


「光線は直進する」ので、スポットライト太陽では、月の満ち欠けを再現できない。このため、19世紀の地球平板論者ParallaxことSamuel Birley Rowbothamは自著「Zetetic Astronomy -- Earth Not a Globe」で、月は太陽光を反射しているのではなく、自ら光を放っていると主張している。
The Zetetic Sun, moon, planets and stars are all only a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth. The sun orbits the north pole once a day at a constant altitude. The moon is both self-illuminated and semi-transparent. Eclipses can be explained by some unknown object occulting the sun or moon.


"Zetetic Astronomy"
IT has been shown that the moon is not a reflector of the sun's light, but is self-luminous. That the luminosity is confined to one-half its surface is sufficiently shown by the fact that at "new moon" the entire circle or outline of the whole moon is often distinctly visible, but the darker. outline or circle is always apparently less than the segment which is illuminated.


[ "MOON'S PHASES", in "Zetetic Astronomy", pp.334-335 ]
We have now seen that the existence of dark bodies revolving about the luminous objects in the firmament has been admitted by practical observers from the earliest ages; and that in our own day such a mass of evidence has accumulated on the subject, that astronomers are compelled to admit that not only dark bodies which occasionally obscure the luminous stars when in conjunction, but that cosmical bodies of large size exist, and that "one at least is attached as a satellite to this earth." It is this dark or "non-luminous satellite," which when in conjunction, or in a line with the moon and an observer on earth, IS THE IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF A LUNAR ECLIPSE.


[ "CAUSE OF SOLAR AND LUNAR ECLIPSES" in "Zetetic Astronomy", pp.150-151 ]






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