

フロリダ州の反進化論州法 1923年

米国2番目の反進化論州法は、William Jennings Bryanの見方を反映したものであり、フロリダ州上下両院決議の形で1923年5月25日に決議された。

ただし、法的強制力を持たず、教育方針にも何の影響も与えず、報道されることもなかった[ ER Larson p.53 ]。

州上下院決議 HR7

Revula session 1923 - General Act and Resolutions adopted by the Ligislature of Florida

House Concurrent Resolution No. 7.

Whereas, the Constitution of the State of Florida expressly states in Section 6 of the Declaration of Rights that, "No preference shall be given by law to any church, sect or mode of worship, and no money shall ever be taken from the public treasury directly or indirectly in aid of any church, sect or religious denomination, or in aid of any sectarian institution." And

Whereas, The public schoolds and colleges of this State, supported in whole or in part by public funds, should be kept free from any teachings designed to set up and promulgate sectarian views, and should also be equally free from teachings designed to attack the religious belief of the public. Therefore

Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Scenate Concurring:

That it is the sense of the Legislature of the State of Florida that it is improper and subversive to the bes interest of the people of this State for any professor, teacher or instructor in the public schoolds and colleges of this State, supported in whole or in part by public taxation to teach or permit to be taught atheism, or agnosticism, or to teach as true Darwinism, or any other hypothesis that links man in blood relationship to any other form of life.






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