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  1. イカロス
( 島風級巡宙戦艦2番艦【SDBC-15 UES Icarus】)


  • 島風級・超時空準宙戦艦
1SDBC-14UES 島風2042年就役運用中
2SDBC-15UES イカロス2041年就役運用中
3SDBC-16UES ル・トリオンファン2043年就役運用中
4SDBC-17UES ナイト2044年就役運用中
5SDBC-18UES シロッコ2045年就役運用中
6SDBC-19UES 狭霧建造中断-
7SDBC-20UES ヒーロー建造中断-
8SDBC-21UES マエストラーレ建造中断-
  • 注意:遠征艦隊軍は、船自体の公式船体数に影響の無い彼らの船に対して一時的な戦術的な艦籍番号を割り当て塗装します。
  • 例えば、「イカロス」【SDBC-15】はトーマス・ライリー・エドワーズの反乱の間、番号『99』を実行しましたが、最終的なインビッド戦争の間、彼女は戦術的な番号『86』を割り当てられました。

  • Designation:Shimakaze Class Super Dimensional Battlecruiser
  • Names and disposition:
SDBC-14UES ShimakazeCommissioned 2042In service.
SDBC-15UES IcarusCommissioned 2041In service.
SDBC-16UES Le TriomphantCommissioned 2043
SDBC-17UES KnightCommissioned 2044In service.
SDBC-18UES SciroccoCommissioned 2045In service.
SDBC-19UES Sagiriconstruction suspended-
SDBC-20UES Heroconstruction suspended-
SDBC-21UES Maestraleconstruction suspended-
SDBC-23no name assignedconstruction suspended-
SDBC-24no name assignedconstruction suspended-
  • Note:
the REF paints temporary, tactical numerical designators ontheir vessels which are not related to the official hullnumbers of the vessels themselves.
  • For example, the Icarus SDBC-15 carried the number '99'during the Edwards Rebellion but during the final Invidbattle, she was assigned the tactical number '86'.


  • 生命維持限界は完全な戦闘人員定数約1,000名の臨時冗員(この場合の乗員の総合計は1,750名となる)の備えがある。

  • Ship's complement:
Ships' crew450 men
Air group300 men
  • Life support limits are for a full combat complement andabout 1000 supernumaries (1750 men total).


質量作戦運用質量52万8,450 t.
最大6万530 t.

  • Dimensions:
Length548 m over all.
Height100 m over the main hull, 147 m over all.
Width238 m over all.
Mass528,450 metric tons, operational.
Fuel Mass60,530 metric tons, maximum.


  • 主動力システム:
RRG Mk.31プロトカルチャー (資源)供給式反射炉。
  • 推進システム
島風級の動力装置は、最大出力による過熱により、自動遮断装置が出力を自動停止するまでの70分間 677 Terawattsを、伝達可能で、この間は最大出力で作動可能。
機動スラスター (14):操向可能な噴射口を持つ核融合プラズマ反応反動推進エンジンの集合体。
反動質量スラスター(2):後部実船体の向こう側を越えて設置される、ティロル・エンジニアリング・NET-23 核融合プラズマ反動スラスター。
反動質量スラスター(2):ティロル・エンジニアリング・NET-24 核融合プラズマ反動スラスターはそれぞれの格納庫の支持構造の後部に取り付けられた。
非常スラスター(4):主反応翼状スラスターの内側の2つの垂直配置と対になるプロトカルチャー (資源)エナジャイザー付きの「スネクマ【SNECMA】 BCET-6T 核融合プラズマ反動スラスター」。

  • Main power system:
RRG Mk.31Protoculture-fueled Reflex furnace.
  • Propulsion systems: The powerplant of a Shimakaze-class vessel can deliver upto 677 Terawatts of power, and can operate for seventyminutes at maximum power before overheating.
Maneuvering thruster(14)Fusion-plasma reaction thruster clusters with steerablenozzles.
Four are located around the forward hull, four around the aft hull, four above and below the hull outriggers, and two on each side of the hangar support pylons.
Reaction-mass thrusters (2)Tirol Engineering NET-23 fusion-plasma reaction thrusters,mounted above the other in the rear hull.
Reaction-mass thrusters (2)Tirol Engineering NET-24 fusion-plasma reaction thrusters,one mounted at the rear end of each hangar support structure.
Emergency thrusters (4)SNECMA BCET-6T fusion-plasma reaction thrusters with protoculture energizer paired in two vertical arrangementsto the inside of the main reaction wing thrusters.


  • 4基の RRGタイタン反重力ポッド。

・Anti-gravity system (1):Four RRG Titan anti-gravity pods.


  • RRG (Robotech Research Group) Mk31 空間フォールドシステム(1):
  • このシステムは、球体のフォールド気泡を発生させることが可能で、フォールド半径で数隻の管腔下の船を輸送できる。

  • Space Fold (1):RRG (Robotech Research Group) Mk31 spacefold.
This system can generate a spherical fold bubble and cantransport several subluminal ships in its fold radius.



船体支持の備えの無い地点に着陸する際、巡宙戦艦は、格納庫、外側のセンサー配列、および貨物倉への損害を防ぐために、マイナス99% の局所的な加速度で常に船体の反重力装置を作動させなければならない。



  • Planetary Capabilities:
The Shimakaze-class has minimal atmospheric capabilitiesthrough its reaction thrusters and anti-gravity system.
However, maximum speed and maneuverability are low andextreme care must be taken not to overstress the hullstructure.
While landed in an unprepared location, the battle cruiser must operate her antigravs at -99% local g at all times to prevent damage to the hangars, outer sensor arrays, and thecargo hold.

A 'cold' landing can be made if the landing spot has been suitably prepared with support scaffolding.
Typically this is only available at fleet bases.

As the ship will float, an oceanic landing is the preferredlanding method.
However, this will limit the accesibility to the ship,especially for mecha.




主推進力システムは全力で、最小の反応効率の推力で最高13.8 Giga-newtons、または最大効率設定推力で僅か 0.35 Giga-newtons を出力可能。

全力で、島風級は 0.1Gの巡航加速で最大170kpsの デルタ-v を達成可能、1.0Gの戦闘加速で最大 34kps のデルタ-v、そして、2.5Gの船腹加速の最大 9.5kpsのデルタ-vを実行可能。


反重力システムの最大の浮上時間は、「プロトカルチャー (資源)供給と整備条件だけによって制限される。

  • Endurance and mobility limits:
The dry stores endurance is one year maximum;after that, the battlecruiser needs to restock.
Water stores are recycled almost totally, and many crewsadd hydroponic plants to unused spaces, providing the crewwith a limited supply of fresh vegetables, but this isinsufficient to provide for the crew indefinitely.
The mecha consumables supplies (mainly missiles) are limited;the Shimakaze is unable to sustain continuous combatoperations for much more than 20 days.

The Reflex furnace can function for about 25 years atnormal usage levels before an energizer rebuild isnecessary.

At full power, the main propulsion systems can produce upto 13.8 Giganewtons of thrust at a minimal reaction mass efficiency profile, or as little as 0.35 Giganewtons of thrust at a maximum efficiency setting.
At lower power levels, these thrusts are commensurately smaller.
At full power, the Shimakaze-class can achieve a maximum delta-v of 170 kps at the cruising acceleration of 0.1gees, a maximum delta-v of 34 kps at the battle acceleration of 1.0 gees, and a delta-v of at most 9.5 kps at the flank acceleration of 2.5 gees.

At lower power levels, these ranges are commensuratelysmaller.

The maximum sustained atmospheric speed is Mach 1.

The maximum hover time on the anti-gravity systems is limited only by the protoculture supplies and maintenancerequirements.


RRG シンクロ・キャノン Mk.1A(1)この重艦船由来の火器には、14万kmの有効射程がある。
ボフォーズ RL-45
2連装・粒子ビーム砲搭 (1)
この火器は、5秒周期で 9,000MJ の総衝撃エネルギーの持続ビームを発火する。
Mk.410 重垂直発射【VL】
RF-10T 個艦防御砲塔(5)5基の標準の遠征艦隊軍 CIWS 砲塔が戦闘司令塔の周囲に設置される。
各々の粒子ビーム砲搭は、それぞれ毎秒 320 MJ 、或いはより高率の発射間隔を持つ為の比較的低出力の粒子エネルギーを発火可能。

Weapon systems:・RRG Synchro Cannon Mk.1A (1): This heavy ship-borne weapons has an effective range of 140,000 km; at full power it has the effective yield of a 20 Mt fusion weapon, but in typical space battles the cannon is fired at a reduced setting of 150 Kt, which allows for a higher rate of fire.

Unlike the Zentraedi Monitor, or the Macrossbattlefortresses and their derivatives, this weapon, based upon the latest technologies, does not require a split-boom.

The weapon is located in an aperture in the central forward body.
・Bofors RL-45 twin Particle Beam Turret (1).
The upper hull of the Shimakaze class mounts one turret with the largest cannons in general use with the Robotech Defense Forces.

The weapons have a cyclic rate of five seconds and fire a sustained beam with a total impact energy of 9000 MJ.

・Mk.410 heavy VL missile tube (30).

Behind the heavy turret and in front of the bridge tower thirty heavy missile tubes are mounted in two rows offifteen.

The tubes can launch virtually any of the standard REF anti-ship missiles, including the heavy Skylord weapons.

A missile is located between the two rows of tubes,sufficient for 60 Skylord missiles, or a larger number of smaller missiles.

・RF-10T Point Defense turrets (5):
Five standard REF CIWS turrets are mounted around the command tower.
Each can fire 320 MJ of particle energy four times persecond, or a smaller yield at a higher rate of fire.


主発進格納庫24機のVF/A-6 レギオス]/VQ-6 無人レギオス【ASAVAN】(*)
副格納庫12機の VF/B-9 トレッドか他の機動兵器。
艦内2艇の RC-4 ラビット 軽人員/貨物連絡艇(シャトル)。
  • 注意:少なくとも各々のパイロットに割り当てられる個人装備に由来する変数となる、各員に1台が割り当てられるサイクロン(一般名称)可変・自動二輪車輛が、艦内警備やその付随任務(連絡や艦内侵入者偵察など)に利用可能。
  • 主船体の格納庫には、24機の単機の VF/A-6 レギオス]/VQ-6 無人レギオス【ASAVAN】(*)に替えて、合体した「VF/A-6 レギオス]+ VF/B-9 トレッド」10組をのセットを格納するのに十分な容積がある。

Air group and mecha complement:
・24 VF/A-6 Alphas/VQ-6S ASAVANs(*) in the main launch bay,
・12 VF/B-9 Betas or other mecha in the secondary hangars,
・2 RC-4 Rabbit light personnel and cargo shuttles.

Notes:At least one Cyclone mecha is available for each pilot, as well as a variable number for ship security and such.
There is sufficient room in the main hull hangar for ten Alpha/Beta combinations instead of the 24 Alphas.


大型のプロトカルチャー (資源)探知器は、この島風級に導入され、しばしば20天文単位【AU】の距離でインビッドらのエネルギー反応の構成を検出・特定可能。

島風級は全ての同型艦艇がシャドウ技術によるプロトカルチャー (資源)放出を抑制する遮蔽装置(ステルス機能)を備えている。

- Electronics:
  • A large Protoculture detector, capable of detecting andidentifying Invid energizer configurations at distances ofover 20 AU is often installed in this class.
    The antenna is mounted under the cargo bay.
  • The Shimakaze class are all equipped with Shadow cloaking devices.










大型のプロトカルチャー (資源)探知器は外皮の下の貨物付属に最も一般的に取り付けられます。







Design notes:
The Shimakaze class design started as an attempt to designa vessel that could replace three older ship classes in theRobotech Expeditionary Forces:
the Tristar-class large cruisers, the Battle-class heavycruisers, and the Garfish-class light scout cruisers.
Although it was intially hoped that this could be achievedon a vessel roughly comparable in size to the Battle-class,this turned out to be impossible and the design grew untilit was larger than the Tristar-class, although stillsomewhat smaller than the Ikazuchi-class carriers.

This growth meant that the Shimakaze-class would never be numerous enough to replace the many smaller vessels, but the design was eventually accepted as a more dedicated shipkiller vessel meant to escort the Ikazuchi-class carriers.

The Shimakaze-class was designed with much of themodularity also used on the Garfish-class.

The entire nose was designed as a bolt-on, stand-alone hullsection, as was the lower central body section.

This would have given the design an incredible flexibility,like the Garfish-class they were then still slated toreplace.

Similarly with the hull design, requirements were drawn up for armored cargo sections that could be delivered to planetary surfaces, but also beam and missile armedsections to gove the class more firepower when used asfleet cruisers.

However, in 2029 the second of the new cruisers, theIcarus, was stolen in the course of the Edwards rebellion.
When the vessel was retaken, she mounted a new design nosesection with a new type of cannon, almost as powerful as areflex cannon, but faster firing, more reliable and lessvoluminous.
In short order this nose section was analyzed and copied,then became the standard section for all Shimakaze-classvessels.
A large protoculture detector is most commonly mounted onthe cargo-attachment underneath the hull.

The Shimakaze-class has a hexagonal hull, with twooutriggers that mount engines, hangars and sensor systems.The forward section of the hull is detachable but asexplained above, under the current operational fitting,always contains a Synchro cannon.

The lower aft part of the hull is open so that anotherspecialised hull section can be attached there.

The upper forward part of the fixed hull contains the heavyanti-ship cannons and the heavy missile launchers;underneath the missile magazine the Alpha hangars arelocated, with two quick-launch bays on each side of thehull.
A command tower rises over the main hull, protected by theCIWS emplacements.

The outriggers contain additional hangars for Beta fightersor other mecha, as well as additional sensor emplacements.

The proposed naming scheme for the Shimakaze class was forWorld War 2 era destroyers, a very numerous category ofnames which would have sufficed for the large productionrun envisioned for this class.


歴史:元々雷(イカヅチ)級空母の汎用護衛艦艇の類型になるように、以前の第二世代(開発系列図 (艦船)参照)の3種類の異なる艦船級に以降の代替を意図したが、島風級はインビッドを地球から排除する試みの間の「白い象」(始末に困る物の意味。詳細は欄外註記*1 )であることが判明した。


結果として、この島風級の建造は第5番目の個艦、「UES シロッコ」の後に縮小された。


その時、島風級の1番艦「島風」は進宙はおろか未だ竣工完了すらしていなかったが、島風級の基本設計はこの闘争において、島風級2番艦、UESイカロスが新装備の主砲シンクロ・キャノンで超時空揚陸艦トクガワ級の1番艦隊 SLS-01「UES トクガワ」を滅ぼしたとき立証された。



Although originally intended to replace three differentship classes and later to be the multi-purpose escortcompanion to the Ikazuchi-class carriers, the Shimakazeclass turned out to be something of a white elephant during the attempts to dislodge the Invid from the Earth.

Rather than with heavy warships, the Regis's Invid almost exclusively used massive suicide attacks from unarmed orbital carriers.
This made the existance of a ship class devoted to protect the carriers from heavy warships super flous.

The Ikazuchi-class carriers were considered capable of dealing with this threat themselves more efficiently, onaccount for their large number of defensive fighters, and their smaller but more numerous cannons, which were quite capable of dealing with the Invid Mollusk carriers.

As a consequence, production of the class was curtailedafter the fifth unit, UES Scirocco.
The sixth through tenth vessel had already been started,and the unfinished ships were stored near Tirol, but allother long-lead items were used for other ships orscrapped.

As related, the UES Icarus was stolen during the EdwardsRebellion.
At that time the first of the class had not even beenfinished yet, but the basic design of the Shimakaze-classwas proven in this conflict, when the UES Icarus destroyedthe battleship UES Tokugawa with her new main cannon.
The other ships of the class did not take part in thisconflict, as they were still incomplete and the REF did notneed to use unfinished ships to deal with the rebels.
One consequence of this action though was the production of Synchro cannon forward modules for all Shimakaze classships.
After the rebellion the nameship was completed and three more units entered service, typically serving as the escort squadron for the battle fortresses of the REF.

During the final battle of the Third Robotech War, four ofthe five vessels of the class formed the Bombardment Groupwith the SDF-4 Liberator.
The UES Icarus also gave sterling service in the firstbattles with Haydonite forces.







  1. ロボテックシリーズの登場人物 - Wikipedia
  2. 超時空コンベンション 2020 湖川友謙
  3. ロボテック:実写映画の構成案
  4. 超時空騎団サザンクロス 日本語同人ゲーム
  5. 超時空騎団サザンクロス雑誌記事
  6. 超時空騎団サザンクロス・故マイアニメ記事
  7. 超時空騎団サザンクロス と 故アニメック
  8. 機甲創世記モスピーダ と 故アニメック


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