


Stalin lifted a ban on celebrations but only on New Year’s eve to avoid giving the festivities a religious significance and instructed Ded Moroz to deliver presents on the morning of Jan. 1. He also brought back the tradition of putting up Chirstmas trees in homes, previously deemed an “economic evil” says Petrone, and rebranded them New Year’s trees. “Life has become better, comrades, life has become more joyous,” Stalin said in 1935 as he promised workers better living standards.

State-controlled footage of New Year’s eve celebrations showing happy workers dancing and drinking to the health of Stalin painted the picture of a more prosperous era. But in reality, life did not improve for the majority of the population. Such footage was part of the state propaganda machine that tried to present the Soviet Union as a “superior system” to the capitalist West that was in the grip of economic depression, says Petrone.

More than just the giver of gifts, Ded Moroz was the giver of pro communist PR. In 1949, the Associated Press reported wrote that at gatherings with children, Ded Moroz ‘customarily ends his talk with the question “to whom do we owe all the good things in socialist society?” to which it is said the children chorus reply “Stalin.”’ In the 1960s, at the height of the space race between the Soviet Union and U.S., Ded Moroz appeared in flying rockets on cards and posters, some with the caption: “Ded Moroz is seriously ready for the space flight.”




[ [MADELINE ROACHE: ["How Soviet Russia Banished Their Version of Santa Claus, Then Brought Him Back to Spread Communist Cheer" (2020/12/24) on TIME>https://time.com/5922931/santa-claus-soviet-histor...]] ]
1949年のクリスマス関連報道として、AP通信はソビエト連邦のプロパガンダ手段となったジェド・マローズと、これにサンタクロースをぶつけるVoice of Americaについてニュースを配信している:
Even Santa Is In On Conflict With Russia This Christmas

WASHINGTON, Dec.. 22 (AP): Now even Santa Claus. is in on the conflict with Russia.

The jolly old gent will play a leading role on the "Voice of America" broadcasts to the Russian people this Christmas season. The idea is to show the Runsians what a fine season Christmas is in the land they are taught by their government to hate and fear.

Heavy emphasis also will be placed on .the religious significance of Christmas.

In Russia itself, officials here expect that this year, as in the past, the Soviet Santa Claus will serve not an a dispenser of good cheer but rather as a mouthpiece of Communist propaganda.

Around the State Department, where aspect of Russian life Is put under the microscope some odd facts have been turned up about the official Russian attitude toward Christmas.

The theme, authorities here said, is to be found in the "large Soviet encyclopedia" which in the 1941 edition declared:

"In the Soviet Union the celebration of Christmas by believers is a most harmful reactionary, survivor of the old capitalist past. Like every religious holiday. Christmas is kept alive and supported among backward groups of workers by reactionary religius prejudices."

In the early years of the Soviet regime, an attenapt, was made to end the Christmas celebration completely. The sales of Christmas trees was forbidden and the familiar ornaments and decorations of the season were not offered in Russian stores. This attempt failed.

The next move of the Communists was to divert the pageantry and symbols of Christmas to new uses. Instead of holding the celebration on the traditional Russian Christmas Day of January 7, all the ceremonies are now focused on New Years Day.

Christmas trees have become for Soviet citizens 'New. Year's trees" presents are given on New Year's Day and the acceptable greeting for the holiday seasons is "happy new year."

Grandfather Frost - the Russian name for the Santa Claus figure -- has become identified also with New Year's, In Soviet usage he is presented as a good spirit who inspires hard work in Soviet childrens.

At children's gatherings in the holiday season, accordong to these accounts, grandfather frost lectures on good Communist behavior, He customarily and his talk with the question "in whom do we owe all the good things in our socialist society>" To which it is said the children chorus the reply "Stalin."


ワシントン、12月22日(AP): 今や、サンタクロースさえもロシアとの対立に加わっている。

このクリスマスシーズン、この陽気な老人は「Voice of America」の放送でロシアの人々に主演を務めることになった。そのアイディアは、ロシア政府によって教え込まれている土地でクリスマスがどれほど素晴らしい季節であるかをロシア人に見せることである。











[ Even Santa Is In On Conflict With Russia This Christmas. - Page 1books.google.co.jp › books Waycross Journal-Herald · ‎Dec 22, 1949 ]
As communism began to fall across Europe in 1989, Ded Moroz fell out of favor in some satellite states in eastern Europe, where the Russian gift-giver had been exported. Countries such as Bulgaria and Romania restored their original versions of Santa Claus as they returned to their old customs.

When Western cultural influence began to seep into the new capitalist Russia in the 1990s and with it, Coca Cola billboards featuring a beaming Western Santa and ornaments of the tubby man in store fronts, Ded Moroz decided to get into business. In 1998, then Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov and local authorities marketed Veliky Ustyug, a small town surrounded by pine forest in the northern region of Vologda, as the home of Ded Moroz and built him a 12-room wooden palace. Open all year round, the palace draws in about 250,000 guests annually. Guests can rent cottages near his residence, where they have access to a swimming pool, sports facilities such as skis and sledges, a restaurant and a New Year’s souvenirs store. In the capital Moscow, Ded Moroz has branches in Kuzminki Park, and on the 55th floor of the Imperia Tower in the city center for visitors over the New Year. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka regularly feature in adverts, including for Pepsi and Russia’s Sberbank.



[ MADELINE ROACHE: "How Soviet Russia Banished Their Version of Santa Claus, Then Brought Him Back to Spread Communist Cheer" (2020/12/24) on TIME ]

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