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We've Inc. 旧「マクロスクロニクル」に習い Web 独自機能を加味した日本初のロボテック辞典です。


Dana and Aurora-Sterlings,two sisters !!
  1. 長女: ダーナ・スターリング
  2. 次女: オーロラ・スターリング
  3. 三女: マイア・スターリング

  1. 本記事は英ウィキペデイアを機械翻訳に掛けた作業用の一時ファイルです
  2. ダーナ・スターリング(スターリングの直訳は「英貨」の意味)
出典 2015年1月に大幅に縮小の上で〔 List of Robotech characters - Wikipedia統合され、個別記事としては消滅 〕

Dana Sterling by palmer7575

  1. Dana Sterling by palmer7575 " .jpg " 縮小画像 (660 pixel x 908 pixel) クリックにて800 dpi スキャナー読み取り画像 JPG 2,550 pixel x 3,507 pixel 原寸に復帰し、実寸画像を展開します。
  2. Dana Sterling




I have always been a huge fan of Robotech the macross saga. Its what influenced me to love to watch and draw anime. Toward the end of the first series Max and Mira Sterling had a baby and named her Dana the first child of both a human and Zentraedi. Max had long blue hair and Mira had long green hair. Wouldn't you think there daughter would also? At the end of the series as a baby Dana had green hair just like her mothers. But at the opening of the second Robotech series called the robotech masters Dana has short blond hair. As a kid watching the series Dana did not fit in as Max and Mira Sterling daughter and it has always bugged me. So I thought I would draw up what her character should have looked like with long green hair. This Dana would fit and link the first and second series better in my mind. What do you think?



  • 部下であるオトコ達に初の号令を掛けるダーナの図
  • 第三次星間戦争、別名対インビッド戦争(後半は地球奪還戦争)の後のダーナ
  • 二次的連続性作品に於けるダーナ
  • Extraordinary Birth
  • Difficult Childhood
  • 元ゼントラーディ諜報部員との束の間の擬似家族
  • 戦闘機/戦闘車輌・パイロットとしての技量
  • 引用
  • 外部リンク
  • 子記事
  • 関連人物

  • 見出し

    • ウィキペディア(無料の百科事典)から





    この記事特筆性には疑問が提出されています。 特筆性を確立できない場合は削除される可能性があります(2012年4月以降にタグ付き)。

    This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.

    It needs additional citations for verification. Tagged since January 2009.

    It relies on references to primary sources or sources affiliated with the subject, rather than references from independent authors and third-party publications. Tagged since January 2009.

    The notability of this article's subject is in question. If notability cannot be established, it may be listed for deletion or removed. Tagged since April 2012.




    • 声優:メリッサ・ニューマン(ロボテック:テレビ・シリーズ)/ ディアナ・モリス


    人間 / ゼントラーディ人【Zentraedi】の混合種



    本稿は、ロボテック【 Robotech 】シリーズ(第二世代)マスターズ篇に由来する主人公(ヒロイン)に相当する主要な登場人物に関する記事です 。



    当初無関係なマクロス・サーガ篇の登場人物コミリア・マリア・ファリーナ・ジーナス【 Komiria Maria Falina Genius 】(マリアフォキナ・ヴァンローズ)日本版の「超時空要塞マクロス」(初代テレビシリーズ)中のジーナス【Jenius】と 超時空騎団サザンクロスの「ジャンヌ・フランセーズ」を翻案した別個の人格です。

    ダーナは、マクシミリアン・スターリング(父)とミリヤ・パリナ(母)の最初の娘(日本風に云えば「長女」)、第一次星間大戦の英雄とマイア・スターリング(年下の姉妹【= 妹 】)です。

    ダーナの母 ミリア・ファリーナ【Miriya】は、元ゼントラーディ【Zentraedi】(俗語では「メルトラーティ」定義と混合呼称)の戦士です。

    SDF-1 マクロスに潜入し、マックスを殺すために縮小化(マイクラン/微粒状にされた)後に、その誰かは彼女と恋に落ち、2人は電撃結婚していました。

    大部分の地球の表面が灰になるのを見た「第一次星間大戦」【 First Robotech 】戦争の余波で、ダーナは西暦2012年10月に「新マクロス市」で生まれました。

    ダーナは人間 / ゼントラーディ人同盟に由来する最初の子供で、彼女の両親の星間結婚のように、2種族間の「和解」と「希望」の象徴としての価値を考慮されます。


    • This article is about the character from Robotech. See Jeanne Fránçaix for the original inspiration for this character in Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross.

    Dana Sterling is a fictional character from the Robotech anime television series.[2] The character was adapted from the originally unrelated characters Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross and Jeanne Francaix in Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross.

    Dana is the daughter of Max Sterling and Miriya Parina Sterling, heroes of the First Robotech War, and the sister of Maia Sterling. Dana's mother, Miriya, is a former Zentraedi warrior who, after being micronized in order to infiltrate the SDF-1 and kill Max, who fell in love with her, the two were quickly married.

    Dana was born in New Macross City in October 2012 in the aftermath of the First Robotech War which saw most of the Earth's surface reduced to ashes.

    Dana is the first child born from a Human/Zentraedi union and is considered, like her parents' marriage, a symbol of, and a hope for, peace between the two races. At only age 17, Dana would follow in her parent's footsteps and take leading role in the defence of Earth from alien forces that seek its destruction.


    1. 第一次星間大戦
    2. ロボテック II:センチネルズの2回の出演
    3. 最初で再起動されたスケジュールのBirthの3つの時代と伊達
    4. 第二次星間戦争
    5. 第三次星間(対インビッド)戦争
    6. 第二の連続性 

    • Contents
    • 1 First Robotech War
    • 2 Appearance in the Sentinels
    • 3 Age and Date of Birth in the original and rebooted timelines
    • 4 Second Robotech War
    • 5 Third Robotech War

    • 6 Secondary Continuity
    • 6.1 Extraordinary Birth
    • 6.2 Difficult Childhood
    • 6.3 Friendship with former Zentraedi spies Rico, Konda, and Bron
    • 6.4 Relationship with Terry Weston
    • 6.5 Skills as a fighter pilot

    • 7 Jeanne Fránçaix
    • 8 Other relatives
    • 9 Deleted scene featuring baby Dana
    • 10 References
    • 11 External links
    • ダブルクリックで 1,200 pixel x 1,262 pixel に復帰
















    ダーナはゼントラーディ工場衛星【Zentraedi Satellite】( 後に西暦2013年、宇宙工業基地「イコーリティ」《平等》と命名された。 【Space Station Equality )工場の占領で、重要な役割を演じます。

    西暦2013年6月に最後の残りの工場衛星【Zentraedi Satellite】を占領するために深淵空間に任務でダーナを連れて来るようマックスとミリヤが、ヘンリー J. グローバル提督によって頼まれるとき、ダーナは第30話【Viva Miriya】で重要な役割を演じます。

    ダーナが僅か生後8ヵ月で、特注の「揺りかごポッド」は、厳重に緩衝パッドで保護された「揺り籠」で、宇宙空間で問題なく乳児であるダーナを輸送する為にミリアの赤い塗装のベリテック可変戦闘機VF-1J バルキリーの機首下の後部突端で懸架されます。






    まず最初に、ヘンリー J. グローバル提督が彼らがそのような危険な任務でダーナを連れて来ることを望んだ理由に関して、スターリング夫妻は不明です。


    工場の近くの宇宙空間に到着した後に、マックスとミリヤは、彼らのベリテック可変戦闘機で飛び立って、敵の指揮艦船(ブリタイ・クリダニクと同じ、ノプティ・バガニス【-Nupetiet Vernitzs-】級に強行突入します。





    そして、ミクロニアンのミクロニアン(マイクランのマイクラン、「マーク・マイクラーン、マイクラーン」/ マイクローンのマイクローンなのか? → micronian[人類言語では]、これはいわゆる幼児を指します)と、ゼントラーディ兵士は叫びます




    ダーナがプロトカルチャー (太古の異星人) 【Protoculture (The First extraterrestrial humanoid civilization)】と愛の象徴で、地域で全ての通常態ゼントラーディ人からすっかり見える所で彼女の頭より上にダーナを持ち上げると、ミリヤは断言します。








    SDF-1 マクロスが、クリスマス・ライトで照らされるのを見ている彼らのバルコニーにマックスとミリヤが立っていて、マックスはダーナ(その人はまず最初に飛び上がります)を肩の上に乗せます。


    • First Robotech War

    In the first Robotech Saga, Dana appears as a baby with seagreen coloured hair similar to that of her parents, Max Sterling and Miriya Parina Sterling. Miriya, a former Zentraedi warrior who had known nothing but war for almost her entire life, never believed that she could feel such love towards anyone or anything before she met Max and gave birth to Dana.

    Miriya views it as a miracle that she and Max could create "such innocent loveliness" or that she could ever create a life inside her own body. Miriya feels as much love for Dana as any human mother could and views her daughter as "a treasure more precious than any the universe could offer".

    Max, now age 22, becomes a proud and happy father, despite Dana's playfulness with his hair and her midnight feedings. The Sterlings look forward to raising Dana in a peaceful world, although events would soon transpire that would force the Sterlings into battle again to protect their planet and Dana.

    Dana is first seen in episode 28, "Reconstruction Blues", just a few months after she is born.

    Lisa Hayes, while contemplating the love triangle between Lynn Minmay, Rick Hunter and herself, looks across the street and takes a sharp breath as she spots Max and Miriya walking together, pushing a baby carriage.

    The Sterlings stop for a moment and Max proudly smiles as he reaches into the carriage and lifts little Dana into his arms while Miriya watches with joy.

    Max then makes a funny face and Dana smilies in response.

    Lisa thinks to herself "they look so happy, I can just imagine how it must be" and momentarily, in Lisa's mind, Max wears Rick's face and Miriya wears Lisa's.

    Lisa envies Max and Miriya for their happy marriage and for having such a beautiful daughter.

    Claudia Grant, whose lover Roy Fokker was killed in the war, also envies them, as she never got the chance to have a child of her own with Roy. Dana is considered a symbol of new life on Earth that slowly emerges following the massive devastation of the First Robotech War.[3]

    Dana plays an important role in episode " 30, Viva Miriya" , when Max and Miriya are asked by Admiral Gloval to bring Dana along on a mission into deep space to capture the last remaining Zentraedi Satellite factory in June 2013.

    As Dana is only eight months old, a specially designed "cradle pod", with a heavily-padded interior, is installed on the bottom of Miriya's veritech fighter in order to safely transport Dana into space. For the mission, Dana is also given her own tiny white and pink Dr. Denton's spacesuit with a white helmet and tinted face shield. Although Dana travels the long distance from Earth to Breetai's ship alone in the cradle pod, she proves that she has already inherited her parents' strength and resilience. As Max lifts her out of the pod following their arrival on Breetai's ship, Dana, looking like "a tiny wiggling astronaut" in her spacesuit, smiles and coos as she playfully wiggles in his arms.

    Max smiles and hugs her to himself before saying to Miriya "Safe and sound!" while assisting Dana with a wave. Later, as Dana calmly sleeps in Miriya's arms, Miriya smiles and says to her husband: "Oh Max, look. She's so peaceful."[4]

    Initially, the Sterlings are unclear as to why Admiral Gloval wanted them to bring Dana along on such a dangerous mission. However, the strategy soon becomes clear and, despite the danger to themselves and their child, Max and Miriya agree to go ahead with the plan. After arriving in space near the factory, Max and Miriya take off in their veritech fighters and blast their way into the enemy command ship.

    Zentraedi soldiers surround the fighter and Commander Reno, the leader of the remaining hostile Zentraedi forces, orders them to surrender. However, Miriya, after identifying herself as a former Zentraedi warrior, calmly reaches down into her cockpit and proudly lifts little Dana, cradled in her arms and wearing the same Dr. Dentons spacesuit, into view.

    The enemy Zentraedi, who have had no exposure to human culture and have never seen a baby before, recoil in shock and fear.

    One of the Zentraedi soldiers, with a look of terror on his face, shouts "By the foul moons, that thing is deformed!" Dana coos as she brings her tiny gloved hands to her helmet's face shield in an effort to rub her eyes, promoting another Zentraedi to shout "It moves!" Miriya, smiling, explains that "In the micronian [human] language, this is what is called an infant; actually created inside my own body. But by both of us", indicating towards Max.

    Mirya declares that Dana is a symbol of protoculture and love and lifts Dana above her head in full view of all the Zentraedi in the area. The Zentraedi, especially Commander Reno, become terrified of Dana as they conclude that she is a mutation who is contagious.

    Filled with fear, the Zentraedi soldiers drop their weapons and abandon their posts, throwing the command ship into chaos and causing disorder throughout the enemy fleet. The Sterlings' diversion gives the United Earth Forces (UEF) and the Zentraedi that have allied with them under Breetai time to cripple the enemy fleet and seize the factory.

    In the subsequent battle, Miriya pilots her veritech while holding Dana in her lap. Dana, unaware of any of the danger, waves her arms joyously at the fiery explosions going off around her, while Miriya clutches her tightly to herself.

    Dana is seen briefly again towards the end of episode 35 when she is approximately 14 months old. As Max and Miriya stand on their balcony watching the SDF-1 lit up with Christmas lights, Max lifts Dana, who is initially startled, onto his shoulder.

    Max subsequently grumbles after Dana starts pulling on his hair while giggling.

    ダーナは、ロボテック II:センチネルズの子供と、短くみなされます:センチネル、子供時代、ダーナが彼をからかうことにも関わらず、ダーナとボゥイ・グラント(クローディア・グラントの甥である)はすでに親友になりました。

    彼女が幼児としてあった 「澄海緑色」(シーグリーン)【澄んだ緑の海の色、青みがかった翠玉(すいぎょく)=エメラルド・グリーン色、sea-green髪】(彼女の両親のそれと同様の)と鋭い正反対のものにおいて、ダーナも非常にブロンドの髪色を身に着けます。

    SDF-3 パイオニアが始まるその前日に、ダーナはリック・ハンターリサ・ハイエス結婚式の花嫁の花撒き娘として勤めます。

    マックスとミリヤが西暦2022年にSDF-3 に乗って遠征艦隊軍 【United Earth Expeditionary Forces / UEEF】に加わったとき、ダーナは地球上に残りました。

    スターリング夫妻が任務が速く終わることを望んだが、出来事はダーナの幼児期の残りの間 SDF-3 パイオニアを地球から遠ざけます。


    しかし、主要な聖典(公式)から二次的連続性作品へと左遷されたジャック・マッキニー両氏の小説「魔手」(ロボテック・シリーズの小説 第13巻)はそのダーナを述べます、人類 / ゼントラーディ人組合(出生から研究され、検査を受け、評価された)の「ただ一人の子供」の時、遠征艦隊に伴う危険を冒すにはあまりに貴重であるとラズロ・ツァント教授によって裁定されました。







    • Appearance in the Sentinels

    Dana is briefly seen as a child in Robotech II: The Sentinels. As children, Dana and Bowie Grant (who is a nephew of Claudia Grant) have already become best friends, despite Dana's teasing of him.

    Dana also sports a very blond hair colour, in sharp contrast to the seagreen hair (similar to that of her parents) that she had as an infant; whether some recessive gene in her family heritage triggered the change or if the girl began dying her hair at a young age is unknown.

    On the day before the SDF-3 launches, Dana serves as a flower girl at the wedding of Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes.

    Dana remained on Earth when Max and Mirya joined the Robotech Expeditionary Forces (REF) aboard the SDF-3 in 2022. Although the Sterlings hoped that the mission would be over quickly, events would keep the SDF-3 away from Earth for the rest of Dana's childhood.

    It is not stated in the television series why Max and Miriya left Dana behind, since other families had brought their children with them and many children were born during the mission.

    However, the decanonized Jack McKinney novel "The Devil's Hand" (book 13 of the Robotech series) states that Dana, as the only child of a Human-Zentraedi union (who had been studied, tested, and evaluated since birth), she was judged by Professor Lazlo Zand as too valuable to risk going with the REF. Max and Miriya were very reluctant to leave their only child, who was barely 10 years old (or 7 in the novel) behind but ultimately accepted this decision.

    Dana's childhood friend, Bowie Grant, for health reasons, was also unable to join his parents, Vince Grant and Dr. Jean Grant, on the mission.

    Both Dana and Bowie were left under the care of their godparents, Major General Rolf Emerson and his wife Laura.
    Dana and Bowie subsequently grew up as near siblings, but without their parents.

    In the Robotech novels, Dana is depicted as missing her parents considerably and longing for their return.


    最初のロボテック・スケジュール(ロボテック II:センチネルズと、協同ペンネーム「ジャック・マッキーニー」両氏の小説によって基礎を形成された)では、ダーナは西暦2013年に生まれ、SDF-3は西暦2020年にヴァリヴェール恒星系へ向けて出発しました。




    • Age and Date of Birth in the original and rebooted timelines

    In the original Robotech timeline (on which the Sentinels and the Jack McKinney novels were based), Dana was born in 2013 and the SDF-3 departed in 2020, meaning that Dana was aged 7 years at the time. However, in the rebooted Robotech timeline, Dana was born in October 2012 and the SDF-3 departed in December 2022, making her 10 years old at the time. (according to the website Robotech.com).



    西暦2029年に、地球軌道のロボテック・マスターズの出現の直前に、ダーナは現在17才で幼なじみボウイ・グラントと一緒に地球統合軍・陸軍士官学校(アカデミー)を卒業して、サザンクロス軍(地球統合軍/UEF中の精鋭部隊)の選抜・戦略機甲師団 第15分隊 【 Alpha Tactics Armored Corps 15th. Squadron 】 に配属されます。









    ダーナは、元同期で今は彼女より先に昇級した「マリー・クリスタル空軍少佐」、戦術宇宙機甲軍団(日本版の宇宙機甲隊)【Tactical Armored Space Corps】航空宇宙士官と統合憲兵軍ノヴァ・サトリという高位の憲兵将校と衝突します。
















    第15戦隊に付けられて、彼が彼の記憶を回復するのを援助したゾア・プライム(捕らえられたバイオロイドパイロットとゾア・デリルダプロトカルチャー (資源)を発見したティロル人)のクローン)に、ダーナは惹きつけられます。



    結局、ゾア・プライムとダーナは、マスターズの母船に潜入させて、司令部の三位一体組【 Triumvirate 】を殺す計画を開始します。

    ゾア・プライムは、プロトカルチャー (資源)の彼らの濫用のために、マスターズに対する復讐に取りつかれたようになります。

    ロボテック・マスターズとの最終的な交戦の間、ダーナは(プロトカルチャー (資源)ポッドの端末に偶然に触り、胞子の微粒子の波は彼女の中に人種的な記憶を呼び覚まします。





    ゾア・プライムはマスターズの司令部の司令官である三位一体【Triumvirate】の最後の構成員を殺した後に、彼女を脱出ポッドに押し込んで、地球に彼女の背中を放棄する前に、(プロトカルチャー (資源) ゾア・プライムはダーナ(初めて)にキスします。

    それから生命の花、彼女らが突然変異して、インビッド探査・検知星雲【Invid Sensor Nebula】を引きつけ始めたので、SDF-1プロトカルチャー (資源)培養組織母体の残骸が位置した地球の土壌を破壊するために動く自殺でマスターズの命令船を操縦することによって、ゾアは犠牲になります。




    • Second Robotech War

    It is during the second Robotech Saga that Dana, now an adult with blonde hair (which she wears in a globe-shape with a black hairpin on the left side) becomes the main character and the catalyst for much of the action that takes place in the Second Robotech War. In 2029, just before the arrival of the Robotech Masters in Earth orbit, Dana, now 17 years old, graduates from the United Earth Forces Military academy along with childhood friend Bowie Grant and is placed with the 15th tactical armored squadron of the Army of the Southern Cross, an elite military unit within the United Earth Forces (UEF).

    Initially, Dana and Bowie are under the command of Sean Phillips.

    However, after Sean is demoted for flirting with an admiral's daughter, Dana is promoted to Second Lieutenant and takes command of the 15th.

    Among those under Dana's command, in addition to Bowie, are Louie Nichols and Angelo Dante.

    Nichols proves himself as expert with tech gadgets and computers.

    Dante views Dana as an overconfident teenager and Dana must repeatedly prove to him that she is a competent leader.

    Dana also struggles to prove that her promotion was not given to her simply because her parents are war heroes.

    In addition, the fact that Dana is half-Zentraedi is not held in high regard by many humans who still harbor grudges due to the Zentraedi holocaust that decimated the planet 18 years ago.

    Dana clashes with Marie Crystal, a squadron leader within the Tactical Armored Space Corps and Nova Satori, an officer in the military police.

    Gregarious and outgoing, Dana proves to be a brilliant tactical leader during the Second Robotech War against the Robotech Masters but she is troubled, because she is half alien, over the fact that the enemy she is killing could be her own relatives (even though it is soon established that the forces of the Masters are not Zentraedi).

    Because of this, she has several clashes with supreme commander Anatole Leonard over his bigoted treatment of captured bioroid pilots.

    Leonard seems to tolerate her because of her relationship to Chief of Staff Rolf Emerson.

    Dana repeatedly demonstrates her skill as a pilot and leader throughout the Second Robotech War and never turns down an opportunity to prove herself and she eventually earns the respect of her squad as well as Nova and Marie.

    When Bowie is captured by the Masters, Dana leads her squad in an unauthorized mission to rescue him.

    The mission proves successful and although Dana fears she will be thrown in the prison, she is instead praised by her superiors who marvel at the fact that she was able to rescue Bowie with such a small force against the Masters' superior technology and numbers.

    In only a short time, Dana, in recognition of her military prowess, is promoted to First Lieutenant.

    As the war rages on and the Southern Cross and UEF take greater and greater casualties, Dana continues to lead her squadron into battle with incredible skill, even as the situation grows more and more dire.

    Dana would lead the 15th squadron on several dangerous missions, including an attack against and infiltration of the Masters' mothership. During the mission, two of Dana's subordinates, Simon and Jordan, are killed in the line of duty. Dana also faces a challenge after Bowie falls in love with Musica, a clone who shares his love of music. Dana and Bowie smuggle her out of the mothership and back to earth but her presence soon becomes known to the authorities. Dana then tries to protect them both from Nova Satori, who wants both of them arrested. Dana always presents a positive outlook, even in the worst of times, to help rally those under her command.

    Dana is attracted to Zor Prime (a captured Bioroid pilot and a clone of Zor, the Tirolian who discovered Protoculture) who was attached to the 15th squadron and helped him regain his memory. Zor Prime, although initially withdrawn, slowly regains his memory and grows closer to Dana. At one point, Dana asks Zor out on a date, although their potential romance is hampered by Zor's unfamiliarity with human culture and the ongoing battle against the Masters. Eventually, Zor and Dana launch a plan to infiltrate the Masters's mothership and kill the Command Triumvirate. Zor becomes obsessed with revenge against the Masters for their abuse of protoculture.

    During the final battle with the Robotech Masters, Dana accidentally touches the terminals of a protoculture chamber and the surge awakens racial memories inside her. Through a waking dream, she meets a young girl, the younger sister she had yet to meet but had been born in deep space during the SDF-3's mission. (This sister was named Aurora in the decanonized Jack McKinney novels. Maia Sterling appears to replace Aurora in the retconned timeline and is a major character in the movie Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles). During the vision, Dana briefly sees her parents for the first time in seven years. Dana begs for them not to leave her again, but she is pulled back to reality, and the war that is still ongoing.

    After killing the last member of the Masters' Command Triumvirate, Zor kisses Dana (for the first time) before pushing her into an escape pod and jettisoning her back to Earth. Zor then sacrifices himself by piloting the Masters' command ship in a suicide run to destroy the Earth mounds where the ruins of the SDF-1's protoculture matrix were located as they had mutated and began to attract the Invid Sensor Nebula. Unfortunately, the explosion he creates only spread the spores throughout the planet causing Earth to become a fertile greenhouse for the Invid flower of life. Dana, and the survivors of the 15th Squadron, can only watch helplessly as the spores are spread by the wind across the planet. The arrival of the Invid was a certainty now and their chances of winning were non-existent as the United Earth Forces and the Robotech Masters had exhausted themselves.









    ダーナ、彼女が シリーズに現れて現在32歳:シャドウ・クロニクルへの序曲(「影の年代記への序曲」)漫画版のロボテック・ミニシリーズに於いて:インビッド侵入が始まるちょうどその時、2031年に遠征艦隊軍に連絡する目的のジョナサン・ウルフ大佐のマラソン 級・超時空輸送艦【Marathon-class Super Dimensional Transport】で、明らかに地球より立ち去るのを、ボウィ・グラントとアンジェロ・ダンテ(そして、第15の戦隊をなんとか生き残った他の人々)が短く見られる愛と戦争に於ける(ダーナ)ボウイ。

    二次的連続性作品に左遷【decanonized】されたジャック・マッキニー両氏小説「ルビコン川の決断」(ロボテック小説シリーズの第17冊)では、ダーナ、ルーイ・ニコルス、ボウイ・グラント、アンジェロ・ダンテ、ショーン・フィリップス、-マリー・クリスタル 【Marie Crystal】(大佐に昇進済み)、ムジカ・ノヴァ【Musica】とアレグラは、ジョナサン・ウルフの船を得て、衛星ティロル【 Tirol 】へ旅立って、西暦2033年に「遠征艦隊軍」【 Robotech Expeditionary Forces 】に会合・合流します。

    ワイルドストーム社の漫画単行本 ロボテック:シャドウ・クロニクルへの序曲(「影の年代記への序曲」)で、少なくともダーナとルーイ・ニコルスは、深宇宙ステーションリバティ(フランス語で「リベルテ」)に到達します。
    • Dana, now age 32, as she appears in Robotech: Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles.


    彼女の大部分は非言語的行動は彼女が彼を認めることを示しました、しかし、Zor Primeのように、RemがZorのもう一つのクローンであるというだけで、これはそうです。






    1つの可能性の説明は、マイアの出生(実母ミリヤへの言及がシャドウ・クロニクルへの序曲 漫画でないこの説明をも説明します。)の間、ミリヤが死んだということです。




    • Secondary Continuity




    Extraordinary Birth

    In the decanonized book "Force of Arms" (book 5 of the series) by Jack McKinney, Miriya giving birth to Dana is all the more extraordinary because nobody could quite figure out how Max and Miriya had been able to conceive a child since no Zentraedi male-female reproduction had ever been recorded. Explanations that scientists provided were that Miriya's consumption of human-style food (as opposed to antiseptic rations of the Zentraedi) and her exposure to human emotions had caused subtle biochemical changes. Some even wondered if Dana was actually Max and Miriya's child but, as proved by exhaustive tests, Dana was indisputably their child. To Lisa Hayes, the only explanation that made sense (or mattered) was that Dana was the result of the love that Max and Miriya had for one another.










    そして、彼女は復讐をしました、しばしば passive-aggressively な、彼女が彼女の敵のどれとでも同じくらい強かったということを証明するためにそうすることができた。




    Difficult Childhood

    In the decanonized book "Southern Cross" (book 7 of the series) by Jack McKinney, Dana's childhood is depicted as being very difficult after her parents left with the REF mission in 2022. The Zentraedi holocaust of 2011 resulted in a deep hatred by humans that is still evident years later and as the only child of a Human-Zentraedi union, Dana was often teased and ridiculed by other children who called her "half-breed" (due to her mixed heritage), to which she would often respond verbally or with physical violence. All of the Zentraedi on Earth had left with the Robotech Expeditionary Force (REF), meaning that Dana was the only remaining person on Earth with any Zentraedi blood, and consequently, Dana felt very alone as she was often used as a scapegoat for those wishing to express their hatred of the Zentraedi. The only Zentraedi who had not left on the REF mission were former Zentraedi spies Rico, Konda, and Bron, who briefly cared for Dana, until all three died only a short time after her parents left. The book states that the three had "shown [Dana] such a happy family life, at least for a little while."

    After Rico, Konda and Bron died, Dana's childhood became even more difficult. She and Bowie Grant (who also stayed behind while his parents left with the REF) spent considerable amounts of time in government youth shelters and schools since their godfather, General Emerson, was unable to have children with him due to his duties. Emerson had also divorced from his wife, and Dana often feels that both her parents and godparents had abandoned her - although Bowie Grant remained much closer to Emerson than Dana. When Dana eventually entered the academy, she was still taunted and rejected by many others due to her Zentraedi heritage, and she took revenge, often passive-aggressively, whenever she could to prove she was as strong as any of her adversaries.

    The Robotech novels depict Dana as being very sad and somber, which is in sharp contrast to her happy, carefree and outgoing nature that is depicted in the television series. At one point in the novels, Dana feels so alone and sad that she wonders if her parents would have ever had her if they knew the pain and sadness that she was to endure.


    • 【Bron Nantes / Rico Dose l/ Konda Bromco】

    • 中央下コマで殴られているのは 「シーン・フィリップ」二等兵(日本版の「シャルル・ドゥ・エトワード」二等兵)。

    協同ペンネームである「ジャック・マッキーニ」両氏による二次的連続性へと左遷【decanonized】された小説「最終的な悪夢」(第9冊)にて、ダーナは、ノヴァ・サトリによって記録される言葉で、3人の元ゼントラーディ人、自軍コードネーム「青い風」スパイ・ブロン・リコ・コンダ【Bron Nantes/Rico Dosel/Konda Bromco】と少女期の彼女との相互関係に関する、より多くの詳細を提供します。

    3人は艦橋ウサギ(ブリッジバニー)(註記*1 )「ヴァネッサ・リーズ」、「キム・ヤング」と「サミー・ポーター」と恋に落ちました。


    居ることが決して出来なかった ゼントラーディ・半分混血児として彼ら(元)土着地球人類が彼女を見たので、彼女の両親が SDF-3パイオニアと共にヴァリヴェール恒星系へと去ったあと、3人(その人は新しい好きなものを決してしませんでした)は一人決めの名付け親になって、ダーナを気に掛けるのを助けました。

    彼らが「誰よりもこれまでに私に親切だった」、しかし、プロトカルチャー (資源)室で縮小化(マイクロン微粒状)にされることから生じる副作用と後遺症の合併症により、彼らが病気になったと、ダーナは述べました。





    Friendship with former Zentraedi spies Rico, Konda, and Bron

    In the decanonized Jack McKinney novel "The Final Nightmare" (book 9), Dana, in a remark recorded by Nova Satori, provides more detail on her relationship with the three former Zentraedi spies Rico, Konda, and Bron. The three had fallen in love with bridge operators Vanessa Leeds, Kim Young, and Sammy Porter, all of whom were killed in the final battle with the rebel Zentraedi under Khyron in 2014. The three, who never took new loves, became self-appointed godparents and helped to care for Dana after her parents left with the SDF-3, as they viewed her as the half-Zentraedi child they were never able to have. Dana stated that they were "kinder to me than anyone ever was" but that they became ill due to complications resulting from being micronized in the Protoculture chambers. Although there was a possible cure, it would only work on a full-size Zentraedi and the three chose to stay Human-size so they could look after Dana, and they died within a few weeks of each other. Dana credits them with helping her understand her Zentraedi heritage and realize that the Zentraedi are just as capable of love and kindness as humans. Dana states that she is proud of both her human and Zentraedi heritage, and proclaims "don't ever ask me if I'm ashamed of being half alien."


    Robotech 21 Before The Invid Storm
    by Ken Steacy

    エターニティ【Eternity】/ マリブ【Maribu】漫画出版社のミニシリーズ 「電脳海賊」【Cyberpirates】は、14才のダーナをジャイルズ・幼年士官学校の学生であるものとして示します。

    伝えられるところでは 一部の限られた独占的な要人や戦争の英雄【VIP】の子供達 の為の特別な軍人学校。

    現実(彼のジョセフ・ピートリー博士と一緒の「ヘンリー・ジャイルズ」 校長【Headmaster】兼・博士)に、アナトール・エリ・レオナルド(レナード)司令官の駒はありました。



    実験的なベリテック【Veritech】可変戦闘機 、ロックウェル&ベル・テキストロン社の「VF-X-6 ジニーア」を飛ばしているテスト・パイロット『エイミー・デボラ・ポラード』【Amy Deborah Pollard】の偽装された航空事故死を調査している間、エマーソン将軍はジャイルズ幼年士官学校を調査して、テレパシーでベリテック【Veritech】可変戦闘機を乗っ取るために学校の子供たちを利用していた秘密のプロジェクトに気が付きます。











    Relationship with Terry Weston

    The Eternity/Malibu Comic miniseries Cyberpirates depicts a 14-year old Dana as being a student at the Giles Academy, an allegedly exclusive school for the children of VIPs. In reality, Headmaster Dr. Henry




    本は、カジアナ・ヘッシュ【Kazianna Hesh】が介入しなかったならば、ダーナが父親さえ打ち負かしたかもしれないことを示唆します。

    Skills as a fighter pilot

    In the decanonized book "End of theCircle" (book 18 of the series) by JackMcKinney, Dana, as the offspring of theMax and Miriya Sterling, is consideredone of the most dangerous and powerfulRobotech warriors of all time. In thebook, Dana's skills are directlycompared to Robotech warriors of othergenerations when she is deceived by theInvid Regis and initiates personalcombat with her father. The book seemsto suggest that if Kazianna Hesh hadnot intervened Dana might even havebested him.[5]

    彼女は、富沢 美智恵によって声に出されます。

    現実的で、呑気で、南十字星軍(サザンクロス軍)のA戦術級【註記:*2・第15分隊の指揮官が部隊を機甲化することを、ジャンヌは 開拓母星プロキシマ恒星系「リベルテ」【Liberté】の自国の惑星から似合いました。





    Jeanne Fránçaix
    Dana Sterling is adapted from thecharacter Jeanne Fránçaix, ofthe anime Super Dimension CavalrySouthern Cross. She is voiced by MichieTomizawa. Down-to-earth and happy-go-lucky, Jeanne, from the native planetof Liberté became the leader ofthe 15th Squad in the Southern Cross' ATactics Armored Corps. Her disobedientbehaviors often lead her to solitaryconfinement, often placed there by Lt.Lana Isavia (aka Nova Satori).Fortunately, she always manages to belet out when needed. Jeanne develops aromantic interest in SeifrietWeiße (aka Zor Prime), but hisreaction is one of puzzlement anddisdain. Most of the series revolvesaround Jeanne's escapades with the 15thSquad, and her almost personal war withthe invading Zor.



    Other relatives

    In the television episode"Triumvirate", Dana briefly mentions ayounger brother that she left behind athome. Given the lack of any siblingsother than Aurora (original continuity)and Maia (current continuity), mostfans conclude that the writers ofSentinels and other continuing storiessimply forgot about this mention andtreat it as a script blooper. Otherfans speculate that she could have beenreferring to Bowie with whom shepractically grew up with and consideredfamily. In actuality, this line wasleftover from the original Japanesescript where Jeanne did have a youngerbrother. Some clarification on thisissue was given in an interview withCarl Macek by Chris Meadows on theSpace Station Liberty program on4/14/07. Mr. Macek stated that Dana hasboth a brother and a sister. This wasto be further developed in scripts forThe Sentinels series. Because all thebackground details of the rebootedRobotech timeline are still beingcreated, it remains to be seen if ayounger brother still exists.


    最初の日本版の 第30話「ビバ・マリア」は「超時空要塞マクロス」(Viva Maliaと表題をつけられる、英語版Robotechの Viva Miriya)です。
    まず最初に、ミリアは拒絶して、ミサに話します、ミリア:「子どもが抱きたかったら、自分でつくればいいだろう? これはわたしがつくった子どもだ。」
    マックス: ミリア、そういういいかたはよくないよ。早瀬少佐に抱かせてあげなさい。
    ミリア: わかった。 少佐、いきますよ
    マックス(その人はミリアがしたことによって完全に動じないです)は、でコミリア・マリア・ジーナスが「強い骨格」を持つ時から、問題ないと言います。(マックス: だいじょうぶですよ、コミリアは骨格がしっかりしてますから。 )
    場面の終りまでに、誰でも笑っています、そして、誰もミリアaの行動(または懸念のマックスの不足) ? またはコミリア・マリア・ジーナスが赤ちゃんを取り扱う方法でミリアの厳しい誤解中にによることができたという深刻なおそれ 対する少しの更なる懸念も示すようでありません。
    ADV Filmsが最初のマクロス・シリーズの未編集の英語の吹き替えを2006年にリリースしたとき、この場面は削除されませんでした。
    この場面は激しい議論の議題になりました、そして、ロボテックの間の議論はそれがなぜ削除されたか、そして、ミリア Milia / ミリヤ Miriya のアクションが彼らが現れるのと同じくらい コミリア Komilia / ダーナ に危険だったかどうかに関して風を送ります。
    Second Robotechサガにリードするのを助けるために彼らの低いプロト文化レベルを議論しているRobotechマスターズ命令三頭政治のクリップを考慮に入れるために、場面が、元の日本のバージョンで、簡単に削除された(そしてそれは、完全に無関係なシリーズである)と、一部のファンは思っています。

    Deleted scene featuring baby Dana

    In episode 30 of the original JapaneseThe Super Dimension Fortress Macross,entitled Viva Maria, (or Viva Miriya inthe English Robotech), a scene occursonboard Breetai's ship in which HikaruIchijyo/Rick Hunter, Misa Hayase/LisaHayes and Claudia LaSalle/Claudia Grantare sitting for drinks in MaximilianJenius/Max Sterling and Milia FallynaJenius/Miriya Parina Sterling's room.As everyone happily watches, Miliafeeds baby Komilia/Dana her bottle.
    Afterward, Milia smiles as she holdsKomilia in her arms and gently ticklesher; in response, Komilia laughs andcoos as she playfully wiggles whilereaching for Milia's face. Misa, afterwatching enviously, asks Milia if shecould hold Komilia for a bit.Initially, Milia refuses and tells Misa"If you want to hold a baby, why notmake one of your own? I made this one."to which Misa responds with a shockedexpression. Max then tells Milia thatshe shouldn't talk like that and to letMisa hold Komilia. Milia then agreesand, to the shock of everyone (exceptMax), yells "Catch!" and throws Komillaacross the table to Misa, who barelymanages to catch her in time. Max, whois completely unfazed by what Milia hasdone, says not to worry since Komiliahas "a strong skeleton."
    As Misa harsly criticizes Milia (whostates with little emotion that she canprotect her own child) for throwingKomilia and taking her along at all onsuch a dangerous mission, Komiliaplayfully grabs a lock of Misa's hair,to which Misa, after an initial shock,smiles and laughs in response. Misa andClaudia then shift all their attentionto Komilia, admiring her, arguing overwho should hold her and making herlaugh. Both find Komilia adorable andare amazed that she isn't shy at allaround them. Misa in particular isoverjoyed as she holds Komilia in herarms and lifts her up in the air.Meanwhile, Max whispers to HikaruIchijyo that Misa looks so happyholding Komilia and that she reallyloves babies. Max then suggests thatMisa would be even happier if it washer own baby. He then adds,suggestively glancing at Ichijyo, that"Wouldn't you like to see her with ababy of her own? Right captainIchijyo?" to which Ichiyo responds"Don't look at me like that."
    By the end of the scene, everyone islaughing and nobody seems to show anyfurther concern about Milia's actions(or Max's lack of concern) - or theserious danger that Komilia could be indue to Milia's severe misconceptions onhow to handle a baby.
    Later, Claudia tells Misa that "Seeingyou holding Komilia...It suited you" towhich Misa responds with a surprisedexpression. When Claudia is alone, shereflects on the death of her lover, RoyFocker/Roy Fokker, and says to herself,"Roy...I never got a chance to holdyour baby."
    This scene was almost completelydeleted when the series was edited intothe Robotech saga, except for briefshots showing Dana sleeping in Miriya'sarms and Max cleaning up some dishes.Tellingly, the apron which Max is seenwearing reads Max and Millia as opposedto the English version names Max andMiriya. The only dialogue in referenceto this scene involves Lisa statingthat she held Dana for the entireafternoon and that she didn't cry atall the entire time an


    1.「Robotechマスターズは、延長した版vol #01のマスターを新しいものにしました」という^。Mania.com.取り戻された2010-06-07。
    2.^「Robotech:新世代vol #1」.Mania.com.取り戻された2010-06-07。
    3.^ Robotech、エピソード28:再建ブルース(エピソード28で利用できる概要:Robotech.comの再建サッカー日本代表
    4.^ Robotech、エピソード30:歓声Miriya(エピソード30で利用できる概要:Robotech.comの歓声Miriya
    5.^「Robotech:新世代vol #1」.Mania.com.取り戻された2010-06-07。

    1. ^ "Robotech Masters Remastered Extended Edition Vol. #01". Mania.com. Retrieved 2010-06-07.
    2. ^ "Robotech: New Generation Vol. #1". Mania.com. Retrieved 2010-06-07.
    3. ^ Robotech, episode 28: Reconstruction Blues (summary available at Episode 28: Reconstruction Blues at Robotech.com
    4. ^ Robotech, episode 30: Viva Mirya (summary available at Episode 30: Viva Miriya at Robotech.com
    5. ^ "Robotech: New Generation Vol. #1". Mania.com. Retrieved 2010-06-07.


    • 公式ウェブサイト「Robotech.com」のダーナ・スターリングの半生記評伝






    1. ロボテックシリーズの登場人物 - Wikipedia
    2. 超時空コンベンション 2020 湖川友謙
    3. ロボテック:実写映画の構成案
    4. 超時空騎団サザンクロス 日本語同人ゲーム
    5. 超時空騎団サザンクロス雑誌記事
    6. 超時空騎団サザンクロス・故マイアニメ記事
    7. 超時空騎団サザンクロス と 故アニメック
    8. 機甲創世記モスピーダ と 故アニメック


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