



インテリジェントデザインの父たる法学者Phillip Johnsonによれば、有神論的リアリズムはインテリジェントデザイン運動の定義概念である。
My colleagues and I speak of "theistic realism" -- or sometimes, "mere creation" --as the defining concept of our movement. This means that we affirm that God is objectively real as Creator, and that the reality of God is tangibly recorded in evidence accessible to science, particularly in biology. We avoid the tangled arguments about how or whether to reconcile the Biblical account with the present state of scientific knowledge, because we think these issues can be much more constructively engaged when we have a scientific picture that is not distorted by naturalistic prejudice.


[ Phillip Joynson:"Starting a Conversation about Evolution" ]
もちろん、Phillip Johnsonにとって、有神論的リアリズムは正しいものである。したがって、それを否定する者たちは当然、知性を捨てた者たちと、聖書を掲げて述べたてる。
Because in our universal experience unintelligent material processes do not create life, Christian theists know that Romans 1:20 is also true: “Ever since the creation of the world [God’s] eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things that are made.” In other words, there is absolutely no mystery about why living organisms appear to be the products of intelligent creation, and why scientific naturalists have to work so hard to keep themselves from perceiving the obvious. The reason living things give that appearance is that they actually are what they appear to be, and this fact is evident to all who do not cloud their minds with naturalistic philosophy or some comparable drug. The rest of the passage (Romans 1:20-23) is also true: “So they are without excuse; for though they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools; and they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling a mortal human being or birds or four-footed animals or reptiles.” What these words plainly mean is that those who turn away from God and toward naturalistic philosophy give up their minds in the process and end up endorsing sophisticated nonsense and nature worship. (p.108)

普遍的な経験から我々は知性なき物質過程が生命を創造しないことがわかっているので、キリスト教有神論者はローマ人への手紙1章20節も本当であることを知っている。「神の、目に見えない本性、すなわち神の永遠の力と神性は、世界の創造された時からこのかた、被造物によって知られ、はっきりと認められるのであって、」言い換えるなら、何故、生物が知的創造の産物であることが明らかなのか、そして何故、科学的自然主義者が明らかなことを認識しないように全力を挙げているのかは、謎ではない。生物の外観がそうである理由は、かくあるべきだからであり、自然主義哲学やそれと同等の薬物によって心が曇っていないかいぎり、この事実は誰にとっても明らかだ。「彼らに弁解の余地はないのです。というのは、彼らは、神を知っていながら、その神を神としてあがめず、感謝もせず、かえってその思いはむなしくなり、その無知な心は暗くなったからです。彼らは、自分では知者であると言いながら、愚かな者となり、不滅の神の御栄えを、滅ぶべき人間や、鳥、獣、はうもののかたちに似た物と代えてしまいました。」 これらの言葉が明らかに意味することは、神に顔を背け、自然主義的哲学に向かう者は、知性を捨て、洗練されたナンセンスと自然崇拝となって終わるのだ。

[ Phillip E. Johnson:"Reason in the Balance: The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law & Education", 1998 ]
そして、その有神論的リアリズムへの転換はパラダイムシフトだと、インテリジェントデザイン支持者David Kellerは述べる。
The revolution from the paradigm of Darwinism to the paradigm of intelligent design will undoubtedly be accompanied by a metaphysical shift from materialism to theistic realism. (David Keller, p 159)


[ed William Dembski: "Darwin's Nemesis", 2006]


これを推し進めると Byrneまで行く。しかし、ここまで行くと、インテリジェントデザインの枠外になる。
A minimal theistic realism could then be defined as follows. It is any interpretation of theism which holds the governing intent of core theistic concepts is (or ought to be) to refer to a reality which is epistemically independent of human beings ontologically distinct from them and transcendent. (p.16)

First, as responses to the problem of evil, they need to invoke a moral and providential causality which transcends both the forces inherent in nature and the power in human action to promote the good and fight against evil. (p. 18).


[ Peter Byrne: "God and Realism" (2003), p.16 ]






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