

・新しい設定 - FPSを30fpsにロック。モバイルではデフォルトでオンになっています。モバイルデバイスで発熱問題がある場合は、オンのままにすることをお勧めします。
・[PC] シフトキーを押しながら要素/色をカスタマイズツールでより速くスクロールできます。
・[PC] ホットキーを使用して保存されたパワーを切り替えるときの遅延を削除します。

英語表記(English) - THE GRAND NK-86 MEMORYBOX
optimizations: a significant amount of code has been improved to enhance performance, resulting in an increase in average FPS
memory management rework: there has been a major overhaul in the way the game handles memory usage
added: new setting - fps lock to 30fps. Default on on mobile. If you have overheating issues on mobile devices - it's recommended to leave it on
added: new spawn animation for tumor
added: new spawn animation for bioblob
added: new spawn animation for cybercore
added: new spawn animation for super pumpkin
added: idle animation for UFO
added: small and medium lightnings. Usual huge can only be spawned by player
added: more skin variations for some animals for lemon, infernal, and desert biomes
added: more variety to alliance name generator
added: war window will now color numbers based on which party has an advantage
added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for humans
added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for dwarves
added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for elves
added: 5 new unit skin variations based on culture for orcs
added: 6 new printer powers
added: new discord power
added: angry faces for kings/leaders when they're in a fight
added: new nameplate for cultures
added: new nameplate for alliances
added: new nameplate for cities
added: new nameplate for capitals
added: new nameplate for clans
changes: dragon animation is greatly improved
changes: tornado graphics and animation are updated
changes: improvements to divine light animations
changes: improvements to fireworks animations
changes: improvements to nuke animations
changes: improvements to smaller explosion animations
changes: fireworks tiles updated
changes: infinity coin animation updated
changes: current supported language will be highlighted in the language selection
changes: balanced a bit unit spawn rates in biomes
changes: screen shake effect adjusted to shake only vertically when explosions happen
changes: energized trait (from fairies, etc.) will now spawn only a small lightning bolt. It won't be able to heat lava and create lava and ruin your world
changes: evil mages can spawn medium and small lightnings. Medium has more damage and a bigger radius but also won't be able to heat tiles to create lava
changes: clouds will spawn small and medium lightnings
changes: some option buttons for the map generator, which didn't affect specific template generators, have now been hidden
changes: tweaked how city zones grow
changes: lightning from mages won't shake the world
changes: (balancing) increased fertility rates for old units with many children by 40%
changes: units will try to leave or avoid swimming to overfilled tiny islands
changes: acid drops will unfreeze frozen tiles
changes: waves effect on water should be more visible
changes: adjusted icon sizes for trees for minimap
changes: disabling hunger in world laws would disable army limit for cities based on food
changes: if a city does not have enough food, it won't affect the max warriors counter
changes: increased bread limit
changes: crystal golem name and crystal sword names are now different
changes: crystal golem name gen changed
changes: evil staff now has a flame mod
changes: some older printer shapes were updated
changes: beasts renamed changed mobs for bottom mini world info
changes: removed transparency from nameplates
changes: we've revamped the color sets to enhance their distinguishability. As a result, the order of the color sets has also been changed. This means that the colors in your old saves will
now be different. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this change.
changes: the first 19 color sets now consist of "pure" and highly distinguishable colors, where each color has a single color for borders and roofs. The remaining color sets are combinations
of colors
changes: the generation of the first 19 color sets will be given higher priority
changes: the total number of color sets has been increased to 88 instead of 83
changes: the outside border colors on the minimap now have higher contrast compared to the inside border colors
changes: cultures now also use these 88 colors
changes: [PC] can scroll faster through elements/colors in customization tool by holding shift
changes: new capital icon
changes: adjusted number animations in ui
changes: new army minimap icon
changes: new leader minimap icons
changes: new king minimap icons
changes: on minimap king and leader would change their face based on the current situation. Not related to the unit's mood(!)
changes: if city is happy/unhappy
leader face of that city would show it
changes: boats minimap icons now has 2 colors of kingdom
changes: nameplate text now has a shadow
changes: mnlth??
fixed: tooltip for map slots does not display the number of mobs
fixed: units sometimes get stuck in pits
fixed: units sometimes get stuck in mountains
fixed: units sometimes get stuck in water pool
fixed: kingdoms showing wrong population sometimes
fixed: sometimes plot events would be stuck after loading another world
fixed: possible fix for random alliance dissolve after a new alliance plot finishes. It was due - alliance created between two kingdoms, who didn't liked each other (need to confirm that it's
fixed: energized trait didn't cause lightnings
fixed: huge lag when you set ants on fire
fixed: broken bees
fixed: sometimes city loses zone randomly
fixed: some language names have been adjusted or changed to their native scripts
fixed: sometimes there are ghost kingdoms that you cannot click (need to confirm that it's fixed)
fixed: some traits that increased the max age of a unit didn't work correctly
fixed: infected trait didn't give damage to the carrier
fixed: crashes for some Apple devices on save/autosave
fixed: building spawn animation played wrong sometimes
fixed: city tooltip could cause a crash when the city was destroyed while it was open
fixed: sometimes map layers calculated wrong, resulting in weird behavior, like units stuck in a little pool of water or trying to walk on lava or swim through water somewhere randomly
fixed: [PC] remove delay when switching between saved powers via hotkeys
fixed: issue with lag when you play on a world for a long time
fixed: rare issue when units get stuck in chunks during their tiny walks
fixed: buildings become invisible when you move the camera zoomed out
fixed: some status effects (like burning, etc.) render behind units sometimes
fixed: some stats/traits didn't affect the formula for max city army
fixed: city jobs didn't set until a second after loading the world, resulting in some units canceling their jobs
fixed: sometimes adult units looked like children
fixed: farmers not taking wheat to the windmill
fixed: garden surprise disaster couldn't trigger
fixed: war window numbers did not count up
fixed: alliance window numbers did not count up
fixed: creature window damage numbers did not count up
fixed: some stats like the amount of infected, beasts, etc. on the map were not updated during pause
fixed: sometimes warriors are being stuck, if they are separated from bannerman and on a different island
fixed: creep sometimes get "stuck" in hills and stop spreading
fixed: dead ufo lowers ground level
[modding] improved debug tools. We used them for performance improvements, but modders can also use them to improve their mods
[modding] moved some logic to the new BiomeLibrary
[modding] moved some unit color logic to the new ColorSetLibrary
[modding] moved some logic into the new CombatActionLibrary (will be used more in the next updates)
[modding] moved some logic into the new CitizenJobLibrary (will be used more in the next updates)





プラットホーム バージョン



World Boxメニュー









