




In accordance with the doctrine of state succession in national and international law, the Republic of Latvia retained the legal personality of the state that, de facto, lost its independence in 1940 as a result of occupation by the USSR, followed by Nazi Germany, and then again by the USSR in 1945. The Baltic States were the only three members of the League of Nations that did not regain independence immediately after the Second World War.

The occupation of Latvia in contravention of international law, and the persistence of de iure independence of the Republic of Latvia throughout the Soviet occupation was recognized by our Western partners, and was accepted by other states, international organizations and tribunals, among them the European Court of Human Rights.

On 4 May 1990, the Republic of Latvia declared the restoration of its independence with all legal consequences - restoring the body of law (including the Constitution, Civil Code, Property Law, the Law on Citizenship, etc.) and democratic institutions.

On 17 September 1991, the Baltic States became members of the United Nations. And the USSR ceased to exist in December 1991. The Baltic States are not successor states of the USSR.

An integral part of restoration of independence of the Republic of Latvia was the restoration of the status and rights of those persons who were recognized as Latvia’s citizens under the 1919 Law on Citizenship, as well as their descendants.

At the same time, Latvian authorities recognised that a group of persons, who had immigrated during the period of Soviet occupation and who lost their USSR citizenship after the dissolution of the Soviet Union but who had never been citizens of the Republic of Latvia or their descendants, were permanently residing in Latvia.

Since these individuals were not eligible for automatic acquisition of Latvia's citizenship, a special temporary status was established for former USSR citizens: the status of “former citizens of the USSR without the citizenship of the Republic of Latvia or any other country” (hereinafter “non-citizens”).

Non-citizens of Latvia are not stateless persons. The protection provided to non-citizens in Latvia extends beyond that which is required by the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.

Non-citizens enjoy equal protection under the law both in Latvia and while living or travelling abroad, and are the only group of persons, in addition to citizens, who are granted permanent residence in Latvia ex lege. They can have permanent residence in a foreign country while retaining all rights and privileges, inter alia, to travel freely and to return back to Latvia at any time. Non-citizens have the same social guarantees as Latvian citizens including, for example, with regard to pensions and unemployment benefits. As to political rights - the only significant difference between Latvian citizens and non-citizens is the right to vote and to work in the civil service or occupy posts directly related to national security.

Non-citizens are able to become citizens of Latvia through a simple naturalization procedure, and currently more than 142,000 persons have been granted citizenship of the Republic of Latvia in this manner. Latvia's authorities stress that the status of non-citizens is considered temporary in nature.

国内法および国際法における国家継承の原則に従い、ラトヴィア共和国は、1940年にソ連、続いてナチスドイツ、そして 1945年に再びソ連に占領された結果、事実上独立を失った国家の法的人格を保持しました。バルト諸国は、国際連盟加盟国のうち、第二次世界大戦直後に独立を回復しなかった唯一の3か国だった。


1990年5月4日、ラトヴィア共和国は、すべての法的結果を伴う独立の回復を宣言した。これには、法体系 (憲法、民法、財産法、市民権法などを含む) と民主的制度の回復が含まれる。








[ "Basic facts about citizenship and language policy of Latvia and some sensitive history-related issues" (2014/03/14)on Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Latvia ]

実際のところは、『志摩園子: 『ラトヴィアを知るための47章(エリア・スタディーズ 145)』, 明石書店, 2016』によれば...
  • ラトヴィアの国籍法は、特殊な独立理論に基づき、市民権の定義が原状回復に重点を置いている。
  • 自動的市民権が与えられるのは、1940年6月以前のラトヴィア市民とその子孫のみで、ロシア語系住民は非市民として扱われる。
  • 1994年8月に成立した国籍法は、帰化申請に5年以上の定住期間やラトヴィア語の習得を求めている。
  • 1996年から2000年の間、ラトヴィア生まれの非市民が優先的に帰化申請できる「窓システム」が導入された。
  • 帰化プロセスは進まず、兵役忌避や手続きに関する情報不足が影響を及ぼした。
  • ロシアはラトヴィアの市民権問題を非難し、国際機関も人権上の立場から同国の政策に修正を求めた。
  • 1998年に国籍法が改正され、年齢制限が撤廃され、1991年以降に生まれた非市民の児童に自動的な簡易帰化が適用された。
  • 非市民の帰化プロセスは、社会統合問題の解決において重要であり、2013年時点で帰化による国籍取得者は14万人、非市民は29万8000人に減少している。


Alien`s passport is a person’s identity document issued to the non-citizen`s of the Republic of Latvia. ... Since 1 January 2005, a personal identification document is compulsory from the age of 15. Since 1 May 2004, a person who has reached the age of 15 applies for a passport himself/herself. Documents to apply for a travelling document for a child under the age of 15 are submitted by a parent in the child’s presence.

外国人パスポートは、ラトヴィあ共和国の外国人に発行される身分証明書である。... 2005年1月1日以降、15歳以上は身分証明書の所持が義務付けられる。2004年5月1日以降、15歳に達した人は自分でパスポートを申請する。15歳未満の子供のパスポートを申請する書類は、子供同席で親が提出する。

[ Alien’s (non-citizen's) passport (2020/10/06) on Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, Republic of Latvia ]



[ Eesti Päevaleht (2007/01/19) ]



The Latvian Constitution and laws guarantee and protect the rights of persons belonging to national minorities so that they can preserve and develop their language, and their ethnic and cultural identity.

State Language Law is aimed at preservation, protection and development of the Latvian language, but at the same time provides for the integration of national minorities in the society of Latvia by observing their rights to use their native language or any other language.

Latvia continues to develop and finance its liberal education model: the state finances national minority education programmes in seven languages – Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Estonian, and Lithuanian. 109 schools implementing national minority education programmes and 75 schools with both Latvian and minority language programmes are funded by the state. Secondary schools are entitled to determine which subjects are taught in Latvian, but the total should be 60% of all subjects. Primary schools have the option of choosing from five national minority education models, one of which allows schools to devise their own unique educational model.

On 18 February 2012, a referendum was held in Latvia where a large majority of voters rejected constitutional amendments that would make Russian the second state language.

The referendum prompted a high turnout: 71.1% of Latvia's eligible voters participated in the referendum. Results were clear: only 17 % of eligible voters voted in favor of adopting Russian as the second state language. No substantive complaints about the conduct of referendum were received.

Concerning Russia's claim that part of the population (non-citizens) was not allowed to vote in referendum - the Latvian Government's position is that the right to vote is an integral part of citizenship. Non-citizens are ensured easy access to naturalization and citizenship.

The referendum reaffirmed that sensitive issues can be addressed through democratic means, and that work will continue towards developing an open and consolidated society on the basis of European democratic values and Latvian as the only state language.






ロシアは、国民の一部 (非市民) は国民投票で投票できなかったと主張しているが、ラトヴィア政府は、投票権は市民権の不可欠な部分であると考えている。非市民は簡単に帰化と市民権取得できる。


[ "Basic facts about citizenship and language policy of Latvia and some sensitive history-related issues" (2014/03/14)on Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Latvia ]

Latvian President Raimonds Vejonis has promulgated the bill that would ban use of Russian as the language of instruction also at private universities in Latvia, writes LETA, according to the announcement published in the official newspaper Latvijas Vestnesis.

The opposition leftist pro-Russia Harmony party and the heads of several universities and NGOs previously asked Vejonis not to promulgate the amendments to the Law on Higher Education Establishments.

The Latvian Education and Science Ministry proposed applying to private universities and colleges the same restrictions that apply to public higher education institutions, where students have to be taught in Latvian or any of the official languages of the European Union, which means that private colleges and universities will have to discontinue teaching their students in Russian.

The ministry said the changes were needed also in relation to the legislative amendments about the switch to Latvian-only secondary education at schools.

The parliament adopted the amendments to the Higher Education Institutions Law on June 21. The amendments will take effect on January 1, 2019, and after that the education establishments will not be allowed to enroll students in new Russian-language study programs and will have to complete the ongoing study programs in Russian by December 31, 2022.

Under the effective law, study programs of the state-founded higher education institutions in Latvia are implemented in the state language, and the use of foreign languages is possible only in exceptional cases such as studies of foreign languages. Use of other official EU languages in studies is allowed for foreign students in Latvia and the study programs implemented under the EU programs or international cooperation agreements.

According to the Education and Science Ministry's report on higher education in 2017, approximately one-third of students at private universities and colleges studied in Russian last year, while the proportion at state-funded universities and colleges was less than 1%.

The total number of students studying at Latvian public and private universities in the Russian language was 5,332 or 7% of all students in 2017.

The Transport and Telecommunications Institute has the highest share of students studying in Russian - 86% or 2,358 students.

ラトヴィアのライモンツ・ヴェーヨニス大統領[在任2015-2019]]は、ラトヴィアの私立大学でもロシア語を教授言語として使用することを禁止する法案を公布したと、国営新聞「Latvijas Vestnesis」が報じた。







2017年、ラトヴィアの公立および私立大学でロシア語で学ぶ学生の総数は 5,332人で、全学生の7%を占めた。


[ Latvian president promulgates bill banning teaching in Russian at private universities (BC, Riga, 04.07.2018.) ]

2018年10月には、ロシア語系住民はこれに対抗し、ラトヴィア議会でも、親ロシア派政党「調和」が第1党になった(AFP)。しかし、それで状況は変わらず、2022年には「ラトヴィア議会選、首相の親欧米政党が首位 親ロ派は大敗」した(Reuters)。



