

Radishchev: On Man, His Mortality and immortality (1792)

ロシア宇宙主義の先駆者のひとりAlexander Nikolaevich Radishchev (ラジーシチェフ) (1749-1802)の著書「On Man, His Mortality and immortality」についてのAndrzej Walicki( 1979)による解説。


The treatise On Man, His Mortality and immortality stands apart in Radishchev's work. This essay, which was written in Siberia, un-doubtedly represents the highest achievement of Russian Enlighten-ment thought in the sphere of pure philosophical speculation. Its conclusion states that the human soul is immortal, and that since its goal is self-perfection it will continue to perfect itself even after the death of the body.


Radishchev reaches this conclusion by a very involved argument. Pushkin aptly observed that "although Radishchev revolts against materialism, the disciple of Helvetius is still visible. He much pre-fers to expound arguments in favor of absolute atheism than to refute them." [32]

ラジーシチェフは、非常に複雑な議論によってこの結論に達している。プーシキンは、「ラジーシチェフは唯物論に反抗しているが、エルヴェシウスの弟子であることはまだ目に見えている。彼は反論するよりも、絶対的な無神論を支持する議論を説明することをはるかに好む」と適切に観察した。 [32]

The essay On Man consists of four parts. In the first two the author—mainly following Holbach—puts forward the argument against immortality. In his ontology he takes as his starting point the basic thesis of materialism, which he formulates as follows: "Things exist independently of our knowledge of them—they exist in their own right."[33] In his epistemology he takes the sensationalist position that there is nothing in the mind that was not previously in the senses. From these premises he demonstrates that man is a wholly mortal being.

人間についてのエッセイは 4 つの部分で構成されている。最初の2編では、主にドルバックに続いて著者が不死性に反対する議論を展開している。彼の存在論では、出発点として唯物論の基本テーゼを採用し、次のように定式化している。「物は我々のそれらについての知識とは無関係に存在している。それらは自らの権利のもとで存在している。」彼の認識論では、以前は感覚になかったものは心には何もないというセンセーショナリストの立場をとっている。これらの前提から、彼は人間が完全に死ぬ存在であることを示している。

In the third part of his essay Radishchev attempts to refute this conclusion without, however, abandoning his ontological or epistemological premises. He does this by differentiating between the concepts "soul" and "spirit" with the help of the hylozoist thesis that every particle of matter is animated to a greater or lesser degree. According to this argument nothing in nature perishes; it merely disintegrates into small particles. After death man's physical remains fuse with matter while his spiritual element fuses with the spirit of the universe that animates all of nature. This cannot be called individual immortality; man's individual soul is mortal and only the spirit—the spiritual element in its uni-versal embodiment—has eternal life.


This conclusion did not, however, satisfy Radishchev, who un-derstood man's craving for individual immortality. In order to prove its possibility, he made use of Moses Mendelssohn's essay Phaedon, or the Immortality of the Soul and works by Leibniz and Bonnet. The human soul is a simple substance, Radishchev's argument runs, and cannot therefore disintegrate or be deprived of its individual existence; its goal is unceasing self-perfection, so that its existence after physical death is more perfect than temporal existence, just as the life of a butterfly is more perfect than that of a caterpillar or chrys-alis. Since the instrument of the soul's perfection is the body, in its life after death the soul will also be endowed with some kind of cor-poreal existence, superior to human existence. This idea, which in Radishchev's essay is barely touched upon, is related to Bonnet's conception of immortality as a form of progressive reincarnation—an unceasing upward progress through a series of different incarnations—and his hypothesis that in the "great chain of being" there must be reasoning beings more perfect than man.


Radishchev makes it clear that these are only conjectures, a matter of faith rather than knowledge. He proclaims his belief in the im-mortality of the soul and the continued process of perfection after death because they seem to him to be essential prerequisites of morality; nevertheless, he admits that these are beliefs for which no adequate theoretical arguments can be deduced.


This line of argument was very characteristic of the moral philosophy of the Enlightenment. Nikolai Novikov justified his belief in immortality in similar terms. There is also a certain analogy between Radishchev's treatise and the philosophy of Kant. Kant rec-ognized the existence of God and immortality of the soul as "postulates of practical reason"; in other words, he recognized them because (like Radishchev) he regarded them as a guarantee of morality.


In eighteenth-century Russia, where philosophy was still in its infancy, the essay On Man was something unique. In it Radishchev displayed his great talent and erudition: he utilized the arguments of nearly all leading French and German eighteenth-century think-ers and showed his knowledge of classical Greek philosophy. His systematic exposition of arguments both for and against immortality enabled him to show the controversial nature of the problem. In spite of this, however, the work did not exert any influence on the evolution of Russian thought—the heirs to Radishchev's democratic and libertarian ideas were not concerned with the problem of im-mortality, whereas religious philosophers did not seek inspiration in the works of Enlightenment thinkers.


[32] From Pushkin's article "Aleksandr Radishchev." Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Radishchev's arguments in favor of atheism were more convincing, rather than more enthusiastic.
[33] Radishchcv, Izbrannye sochineniia, p. 423.

[ Andrzej Walicki: "A History of Russian Thought From the Enlightenment to Marxism", Stanford University Press, 1979, pp.50-52]

クロード=アドリアン・エルヴェシウス(Claude-Adrien Helvétius、1715年1月26日−1771年12月26日)は、18世紀フランスの哲学者、啓蒙思想家。親交のあったドルバックとともに、啓蒙時代の唯物論の代表的作家とされる。[ wikipedia ]

ポール=アンリ・ティリ・ドルバック男爵(Paul-Henri Thiry, baron d'Holbach、1723年12月8日 - 1789年1月21日)は、フランスに渡り主にフランス語で著作活動をしたドイツ出身の哲学者である。ドイツ時代の名前はパウル・ハインリヒ・ディートリヒ・フォン・ホルバッハ(Paul Heinrich Dietrich von Holbach)[ wikipedia ]
Hylozoism is the philosophical point of view that matter is in some sense alive.[1] The concept dates back at least as far as the Milesian school of pre-Socratic philosophers. The term was coined by the English philosopher Ralph Cudworth in 1678.


[ wikipedia: Hylozoism ]
Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov (Russian: Никола́й Ива́нович Новико́в) (8 May [O.S. 27 April] 1744, Moscow Governorate – 12 August [O.S. 31 July] 1818. Moscow Governorate) was a Russian writer and philanthropist most representative of his country's Enlightenment. Frequently considered to be the first Russian journalist, he aimed at advancing the cultural and educational level of the Russian public.


[ wikipedia:Nikolay Novikov



