




  • グミリョフの歴史学:グミリョフは古代と中世の歴史に関する民族生成理論を展開したが、それはソビエトの現在に対する暗号化されたメッセージとしても機能した。
  • 修正主義的な物語と解釈:グミリョフは、従来の歴史観に反する、推測や神話に基づく歴史的再構築を提示したが、それは代替歴史の形でのポストソビエトの歴史操作の基礎となった。
Gumilev always thought of himself primarily as a historian, and it was in his work on ancient and medieval history that he made the fullest attempt to illustrate the operations and implications of his ethnogenetic theories. He stressed this point himself, frequently remarking that the study of more recent periods were subject to an "aberration of closeness" (aberratsiia blizosti) and therefore could not be objective and scientific.[1] The claim for scholarly detachment was disingenuous, in the sense that his interpretations of remote periods were heavily tendentious and always carried a clearly implied relevance for the Soviet pres-ent. Indeed, his historical studies can be read as an elaborate metaphor—a sort of "coded message" for the world that he was living in.[2] To this extent, Gumilev practiced the same ideological instrumentalization of historical interpretation that was typical for most of Soviet historiography. For the purposes of delivering his particular message, however, Gumilev presented narratives and interpretations that were radically revisionist and contravened conventional perspectives quite dramatically. His reconstructions involved a good deal of barely concealed speculation and even guesswork, which he did not deny but rather affirmed, declaring at one point that the difference between a mythic or a real event "is not important for us."[3]' Although his historical research was dismissed by more orthodox academic colleagues as "fantasy" or, more generously, as "poetry," it did help lay the foundation for the yet more wanton post-Soviet manipulation of the historical past in the form of so-called alternative history. But however fanciful, his historical accounts vividly brought to life the "scientific" principles of his ethnogenetic theories, above all the juxtaposition between the contending dynamics of positive and negative complementarity—between symbioses and antisystemic chimeras. In the final analysis, his entire reconstruction of Russian history was based on this simple opposition and represented a chronicle of Manichean confrontation between druzia i nedrugi (friends and enemies)—the forces of good and evil.[4]

レフ・グミリョフは常に自身を主に歴史家と位置づけており、彼自身の民族生成理論の操作と意味を最も完全に示そうとしたのは、古代と中世の歴史に関する彼の研究だった。彼はこの点を自身で強調し、より最近の時期の研究は「近接の偏向」(aberratsiia blizosti)の対象であり、したがって客観的で科学的ではないと頻繁に述べていた。学術的中立性の主張は不誠実で、彼の遠い時代の解釈は大いに偏っており、常にソビエトの現在に対する明確な関連性を含んでいた。実際、彼の歴史研究は、彼が生活していた世界に対する「暗号化されたメッセージ」のような複雑な隠喩として読んでいた。この範囲で、グミリョフは、ソビエトの歴史学のほとんどに典型的な歴史解釈のイデオロギー的な道具化を実践した。しかし、特定のメッセージを伝えるために、グミリョフは劇的に従来の視点に反する、根本的に修正主義的な物語と解釈を提示した。彼の再構築には、ほとんど隠されていない推測や推測が多く含まれており、彼はこれを否定せず、むしろ肯定し、ある時点で神話的な出来事と実際の出来事の違いは「我々にとって重要ではない」と明言した。彼の歴史研究は、より正統的な学術同僚によって「空想」またはより寛大に「詩」として却下されたが、それはいわゆる代替歴史の形での歴史的過去のさらに無秩序なポストソビエトの操作の基礎を築くのに役立った。しかし、どんなに空想的であっても、彼の歴史的証言は、彼の民族生成理論の「科学的」原則を、何よりも共生と反システム的なキメラとの間の肯定的で否定的な相補性の競争力の対比を通じて、生き生きと描き出した。最終的に、彼のロシアの歴史の全体的な再構築は、この単純な対立に基づいており、マニ教の対立、すなわちdruzia i nedr・ugi(味方と敵)−善と悪の力−の年代記を表していた。

[1] Gumilev 1990c, 7.
[2] Shlapentokh 2011, 113. For an appreciation of this point from a present-day admirer, see Akaev 2011a, 21. The "presentism" characteristic of Gumilev's historical writings is apparent in his frequent use of terms with a clear twentieth-century resonance—for example "total war" (total'naia voina), "usurper (uzurpator)," or "genocide (genotsid)" —in his discussions of the ancient past.
[3] Gumilev 2004c, 318.
[4] Gumilev 1994b

[ Mark Bassin: "The Gumilev Mystique: Biopolitics, Eurasianism, and the Construction of Community in Modern Russia", Cornell University Press, Feb 4, 2016, pp/81-82 ]

  • 欠陥のある方法論:グミリョフは「激情」が民族生成の爆発であり、新しい民族名の出現と直接的に関連していると主張したが、これは事実とは異なる。
  • 外部と内部のアプローチの無視:グミリョフは民族性に対する自己認識と他者認識の違いを理解しておらず、民族の歴史における「イベント」や「エトス」の定義も明確にしなかった。
  • 直感に基づく数値計算:グミリョフは「激情のレベル」や「激情的ストレス」を数値で計算しようとしたが、その方法は客観的ではなく、信頼できる情報源に基づいていなかった。彼は実質的に、歴史に主観主義を持ち込んだだけだった。
Gumilev’s methodology with regard to ‘passionarity’ is as faulty as in the work discussed earlier. Let us give some examples. He insisted that the phenomenon of ‘passionarity’reflects the ‘effect of the action of nature on the behaviour of ethnic communities’. The ‘passionaries’ are born of an ethnogenetic outburst, and their wilful force creates a new ethnos with a new name in an instant. In fact, the appearance of a new ethnic name is only indirectly related to the long process of formation of an ethnos. Furthermore, Gumilev had no idea of the difference between the external (etic) and internal (emic) approaches to ethnicity. The selfidentification of a person and the way he isidentified by others are quite different things, though there may be some connection between them. And as for Gumilev’s method of calculating numerically the ‘levels of passionarity’, it might possibly look good on paper, but it is absolutely useless in analysis of concrete issues. How could one calculate the number of ‘events’in the history of an ethnos, if, firstly, there is no definition of what an ‘event’ is, nor what an ‘ethos’ is, and secondly, if all the so-called ‘events’ are far from firmly founded on reliable sources? And how did Gumilev intend to calculate the degree of ‘passionary stress’(i.e. the number of ‘passionaries’in the ethnos as a whole), if it is unclear what units the ‘passionaries’ are counted in? He did in fact admit that there are no objective ways of measuring ‘passionarity’. 70 So what was he relying on? On nothing but intuition. In other words, what Gumilev did wasto pour a tide ofsubjectivism into history, or rather into the pseudo-history that hasflowered so abundantly in Russia in the last 10–15 years.


[70] L. N. Gumilev, Enogenezi Biosfera Zemli, Leningrad, 1989a, p.326

[ VIKTOR SHNIRELMAN and SERGEI PANARIN1: "Lev Gumilev: His Pretensions as Founder of Ethnology and his Eurasian Theories" Inner Asia 3 (2001): 1–18 ]
  • さらに、グミリョフの作品はナショナリズムの基盤を提供し、民族を二分し、歴史を偏った視点で解釈し、民族間の緊張を高めている。
The answer hasto be sought in Gumilev’s worksthat – beside their overt aims – in reality give a pseudo-theoretical basis for nationalism. Although he expressed himself against a priori judgements, Gumilev himself divided ethnoses into ‘benign’ and ‘malicious’. 86] This itself brings him close to the most various ethno-nationalist views, because it allows historical events to be interpreted from the point of view of one’s own ethnos, of course, a ‘benign’ and ‘good’one. This kind of argumentation, multiplied by the immense popularity of his work, helped introduce ethno-nationalist discourse into the writing of history; and that creates an ideological tension concerning the relations between different peoples and re-ignites old prejudices and stereotypes


[86] L. N. Gumilev, Enogenezi Biosfera Zemli, Leningrad, 1989a, p.449

[ VIKTOR SHNIRELMAN and SERGEI PANARIN1: "Lev Gumilev: His Pretensions as Founder of Ethnology and his Eurasian Theories" Inner Asia 3 (2001): 1–18 ]
  • また、グミリョフはユダヤ人を「悪意のある」民族と見なし、彼らに不変の行動ステレオタイプを押し付け、反ユダヤ主義疑似科学に「寄与」した。
Among the ‘malicious’ or ‘evil’ peoples, the worst according to Gumilev are the Jews. He repeated the traditional assertion that ‘passion for profit’is asit were an inherited characteristic of the Jews. He categorised them among the ‘trading peoples’, and saw them as the most typical ‘chimerical community’, forever tied to unchanging behaviouralstereotypes which doom them to act vilely towards all other peoples. In his way, Gumilev made his own ‘contribution’ to the pseudoscience of antisemitism.


[ VIKTOR SHNIRELMAN and SERGEI PANARIN1: "Lev Gumilev: His Pretensions as Founder of Ethnology and his Eurasian Theories" Inner Asia 3 (2001): 1–18 ]

  • グミリョフの作品の影響:グミリョフはユーラシアの歴史に関する新しい見方を提案したが、それは事実に基づくものではなく、彼の個人的な欲望や妄想によるものだった。
  • グミリョフの「追随者」たち:グミリョフの作品に影響された人々は、彼の直感や詩的な才能を欠いており、彼の考えを歪めて利用している。彼らは自分たちの民族主義や主観主義を正当化するために、歴史を自由に捏造したり、怪しい情報源に頼ったりしている。
  • グミリョフの権威性の問題:グミリョフは「民族学の父」と呼ばれることがあるが、それは彼の作品が学術的な価値を持つということではなく、彼が歴史に対する意志的な態度を認めたということである。
The more that Gumilev’s works attract readers to the history of Eurasia, the more they are led away from thoughtful understanding. Gumilev was not the ‘father of ethnology’but the prophet of dilettantes and xenophobic half-educated people – the kind of people who are filled with a furious desire to provide humanity with a new version of universal history. He probably did not intend this. But the fact is, Gumilev in essence prepared the ground for the authors of the current wave of pseudo-historical gibberish and the demand for their writings among readers. Without him neither the authors nor the readers would have been so self-confident or numerous. For Gumilev somehow became an authority and thus sanctioned a wilful attitude towards history. Today, anyone can do anything they want with history. They can turn over factsto suit their ethnic leanings. They can lean on dubioussources asif they were absolute proof. They can cite no facts at all. They can invent evidence where it does not exist, and even create whole chronicles on behalf of their ancestors, asit were miraculously discovered in their grandad’s shed. Had he been alive now, Gumilev might well have rejected these passionate devotees of his work. But his self-elected ‘followers’, who are completely without his intuition, his erudition or his poetic gift, are creating a fantastic caricature of his ideas, parasitical on his many-sided personality. They count themselves as ‘holier than the Pope’ in ethno-nationalism, subjectivism, and lack of respect for historical critique.


[ VIKTOR SHNIRELMAN and SERGEI PANARIN1: "Lev Gumilev: His Pretensions as Founder of Ethnology and his Eurasian Theories" Inner Asia 3 (2001): 1–18 ]



