




[ wikipedia:Lithuanian nationality law ]

Foreigners permanently residing in Lithuania are good candidates for Lithuanian citizenship application. There are several formalities and rules, which we review in the following lines:

Applicants with permanent residence in Lithuania must not be absent from the country for more than 6 months per year.
Basic knowledge of the Lithuanian language is required.
Applicants must submit information on a stable income.
The authorities reserve the right to check and request a clear criminal record. Those who have had problems with the law cannot apply for Lithuanian citizenship.
Applicants must agree in writing to renounce the nationality of another country.
Those married to a Lithuanian citizen can apply for citizenship after 7 years of living in this country. In other cases, applicants may apply after 10 years of permanent residence in Lithuania.



[ "How can I obtain Lithuanian citizenship by naturalization in 2024?" on Lithuanian.Com ]

In contrast, Lithuania granted citizenship to all its residents at the time of independence redeclaration day willing to have it, without requiring them to learn Lithuanian. Probably the main reason that Lithuania took a less restrictive approach than Latvia and Estonia is that whereas in Latvia ethnic Latvians comprised only 52% of the total population, and in Estonia ethnic Estonians comprised barely more than 61%, in Lithuania ethnic Lithuanians were almost 80% of the population.[4] Therefore, as a matter of voting in national elections or referendums, the opinions of ethnic Lithuanians would likely carry the day if there were a difference in opinion between Lithuanians and the larger minority groups (Russians and Poles), but this was less certain in the other two Baltic countries, especially in Latvia.

対照的に、リトアニアは独立再宣言の日に、市民権を希望するすべての住民にリトアニア語の習得を義務付けずに市民権を与えた。リトアニアがラトビアやエストニアよりも制限の少ないアプローチを取った主な理由は、ラトビアではラトビア民族が全人口の52%に過ぎず、エストニアではエストニア民族が61%強を占めるに過ぎないのに対し、リトアニアではリトアニア民族が全人口のほぼ80%を占めていたためと思われる。[4] そのため、国政選挙や国民投票での投票に関しては、リトアニア人と大多数を占める少数民族(ロシア人とポーランド人)の間に意見の相違があった場合、リトアニア民族の意見が勝つ可能性が高いが、他の2つのバルト諸国、特にラトビアではそうではない。

[ wikipedia: Russians in the Baltic states ]


Lithuania’s Education Minister Gintautas Jakštas has said that the country should phase out secondary education in the Russian language, following an example of neighbouring Latvia and Estonia. Russians are the second biggest ethnic minority in Lithuania, with around 14,000 students attending Russian schools.

“Our neighbours, the Latvians and Estonians, have not only renounced schools where the language of instruction is Russian, but they are also going down the path of not teaching Russian as a foreign language. [...] We should learn from our neighbours. One thing is that we should focus on EU languages, so that the education of ethnic minorities takes place in their own language, and we might have bilateral agreements with other countries, if they are a friendly country, such as Ukraine,” Jakštas told the radio Žinių Radijas on Thursday.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is currently looking into ways to suspend the use of Russian as a language of instruction, he said, with a proposal expected over the next few weeks.

“We need to start thinking about what those solutions would be. It is too early to say what they would be. We are now immersed in the assessment of schools, and I hope to have a proposal over the next few weeks,” Jakštas said.

According to the minister, schools in Lithuania should not use the languages of “unfriendly countries” as languages of instruction.

Moreover, he argues, teaching all subjects in minority languages makes it harder for students to integrate into society.

Jakštas said, however, that Russian schools would not be closed, especially as there is a shortage of schools in Vilnius and Klaipėda, but the language of instruction should be changed, either by teaching more subjects in Lithuanian or by switching to Lithuanian education, but that would be done for children just starting their education.


「隣国であるラトヴィア人とエストニア人は、ロシア語で学校授業を行うをやめたばかりか、ロシア語を外国語として教えない方向に進んでいる。[...] 隣国から学ぶべきだ。一つは、少数民族の教育が彼ら自身の言語で行われるようにEU言語に焦点を当てることだ。また、ウクライナのような友好国であれば、他の国と二国間協定を結ぶこともできる」とヤクシュタス教育相は木曜日、ラジオ局ジニウ・ラディヤスに語った。






Meanwhile, Vaiva Vėželytė-Pokladova, head of the National Minorities Policy Analysis and Information Division of the Department of National Minorities, told the Žinių Radijas radio she opposed proposals to close down the schools of one particular ethnic community.

“If we talk only about Russian-language schools, we would be against the marginalisation of one nationality. Closing schools of one nationality and completely denying children the opportunity to cherish their nationality would certainly not be a decision that should be made at this time,” she said.

Under the existing law, local authorities in areas with traditionally large ethnic minorities guarantee education in their languages if the local communities request it.




[ [[Lithuania’s education minister suggests phasing out Russian schools (2024/01/05) on LRT>https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2164235/l...

Lithuanian Education, Science and Sport Minister Gintautas Jakštas, who earlier this month unveiled plans to phase out Russian schools, said on Wednesday that the issue “is not on the table” now.

“Closing schools with Russian as the language of instruction is not even on the table,” Jakštas told the parliamentary Committee on Education and Science. “The conditions for either teachers or students in these schools will not be worsened in any way.”

“The question is what we can do to ensure that students’ results do not differ, regardless of their mother tongue. By leaving things as they are now, we are disadvantaging students,” he added.

Jakštas said that his ministry plans to unveil its proposals for national minorities’ education next week.

“The whole community will be able to discuss and present their alternatives, and we will also organise discussions,” the minister said. “Our goal is equal learning opportunities for all children.”






[ "Closing schools in Lithuania ‘not on the table’ – minister" (2024/01/31) on LRT



