

スポットライト太陽と季節 - 太陽の見かけの大きさ



これを修正するために、地球平板論者は、Samuel Birley Rowbothamが1881年に書いた地球平板本(第3版)を参照する。
Q: If the sun is disappearing into the distance, shouldn't it get smaller as it recedes? (太陽が彼方へと消え去るなら、遠ざかる連れて小さくなるのではないか)

A: The sun remains the same size as it recedes into the distance due to a magnification effect caused by the intense rays of light passing through the strata of the atmolayer.(強い光線が大気層を通過することで起きる拡大効果により、同じ大きさに見える)

From Chapter 10 of the book Earth Not a Globe we read:(「地球は球体ではない」の10章を見てみよう)

[ Flat Earth Society: "Magnification of the Sun at Sunset" ]

Samuel Rowbothamは以下のような「論」を展開している。
IT is well known that when a light of any kind shines through a dense medium it appears larger, or rather gives a greater "glare," at a given distance than when it is seen through a lighter medium. This is more remarkable when the medium holds aqueous particles or vapour in solution, as in a damp or foggy atmosphere. Anyone may be satisfied of this by standing within a few yards of an ordinary street lamp, and noticing the size of the flame; on going away to many times the distance, the light or "glare" upon the atmosphere will appear considerably larger. This phenomenon may be noticed, to a greater or less degree, at all times; but when the air is moist and vapoury it is more intense. It is evident that at sunrise, and at sunset, the sun's light must shine through a greater length of atmospheric air than at mid-day; besides which, the air near the earth is both more dense, and holds more watery particles in solution, than the higher strata through which the sun shines at noonday; and hence the light must be dilated or magnified, as well as modified in colour.


[ Samuel Birley Rowbotham: "Zetetic Astronomy" (1881), Chap X "Cause of sun appearing larger when rising and setting than at nooday (正午よりも日出日没時の太陽が大きく見える原因) (p.128) ]

実際のところは、Science Centreの記事が批判するように、まったくうまくいかない。
There is no supporting evidence. In order to take the idea seriously we'd need some evidence that such a phenomenon exists (the Sun and Moon can't be used as evidence because this would be a circular argument), but there are no supporting observations, no laboratory experiments or any other type of evidence at all to support the hypothesis.

There is no mechanism. Proponents often claim that magnification is caused by water vapour, but they are unable to show how this would actually work.

There is no variation. Atmospheric lensing should vary depending on conditions such as the thickness of the atmosphere and the amount of water vapour. This would mean that the size of the Sun and Moon would vary noticeably. They do not. It would also mean that the exact times of sunrise and sunset vary from the times predicted by the globe-earth model. They do not.

''It's too coincidental.'' The angular size of the Sun remains effectively the same as it supposedly approaches and recedes. It would be an outlandish coincidence that atmospheric lensing always increases magnification at exactly the amount required to compensate for both the Sun's movement and varying atmospheric conditions.

''It doesn't affect anything else.'' If the Sun and Moon are affected by atmospheric lensing, why aren't airplanes, hot air balloons or mountains? No matter how far away you get, you see absolutely zero atmospheric magnification.






[ "Atmospheric Lensing" on ScienceCentre ]






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