









[廣岡正久: "ロシアを読み解く", 講談社現代新書, pp.114-116]

この「抜け目のないレーニン」など、いくつかの有名な神話伝説の類が1920年代のソ連では流布されていた。Panchenko (2005)によれば、以下のような物語が特に有名。

1 "Muzhitskii skaz o Lenine" (A rustic tale about Lenin) [Seifullina 1924: 162-69]

Tsar Mikolashka (Mikolai) hears about Lenin. Lenin knows a secret word; he wants to take away all the tsarís soldiers and kill his generals, officers, officials and the tsar himself. The tsar writes a letter to Lenin offering him half his kingdom. Lenin agrees and suggests to the tsar that the latter keeps all the "blue bloods" and the treasure. Lenin takes the peasants, soldiers, factory workers, pedigree cattle, pastures, and arable land. The tsar likes the division of spoils, thinking he will be able to take on other workers. The peasants, by contrast, do not like the division. They ask Lenin why he let the tsar take all the treasure and riches. Lenin replies that the treasure would not be enough to go around, and that it is sufficient for the economy to possess land and cattle. He knows a secret word that means the "blue bloods" will not find any new workers or soldiers.(16) The common people all obey Lenin. The tsar and the "blue bloods" spend all the treasure, and cannot find any new workers. They want the common people back and declare war on Lenin. Thus begins the Civil War, but the "blue bloods" will soon be defeated, because they are not used to the slog of fighting.


2 Khitryi Leninî (Sly Lenin, 抜け目のないレーニン) [Akulíshin 1925: 120-28]

Lenin reads the newspapers and discovers that everyone in the USSR relies on him and, therefore, is not afraid of the Entente and America. Lenin decides to check how things would continue without him. He asks "the chief Soviet physician" to render him dead "not completely, but just for appearances." This is a secret; only the physician and Nadezhda Konstantinovna (Krupskaia) know about it. It is announced that Lenin is dead. The people are in torment, cry, fear a British and French intervention. Kalinin asks the people to calm down and get on with work. Lenin is placed in the marzolei (a distortion of mavzolei, mausoleum). After a month, Lenin is bored of lying under glass. For three nights in a row he leaves the marzolei and visits the Kremlin, a factory and a peasantís hut. He knows that the number of communists in Russia has doubled, that the policy of the Entente 33 towards the USSR is now peaceful, that manufacturing is growing and villages are full of izby-chtalíni (rural reading rooms) and "Lenin corners," and that the smychka goroda i derevni ("the city-village alliance") is in progress. Lenin returns to the marzolei calmly. He lies down and falls asleep. Perhaps he will wake up soon.


3 Lenin na kamennom stolbeî (Lenin on the stone pillar, 石柱の頂上のレーニン) [Piaskovskii 1930: 33-35]

There is a stone pillar in Moscow. From the top you can se not only the whole of Russia but also the entire world. Many learned people and intellectuals tried to climb the pillar, but they were not clever enough. Then Lenin and his comrades come to the pillar. He decides to climb it to find the truth. From the pillar Lenin looks around and takes charge of the life of Russia and the whole world. Thus, Lenin receives the grace of God. During the Civil War, there was a thunderclap over Moscow, the heavens opened, and a voice was heard prophesying success for Lenin in his cause and promising him immortality. Since that time, Lenin "grows young and old" every month. When the moon is new, Lenin is a young man. As the moon becomes full, Lenin ages and turns into an old grandad.


4 Lenin ne umer ñ on zhivî (Lenin did not die; he is alive, レーニンは死なない、レーニンは生きている) [Piaskovskii 1930: 37-39]

In 1921, "the English sovereign" calls together his "lackeys, ministers and factory owners." He tells them about "a sly and seductive enemy" who lives overseas and hinders the sovereign from ruling by sending his "couriers" to the English people "in order to start dissension." The lackeys, the ministers and the factory owners suggest waging war on the enemy. The sovereign replies that this is impossible. The enemy, "called Lenin the infidel," he rules the land of the Soviets. English warships can not reach this country; they just sink. If you fire at it with your cannon, the cannon just disintegrates. If soldiers are dispatched there, they rebel. Nor can you send an assassin, because the peopleís guard protects Lenin. "The oldest lackey" asks for money to be released from the treasury: he has invented an invisible weapon, which is called a "ray wave". The wave can be turned on Lenin, and then he will die. The ray wave is turned on Lenin; he falls sick and dies. It appears, however, that his death is not total. The ray wave misses and does not harm Leninís head. Lenin lives, and he helps his people in crisis situations. Nobody can see him, because he is hidden from the people by the ray wave.


[ Alexander A. Panchenko (Institute of Russian Literature, RAN, St Petersburg): "The Cult of Lenin and Soviet Folklore", FOLKLORICA 2005, Vol. X No. 1 ]



