

Marlene Laruellenの見るロシア宇宙主義(2019)

欧州およびユーラシアの歴史・社会・政治科学を研究する George Washington UniversityのMarlène Laruelle教授(1972-)よれば(p/19)、ロシアのナショナリズムを形成する中心的な教義には、スラヴ主義や汎スラヴ主義とともに、宇宙主義がある。

Tsiolkovskii’s belief in pan-psychism differs from Fiodorov’s materialism. The world, he claimed, was guided by a “cause” (prichina), and the universe was a living being endowed with a mind, since the intellect is located in each atom.[45] Like Fiodorov, he advocated a monist approach to the cosmos. In his Monism of the Universe (Monizma vselennoi), published in 1925, he states that we must think of earthly life and the beyond in terms of unity. Humankind is only an assemblage of cells, which themselves are mere assemblages of liquids and gases: since all is divisible down to the level of the atom and humankind is part of an eternal whole, it cannot be conceived autonomously from the cosmos: “I am not only a materialist, but a pan-psychist, who recognizes the sensitivity of the whole universe. I consider this property to be inseparable from materiality.”[46] Tsiolkovskii also seems to have been inspired by the German philosopher Carl du Prel (1839–1899), author of Die Philosophie der Mystik (1885), which had been translated into Russian. Du Prel was famous for drawing a link between cosmic and biological evolution, stating that Darwinian natural selection applied to planetary bodies just as it did to living organisms.[47] As an inhabitant of Kaluga, Tsiolkovskii was also probably familiar with the theosophist publications of the local Lotus publishing house.[48] Many of his texts thus seem based on theosophist conceptions of a “secret doctrine.” Tsiolkovskii also believed in extraterrestrial intelligence [49] and in the existence of superior “ethereal” (efirnyi) beings, like angels or spirits, who live in space and help humans decipher celestial messages.[50]

ツィオルコフスキーの汎心論に対する信念は、フョードロフの唯物論とは異なる。彼は、世界は「原因」(プリチーナ)によって導かれており、知性は各原子に存在するため、宇宙は心を与えられた生物であると主張した[45]。フョードロフと同様に、彼は宇宙に対する一元論的アプローチを提唱した。 1925年に出版された彼の『宇宙の一元論』 (Monizma vselennoi) の中で、我々は地上の生命とその先の世界を統一した観点から考えなければならないと述べている。人類は細胞の集合体にすぎず、それ自体は単なる液体と気体の集合体にすぎない。すべては原子のレベルまで分割可能であり、人類は永遠の全体の一部であるが故に、宇宙から自律的に考えられない。「私は唯物論者であるのみならず、全宇宙の感受性を認識する汎心論者でもある」[46] ツィオルコフスキーはまた、ロシア語に翻訳された『神秘の哲学』(1885)の著者であるドイツの哲学者カール・デュ・プレル(1839-1899)からインスピレーションを受けていたようだ。デュ・プレルは、ダーウィンの自然選択が生物に適用されるのと同じように惑星体にも適用されると述べ、宇宙と生物の進化との関連性を描いたことで有名であった[47]。カルーガの住民として、ツィオルコフスキーはおそらく地元のロータス出版社の神智学の出版物にも精通していたと思われる [48]。したがって、彼の文書の多くは神智学者の「秘密の教義」の概念に基づいているように見える。ツィオルコフスキーはまた、地球外知性体[49]や、宇宙に住んで人間が天上のメッセージを解読するのを助ける、天使や精霊のような優れた「エーテル」(エフィルヌイ)の存在を信じていた [50] 。

[45] “Nauchnye osnovaniia religii,” “Etika ili estestvennye osnovy nravstvennosti,”“Nirvana,” etc.
[46] Konstantin Tsiolkovskii, “Monizm Vselennoi,” in Semenova and Gacheva, eds., Russkii kosmizm, 266.
[47] Hagemeister, “Konstantin Tsiolkovskii and the Occult Roots.”
[48] Maria Carlson, No Religion Higher Than Truth: A History of the Theosophical Movement in Russia, 1875–1922 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993).
[49] Vladimir Lytkin, Ben Finney, and Liudmila Alepko, “Tsiolkovsky – Russian Cosmism and Extraterrestrial Intelligence,” Royal Astronomical Society Quarterly Journal 36, no. 4 (1995): 369–376.
[50] Hagemeister, “Konstantin Tsiolkovskii and the Occult Roots.”

[ Marlene Laruelle: "Russian Nationalism", Routledge, 2019, pp.28-29]
Among his disciples, Aleksandr Chizhevskii (1857–1964) played a central role in shaping Cosmist theories.[51] Chizhevskii’s career was more or less typical for an original researcher in the Soviet period, in the sense that it alternated between recognition and repression. In 1924, then a member of the group of bioCosmists, Chizhevskii published a German-language introduction to Tsiolkovskii’s theories, which played a key role in launching the first Soviet space experiment as well as making space conquest fashionable among the general public.[52] In 1926, both Tsiolkovskii and Chizhevskii participated in the world’s first experiment in the field of space biology. In the 1920s and 1930s, Chizhevskii worked at the Medical Department of Moscow State University, at the Institute of Biological Physics at the Ministry of Health, and then at the ZooPsychology Laboratory of the People’s Commissariat for Education of the Russian Federation. His main book, Physical Factors of the Historic Process (Fizicheskie faktory istoricheskogo protsessa), published in 1924, earned him a rebuke from Stalin, who demanded that he retract his theories concerning the influence of the sun over human activity. A self-proclaimed sun-worshiper and poet of his time, Chizhevskii refused and was repressed, spending eight years in the GULAG between 1942 and 1950, and then being imprisoned in Karaganda until 1958. Thereafter, he was permitted to return to Moscow, where he ran an aero-ionification laboratory under the USSR State Planning Organization. Not until 1995 was the most complete version of his manuscript, The Earth in the Embrace of the Sun (Zemlia v ob’’iatiiakh solntsa), finally published.

Like Tsiolkovskii, Chizhevskii was a fervent supporter of the Soviet space program and hoped to see the conquest of other planets, since “in subjugating nature and our victory over it, the goal of the final triumph of human knowledge will be realized.”[53] Above all, he contributed to developing two scientific domains, which he called heliobiology – the study of the impact of solar flare cycles on human history – and heliotaraxy – the study of the effect of solar activity on the biosphere.[54] According to him, the Earth’s physical fields, variations of solar activity, solar magnetism, and dependent geomagnetic oscillations all impact human life:

It is not the earth, but the cosmic spaces that will become our homeland, and we are just starting to feel the importance of radiation, in all its authentic immenseness, for terrestrial existence and the displacement of remote celestial bodies.[55]

Analyzing sunspot records and proxies as well as battles, revolutions, riots, and wars for the period 500bce to 1922ce, he found that 80 percent of the most significant events occurred around the sunspot maximum. The history of humankind, he therefore claimed, responded to cosmic regularities (zakonomernost’) – a notion later developed by Lev Gumilev (1912–1992). In his “historiometric” works, Chizhevskii states that human history is shaped by 11-year cycles in the sun’s activity, as manifest in political events (revolts, wars, revolutions) and catastrophes such as power shortages or plane crashes. Chizhevskii’s works heralded a new stage in the evolution of Cosmist theories in that he was more removed from Fiodorovism than Tsiolkovskii and was more explicitly focused on the sole topic of space – in particular sun-centered theories – than on the question of humanity’s overcoming the state of death; moreover, he emphasized a sort of cosmic determinism that did not exist in Fiodorov’s works.

彼[ ツィオルコフスキー ]の弟子の中で、アレクサンドル・チジェフスキー(1857年 - 1964年)は宇宙主義理論の形成において中心的な役割を果たした。チジェフスキーのキャリアは、認識と抑圧を交互に繰り返すという意味で、ソ連時代の独創的な研究者としては多かれ少なかれ典型的なものであった。1924年、当時生物宇宙主義者グループのメンバーだったチジェフスキーはツィオルコフスキーの理論のドイツ語入門書を出版し、これはソ連初の宇宙実験を開始し、宇宙征服を一般大衆の間で流行させる上で重要な役割を果たした[52]。1926年、ツィオルコフスキーとチジェフスキーは宇宙生物学の分野における世界初の実験に参加した。1920年年代から1930年代に、チジェフスキーはモスクワ国立大学の医学部、保健省の生物物理学研究所、そしてロシア連邦教育人民委員会の動物心理学研究所で働いた。1924年に出版された彼の主著『歴史過程の物理的要因』(Fizicheskie faktory istoricheskogo protsessa)は、人間の活動に対する太陽の影響に関する理論の撤回を要求するスターリンの叱責を受けた。当時の太陽崇拝者で詩人を自称していたチジェフスキーはこれを拒否し弾圧され、1942年から1950年まで8年間強制収容所で過ごし、その後1958年までカラガンダに投獄された。その後、モスクワへの帰還が許可された。彼はソ連国家計画機構の下で大気イオン化研究所を運営した。1995年になって初めて、彼の原稿の最も完全なバージョンである「太陽を抱く地球 (Zemlia v ob’’iatiiakh solntsa)」が出版された。

ツィオルコフスキーと同様に、チジェフスキーもソ連の宇宙計画の熱烈な支持者であり、「自然を征服し、自然に勝利することで、人類の知識の最終的な勝利という目標が実現する」ため、他の惑星の征服を望んでいた[53]。とりわけ、彼は 2つの科学領域の発展に貢献した。それらは、彼がヘリオバイオロジー (太陽フレアの周期が人類の歴史に及ぼす影響の研究) とヘリオタラクシー (太陽活動が生物圏に及ぼす影響の研究) と呼んだものである。彼によれば、地球の物理的場、太陽活動の変動、太陽磁場、および依存する地磁気変動はすべて人間の生活に影響を与える。


彼は、紀元前500年から紀元1922年までの黒点の記録とプロキシー、さらには戦闘、革命、暴動、戦争を分析し、最も重要な出来事の80パーセントが黒点極大付近で発生したことを発見した。したがって、人類の歴史は宇宙の規則性 (zakonomernost’) に応答してきたと主張した。この概念は、後にレフ・グミレフ (1912–1992) が発展させた。チジェフスキーは、その「歴史学的な」著作の中で、人類の歴史は、政治的出来事(反乱、戦争、革命)や電力不足や飛行機事故などの大惨事に明らかなように、太陽活動の11年周期によって形成されると述べた。チジェフスキーの著作は、彼がツィオルコフスキーよりもフョードロフから離れ、人類の死の状態の克服の問題よりも宇宙という唯一のテーマ、特に太陽中心の理論により明確に焦点を当てていたという点で、宇宙主義理論の進化における新たな段階の到来を告げた。 さらに、彼はフョードロフの著作には存在しなかった一種の宇宙的決定論を強調した。

[51] See his memoirs: Aleksandr Chizhevskii, Na beregu vselennoi: gody druzhby s Tsiolkovskim. Vospominaniia (Moscow: Mysl’, 1995).
[52] Siddiqi, “Imagining the Cosmos,” 284.
[53] Aleksandr Chizhevskii, “Kolybel’ zhizni i pul’sy Vselennoi,” Zemnoe ekho solnechnykh bur’, etc.
[54] Boris Vladimirsky, and N.A. Temuryants, Solar Activity and the Biosphere: Heliobiology: From A.L. Chizhevsky to the Present (Moscow: Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 1999).
[55] Aleksandr Chizhevskii, “Kolybel’ zhizni i pul’sy Vselennoi,” in Semenova and Gacheva, eds., Russkii kosmizm, 319.

[ Marlene Laruelle: "Russian Nationalism", Routledge, 2019, pp.29-30]
Cosmism is a non-conventional spiritual tradition that combines strong allusions to Christianity (redemption via resurrection), a pan-psychic reading of the universe, and belief in still-unknown cosmic forces and an extraterrestrial future for humanity. Its complexity resides in its twofold scientific aspect. It is both a science of spatial conquest – construed as conventional, legitimate science and endorsed by the Soviet regime as the embodiment of progress – and a science of modifying current material realities using the force of the spirit, which our societies perceive as illegitimate or irrational. Without the success of space conquest, which did indeed broaden the limits of human possibilities, Cosmism’s scientific pretensions would have remained marginal. It would not have been able to present itself as anything other than a pseudo- or a para-science. But its ability to predict, and then to accompany, the message sent with the Soviet conquest of space increased its power of expression and reception tenfold.

Responding to the fashion for “science with a conscience,” Cosmism presented itself as a Soviet scientific religion, a mysticism of technology able to speak to Soviet society, torn between exulting its industrial exploits, ecological concerns, and spiritual interrogations. Buoyed by many occult convictions, of which it offers a modern reading, Cosmism advanced holistic responses and aimed to fundamentally rethink the boundaries of the visible skies. Reprising an archetype of human thought according to which the physical sky above our heads is the place of the divine, it tried to find novel formulations for human interrogations into the meaning of life and humanity’s place in the universe. Rooted in both Orthodox messianism and the celebration of Soviet technological advancements, Cosmism has been a common ground for post-Soviet Russian nationalisms; it has reappeared, implicitly or explicitly, in many nationalist doctrines, in particular as the bedrock of Russia’s geographical metanarratives.



[ Marlene Laruelle: "Russian Nationalism", Routledge, 2019, pp.33-34]



