


古い地球の創造論ミニストリ"Reasons to believe"は、異星人と聖書を整合させる考えを5つ挙げた上で、異星人の存在は聖書と調和しなさそうだと示唆する。
1. Jesus’s incarnation, death, and resurrection here on Earth were singularly important happenings that resulted in redemption for all intelligent ET. Perhaps humanity will spread throughout the universe, taking the gospel to all these creatures. Or maybe God reveals himself on each of these planets in a way that declares what Jesus accomplished on Earth. This option does present at least one difficulty. The Bible describes Jesus as the second Adam, meaning that both are related physically and in nature. Any intelligent ET in this scenario has no physical relation (and maybe not even in nature) to Jesus.


2. Jesus becomes incarnate on each planet where creatures rebel, taking on the nature of the beings, created by God, on that planet. While God created humanity in his image, perhaps his creations on other planets have a nature that reflects God’s image in different ways. Given the description of the hypostatic union offered by Thomas Aquinas, the addition of other natures besides Jesus’s human one seems plausible.


3. The nature of the rebellion of any intelligent ET results in God having another means of redemption for them. Given that God has only revealed the redemption plan for humanity, any proposals for what these other redemption paths look like are pure speculation.


4. No redemption is possible. This option seems the most offensive to human sensibilities, specifically because of the difficulty of reconciling it with God’s goodness, omniscience, and power. Some would object that an all-knowing, all-good, all-powerful God cannot create beings subject to eternal hell. In fact, many raise the same objection in the context of humanity. However, a few points warrant mention. First, our finite minds cannot comprehend all that God knows. Second, true free will has consequences. While God is good in his nature, he is also just. Although this option seems offensive, it does have precedent in the Bible. Angels had a choice to either serve God or Lucifer. No offer of redemption exists for those angels who followed Lucifer.


5. God created intelligent life with free will, but these creatures chose not to follow in humanity’s rebellion. Lacking any violation of God’s command, these creatures have no need of redemption. They already enjoy proper relationship with God. C. S. Lewis explores this idea in his Space Trilogy.


6. One final, and very real, possibility: God only created one intelligent creature in the entire universe. If so, then the redemption story of life on Earth is the story of the universe, and this discussion becomes moot.


[ Dr. Jeff Zweerink: "Would Discovering Aliens Disprove Christianity?" (2016/09/16) on reasons.org ]







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