brandon Carterによれば
what we can expect to observe must be restricted by conditions necessary for our presences as observers.

という、観測制約に他ならない。この人間原理をBrandon Carterは次の2つの分類した:
"weak" anthropic principle (弱い人間原理):

our location in the universe is necessarily privileged to the extent of being compatible with our existence as observers.

"strong" anthropic principle (強い人間原理):

the Universe (and hence the fundamental parameters on which it depends) must be such as to admit the creation of observers within it at some stage.

[ Brandon Carter: Large number coincidences and the anthropic principle in cosmology, -- Confrontation of cosmological theories with observational data, pp.291-298, 1974, reprinted in Modern Cosmology & Philosophy ]

There is wide misunderstanding of the anthropic principle and of how it can help explain things.


i. The word "anthropic" is frequently taken to mark some special concern with anthropos, with the human species. But the anthropic principle's original definer and baptizer, Carter, insists that he had in mind just a "cognizability principle" concerning the prerequisites of observers, intelligent organisms of whatever kind — it being assumed that such beings as immaterial angels are to be disregarded.

「人間 (anthropic)」という単語は、人類や人間種と特別に関連付けられることが多い。しかし、人間原理のオリジナルの定義者であり、創始者であるCarterは、「認知能力原理」しか念頭になかったと強く主張する。それは、観測者の前提であり、何らかの知的生命であり、非物質な天使は無視することを仮定する。

ii. It is often complained that the anthropic principle is a tautology, so can explain nothing. The answer to this is that while tautologies cannot by themselves explain anything, they can enter into explanations. The tautology that three fours make twelve can help explaining why it is risky to visit the wood when three sets of four lions entered it and only eleven exited. The tautology that we could not exist in life-excluding conditions could help throw light on why we are not making our oservations at the sun's center or at atime very early in the history of the universe


iii. Carter distinguished a "weak" and a "strong" anthropic principle: the weak principle stated that our spatiotemporal location "is necessarily privileged to the extent of being compatible with our existence as observers," while the strong one said that our universe "must be such as to admit the creation of observers within it at some stage." People have often imagined that he was proposing some deep philosophical division here. Their belief has been that the weak anthropic principle just reminds us that our surroundings must be life-permitting, whereas the strong principle declares dramatically that our universe, or absolutely any real universe, is forced to be life-containing. But although so many have had this belief that it may now no longer be wrong (since custom eventually gives respectability to many an error), Carter has repeatedlly made clear that he intended nothing of the kind. Carter's weak principle reminds us of the obvious but oft neglected truth that our place and time must, granted that we are in fact there, be a place and time in which observers can exist: they are not, for example, fried immediately, as they would be shortly after the Big Bang. Carter's strong principle similarly reminds us that our universe must -- as we do exist in it, don't we? -- be a universe whose nature is not observer-excluding: it is not, say, a universe which recollapses a fraction of a second after beginning its expansion so that intelligent life has insufficient time to evolve.

iv. Corresponding the anthropic principle as Carter intended it to be understood, has nothing to do with teleology or theism. Not even Carter's strong principle says that God ensured that the universe's properties permitted or necessitated the evolution of intelligent life. Again Carter's anthropic principle in no way declares idealistically, that to be is the same as to be observed, either for philosophical or for quantum-physical reasons.

Nevertheless one must remember that the evidence of fine tuning could well be interpreted teleologically or theistically (or maybe even idealistically) instead of being explained in terms of many, very diverse universes and "anthropic" observational selection.



[ John Leslie: The Anthropic Principle Today, Final Causality in Nature and Human Affairs, The Catholic University of America Press, 1997, reprinted in Modern Cosmology & Philosophy, pp.171-172]






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