
Who's Who

鳥類や哺乳類を進化させるために神はヒト科を順次創造したというHugh Ross

古い地球の創造論の老舗Reasons To Believe(RTB)の主宰者Dr. Hugh Rossと仲間たちの人類進化に対するスタンスは[Hugh Ross: "Creation as Science", p.154]:
  • Homo erectusは、Homo sapiens archaic (Homo heidelbergens)や、Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Homo neanderthalensis)やHomo sapiens sapiensの祖先ではありえない
  • Homo sapiens neanderthalensisやHomo sapiens archaicからHomo sapiens sapiensは進化しえない
というものである。そして、Dr. Hugh Rossと仲間たちは、人類が「One Man, One Woman, One Place(一人の男と一人の女が一地点から)」始まったと主張する。

  • Sahelanthropus tchadensis
  • Orrorin tugenensis
  • Ardipithecus ramidus
  • Australopithecus anamensis
  • Australopithecus afarensis
  • Kenyanthropus platyops
  • Australopithecus africanus
  • Australopithecus garhi
  • Australopithecus aethiopicus
  • Australopithecus robustus
  • Australopithecus boisei
  • Homo habilis
  • Homo georgicus
  • Homo erectus
  • Homo ergaster
  • Homo antecessor
  • Homo heidelbergensis
  • Homo neanderthalensis
  • Homo floresiensis
  • Homo sapiens
これだけの種を、神が漸進的にいかにも進化したかのごとく創造してきた理由は何だ?ということになる。これについて、Dr. Hugh Rossと仲間たちは次のような物語を紡ぎ出している:
Why So Many Different Hominids?(かくもヒト科が多くいたのは何故か)

The Bible makes no direct mention of the hominids that preceded humanity in the fossil record. Such an omission is consistent with a pattern of avoiding vocabulary of references to natural phenomena that only a few biblical readers throughout all the centuries would be familiar with. (This may be one reason why dinosaurs, fundamental particles, galaxies, and penguins receive no direct mention in Scripture, aside from practical concerns for the documents' length)


Scripture, therefore, does not directly address the question of why god created many different hominid species. However, some recent ecological research points to some possible reasons for God's creating these species. One is humanity's destructive impact on the environment. There could be other reasons as well.


The Bible does address man's responsibility for the natural realm[Genesis 1:28-30] and warns of the negative impact of man's sin upon other creatures[Genesis 3:17, 9:2]. Given that God gave soulish animals (birds and mammals) the desire to interact with humans, the evil that humanity manifests could have had an utterly devastating impact on such species. According to Genesis 9:2, God took protective action by bringing "the fear and dread of [humanity] ... upon all the beasts of the earth and all the bird of the air".


From a biblical perspective, because God possesses complete knowledge of the future, He would have known before creating any hominid that the future human race would rebel against His authority, becoming selfish and dangerously neglectful of one another and their physical environment. The number of bird and mammal species driven to extinction gives sad testimony to humanity's abuse of the environment. Of the 15,000 to 20,000 bird species present on Earth at the time of humanity's origin, only about 9,000 still remain. Of approximately 8,000 land mammal species, only 4000 still remain.


Humans have devastated the very creature they are most dependent upon for their likelihood and quality of life. Perhaps if God had not created a series of progressively more advanced hominids, human impact could have been even more devastating. Evidence to support this conclusion comes from large mammal extinction studies. In Africa, where several hominid species predated humanity, the extinction rate for large mammals during the human occupation period is 14 percent. In North and South America and Australia, where no such hominids preceded humans, the large-mammal extinction rate during the human occupation period stands at 73, 79 and 86 percent, respectively.

人間は、彼らが彼らの可能性と生活の質のために最も依存する、まさしくその生物たちを痛めつけてきた。おそらく、神が一連の先行するヒト科たちを段階的に創造していなかったならば、人間の影響はさらに破壊的だったかもしれない。この結論を支持する証拠はい、大型哺乳類の絶滅の研究から得られる。ヒト科の種が人類に先行したアフリカでは、人間が存在している期間の大型哺乳類の絶滅率は14%である。そのようなヒト科の種が先行しなかった北米と南米とオーストラリアでは、人間が存在している期間の大型哺乳類の絶滅率は73%, 79%および86%に達する。

The fossil record reveals a sequence of hominids in such places as Africa that spanned several million years, with each successive species slightly more capble in hunting birds and mammals than the previous one. This slowly increasing exposure to gradually improved predation skills may have allowed birds and mammals to adapt step-by-step for the shock of a sinful, superior predator.


[Hugh Ross: "Creation as Science", pp.156-157]






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