
カルチャー>新聞・雑誌>英国Square Leg演習

英国Square Leg演習シナリオ

以下はDuncan Campbellの“War Plan UK – The Truth about Civil Defence in Britain”(1982)に掲載さている、Square Leg演習の開戦までのシナリオと、演習時に記載された地方政府側のプレイ記録の抜粋である。
Britain: before the war
8/15Cabinet instructs all departments and specified authorities to review their plans for Transition to War (…)
8/16Fuel rationing imposed
8/27HMG requests preparations to be made to remove art treasures.
8/31Industrial unrest and large sale activity by extreme left and right wing parties
9/01Considerable cross channel movement into UK by expatriate families on a self-evacuation basis (…)
9/07Prime Minister speaks to nation on TV/radio
9/09Secretary of State authorises power of direction over British Airway.
9/11Prime Minister again speaks to nation.
9/12‘Protect and Survive’ instruction issue through the media.
Cabinet approves Queen’s October 2.
Directed food buying (by government departments, police, military services, etc.)
Noticeable run down of industry.
Local authorities, MPs, police and the services swamped with offers of help in forming some sort of civil defence / Home Guard organisations.
9/13Prime Minister again speaks to nation.
Panic food buying breaks out in some areas.
9/15General alert and war declared. Fighting breaks out on continent. Conventional bombing on defence related targets in UK. Public reaction to bombing is mixed … those living in high rise flats and in areas generally thought to be obvious targets leave home quickly.
Industry seriously affected. Schools close in afternoon.
9/17Government authorises local authorities to man their Wartime HQs
Public passenger transport operating at fifty per cent of capacity.
Government orders manning of HQs in the Regions.
9/19Attack Warning Red 11:55 am. Nuclear strike starts at 12:01 pm.

9/12メディアでProtect and Surviveが放送される。
9/1911:55 am 核攻撃警報。1201 pm 核攻撃開始

‘Survival’: extracts from the War Diary of Warwickshire County
9/20 D+ 1Daily food requirements – 680,700 rations. Eighteen thousand people (in refugee camps) suffering third degree burns: Isolated reports of refugees leaving West Midlands area.
9/22 D+ 3Casualty aid points swamped. Hospitals and improvised hospitals full.
Decision taken to conserve police strength with a view to deployment of Police Support Units later.
9/23 D+ 4Commence mass advice to achieve public order.
Reappraise triage. Request medical aid from military.
9/24 D+ 5Establish additional casualty aid points close to existing where possible, Commit to home nursing casualties who will probably die. Commence grave digging operations. (Transport) Remove dead from casualty aid points; remove dead from damaged areas as radiation level permit.
Fire situation in country under control.
9/25 D+ 6Identify rationing levels of food and water. Identify additional rationing requirements of workers. Flow of refugees from the West Midlands is indicated 31,000 to North Warwickshire, 12,000 to South Warwickshire.
9/27 D+ 8Casualty figures Rugby area is indicated 30,000 plus estimate, Nuneaton area 17,000 plus. Large numbers of persons suffering fist stages of radiation sickness. Arrange for establishment of decontamination units. Consider variations to law – liase with police.
9/28 D+ 9Estimate 100,000 plus refugees coming from West Midlands – most injured / shocked / irradiated. Consider disinfection in Rugby / Coventry area to avert disease. Liase with military for aircraft for spraying. Control of refugees in the west of county impossible at this state. (Via Wartime Broadcasting System) advise public on measures being taken to alleviate rioting and looting. Produce advice to encourage ‘Good Neighborly’ behavior towards refugees Advise public with regard to disposal of dead bodies. Advise populace not to leave their areas.
9/29 D+10Numbers increasing of casualty aid points, priority being given to savable under thirties. Anticipate refugee figures to be 200,000 plus. Further request to Sub-Regional HQ for additional food; directive received -- conserve fuel.
9/30 D+11Arrange collection of food from Buffer Depots. Liase with police and military for convoy guards. Food to be held and guarded in district stores. Deaths becoming a serious problem, liase with transport and works for speedier removed of bodies from casualty aid points. Advise public on action to be taken re looting – particularly theft of food. Call for volunteers to assist with transport and works tasks.
10/1 D+12Notification from SRHQ; twenty five per cent of food requirements for refugees to come from local Buffer Depots. Police Support Units established and deployed to areas where refugees are known to be located. Consider establishment of interim police controls in known trouble areas.
10/2 D+13Feeding to commence at 1800 hrs. Colorific content of meals will be six hundred + one pint of water (non-workers), 800 + two pints of water (workers). Meals provided for infant feeding totally inadequate; request additional suppliers. Known casualty figures 37,000; seriously injured 67,000. Radiation sickness entering third stage. Disease control absolute priority. All Essential Service Routes cleared. Identify and prepare additional burial resources. Advise public on location and times Feeding Centres will be open, safe routes on them, (and) emphasise subsistence level of feeding in operation.

9/20 D+ 1日々の食糧需要〜680,700食。(避難民キャンプの)18000人が3度の火傷。West Midlands地域を離れる避難民の報告
9/22 D+ 3負傷者支援施設が満員に。病院及び仮設病院が満員。
9/23 D+ 4公共の秩序維持のための広報開始
9/24 D+ 5可能な限り、既存負傷者支援施設に近い場所に追加施設設置。死亡が避けられない負傷者の在宅看護の実施。墓堀の開始。負傷者支援施設からの死体の搬出。放射線レベルが低下した被災地域からの死体の搬出。全英での火災はコントロール下に。
9/25 D+ 6食料及び水の配給レベルの確認。必要作業者割り当ての確認。West Midlandsからの避難民の、Warwickshire北部への流入31,000人、南部への流入12,000人
9/27 D+ 8Rugby地域の負傷者推定30,000名超。Nuneaton地域は17,000名超。多くの人々が放射線障害第1段階。除染部隊の組織準備。法律の変更検討。警察と連絡。
9/28 D+ 9West Midlandsからの避難民数は推定100,000人超。大半が負傷・衝撃・放射線被爆。伝染病対策のため、Rugby及びCoventry地域での消毒を検討。航空機からの散布を軍に打診。現状での、郡西部での避難民のコントロールは不可能。暴動・略奪対策のために戦時放送での広報を実施。避難民への良き隣人としての対応を住民へ要請。死体除去を住民に助言。地域からの離脱をしないよう住民に指示
9/29 D+10負傷者支援施設の増加。30歳以下の生存可能性のある負傷者の優先治療。予測される避難民数200,000人超。地域本部への追加食糧要請。燃料節約指示
9/30 D+11食料貯蔵庫からの食糧調達準備。警察及び軍への食糧輸送隊護衛要請。食糧は地域店舗へ搬送予定。死者が重大問題に。負傷者支援施設からの死体の迅速な除去について搬送・作業について連絡。食糧盗難対策の住民への広報実施。搬送・作業支援の志願者を募集。
10/1 D+12地域本部からの通知。地域食料貯蔵庫から、避難民向け食糧の必要量の25%が供給される。警察支援部隊が組織され、避難民のいることがわかっている地域へ派遣。問題地域での臨時警察の編成を検討
10/2 D+1318:00に食糧配給開始。非作業者は食事600Kcalと水1パイント、作業者は食事800Kcalと水2パイント。乳幼児への食糧供給は不足。追加食糧支援を要請。死者37,000名、重傷者67,000名。放射線障害は第3段階に。伝染病対策は最優先。必需サービスルートの確保完了。追加埋葬作業者数の算定と確保準備。食糧配給センターの場所と配給予定、及び安全なルートを広報。生存レベルの食糧供給が動いていることを強調
‘Recovery’: extracts from the War Diary of Gloucestershire County (Military Liaison)

DateRequest to military staffResponse
10/3 D+14Request for air reconnaissance at Little Rissington food depot.No response
Provide armed troops to assist police at ten location on M5 Motorway.Thirty men deployed.
Provide coils of barbed wireBarbed wire requested.
Provide armed troops to assist troops at Gloucester to:
(a) Quell disturbance involving eight thousand persons
(b) Guard a food warehouse at Hare Lane
(a) Twenty-five troops sent.
(b) Twenty-five troops dispatched
Provide ambulances, trained first aid personnel and medical suppliesNo ambulances, trained first aid personnel or medical supplies available. Some vehicles and drivers only.
Provide armed troops to assist police with law and order problems at Cirencester, Cinderford, Lydney, and Newham,Thirty armed men made available for Cirencester. Due to radiation hazard, (it is) not considered effective to send armed parties into other areas at this time
Provide armed guards to secure MAFF warehouseCounty Military HQ requested AFHQ 7 to provide assistance from east of county due to radiation level.
10/4 D+15Provide assistance police at Gloucester to deal with law and order problem.Fifteen men from Hare Lane detailed for this task.
Secure and guard a food warehouse at CirencesterTwenty armed men dispatched from Innsworth at 0930 hrs.
Provide guard at twelve food supply and cooking centres throughout the country. Provide escorts on ten food supply vehicles.Five armed guards provided at each location. Two armed guards provided for each vehicle.
Assist police to prevent hostile crowd gaining access to Gloucester District Wartime HQTwenty armed men made available
Assist police at GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters in Cheltenham)Two mechanized platoons dispatched at 1400 hrs.
Accommodate five thousand homeless at RAF InnsworthCannot accommodate at RAF Innsworth but could take four thousand two hundred at RAF Quedgely, Vehicles available at Aschurch but no drives or fuel.
Provide hygiene and sanitation teas and equipment at Cheltenham. Provide rodenticides and disinfectants.Unable to assist
Provide security patrols and barbed wire at Special Rest Centre at Stroud for suspected disease carrying refugees.Two platoons dispatched to Stroud. No stocks of barbed wire available.
Provide assistance to Ministry of Agriculture officers who have been prevented by hostile crowd from arranging the dispatch of food from a market garden1630 hrs. Wessex helicopter and twelve soldiers sent to scene.



